Professor, Dr.habil.paed. Irena ZOGLA
Institute of Education and Psychology.
University of Latvia
Kronvalda bulv. 4, Riga, LV-1586Phone: +371 7034896
, +371 3025527,
+371 9557576
Fax: +371 7034896
E-mail: irena@latnet.lv
Home: 4-31, Dambja iela, Jelgava,
LV-3001, Latvia |
Born: 1941, Latvia
- Didactics, School Pedagogy
- Teacher Education, Teacher Education programmes
- Pupils and Teachers Attitude Change
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (English Language department), 1965
- Dr.paed. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Vilnius University, Lithuania, 1981
- Dr.habil.paed., University of Latvia, 1994
- Teacher, 1965-1968
- Official, School Board in Jelgava, 1968-1980
- Post-graduate, University of Latvia, 1975-1980
- Senior Lecturer (1981-1987), Associate Professor (1987-1995), Chair of Pedagogy and
Psychology, University of Latvia
- Classes at Jelgava 1st secondary school, 1982-1994
- Vice-rector , Riga Pedagogical Higher Institution (RPIVA), 1994-1995
- Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Institute of Education and Psychology,
University of Latvia, 1995-
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
philosophy, sociology, psychology and pedagogics, 1999-
- Member of Promotion Council (Pedagogy), University of Latvia, 1996-
- Member of Editorial board for several Proceedings of international conferences
- Member, Council of Professors in Pedagogy, University of Latvia, 2000-
- Member, Academy for Teacher Education in Europe, 1998-
- Member, Thematic Network of Teacher Education in Europe (TNTEE), 1998-
- Member, Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), 1996-
- Member of the Administrative Council of ATEE, 2000-
- General and School Pedagogy (for bachelor and professional programmes)
- Theories of Didactics (for master programmes)
- Development of Learning Motivation (for master programmes)
- European Context in Education (for doctors programmes )
Scientific adviser of doctor and master research (8 doctors, 4 of them foreign, have
defended their theses)
Recent Publications (main since 1994)
I.Zogla. Development of School-students Cognitive Attitude, 1994, Riga: University
of Latvia. (Monograph, in Latvian).
I.Zogla. A Woman as an Educator. In : Woman in Latvia, the Last 75 Years, 1994,
Riga: Zvaigzne (in Latvian).
I.Zogla, R.Levenchuk. Whole-language approach: historical review. In: Mosaic.
Periodical of Israeli Centre of Academic Education (ed. Dr. M.Schneider), 1997,
Israel: Beer-Sheva.
I.Zogla. Family in a Changing World. - Skola un gimene, 1997, N 5 (in Latvian).
I.Zogla, I.Milasa. Development of Professional Competence of Primary School Teachers. - ATEE
Spring University. International Conference Proceedings Changing Education in a
Changing Society, 1999, Klaipeda: Klaipedos Universiteto Leydikla, pp. 247-249.
I.Zogla. Family as a Cultural Background of Education. - Skola un gimene, 1997, N
6 (in Latvian).
I.Zogla. Integration between Teachers Academic and Professional Knowledge. - Proceedings
of TNTEE Conference, Lisbon, May 1999. In: http://tntee.umu.se/lisboa/.
I.Zogla. Teachers Attitude Dynamics. - Proceedings of ATEE Annual Conference.
August-September, 1998, Limerick. In: http://www.atee.org
(Limerick conference).
I.Zogla. Reform in Teacher Education: solutions and problems. - Proc. of Conference
Person. Color. Nature. Music., international editorial board, Daugavpils,
2000 (in Latvian).
I.Zogla. Science of Teachers Profession: problems of changing education. -Proceedings
of ATEE Spring University. Changing Education in a Changing Society (
international editorial board), Klaipeda: Klaipedos Universiteto Leydikla, 2000.
I.Zogla. From Education in a Multicultural Society to Multicultural Education:
challenges and problems of sustainability. - Proc. ATEE Spring University: Realising
Educational Problems, Klaipeda: Klaipedos universitetas, 2001, pp. 378-383.
I.Zogla. Democratization in Latvian Education: teachers' attitude change. - European
Journal of Teacher Education, 2001, vol.24, No.2; 143.-156.pp.
Research Projects
- I.Zogla (Member of research team; head of the project - professor A.Karpova). Social and
Psychological Portrait of a Latvian Family. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1997).
- I. Zogla (Head of Project). Theories and Notions of Didactics: Comparative Aspect. (In
co-operation with the Thematic Network of Teacher education in Europe and Research and
Development Group Nr.12 of ATEE). Latvian Council of Science (1996- 2000).
- I. Zogla (Head of Project). Didactical Background of Sustainability in Education. Latvian
Council of Science (2001-2004 ).
- I. Zogla (Head of Project). Curriculum Theory and Practice of Comprehensive Schools in
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2005- ).
Married. My son and daughter first found for my husband and me one more
beloved daughter and son. The two couples presented us two charming grand-daughters and
two dashing grand-sons. Since then my leisure time is organised by them. As there is no
much space left for travelling hobby, travelling to conferences nicely compensates it.
Last update 20.10.2002