(19.02.1936- 23.06.2007)
Professor Ansis ZIVERTS Latvia University of Agriculture
Akademijas iela 19,
Jelgava, LV 3001
Fax: +371 3022180
Born: February 19, 1936, Balvi, Latvia
- Hydrology
- Hydraulics
- Drainage
- Water Resources Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, (English, Polish)
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Hydrotechnical Amelioration),1959
- Dr. sc. ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), USSR
Hydrometcenter, Moscow, 1966
- UNESCO-sponsored International Higher Hydrological Course at Moscow State Lomonosov
University, 1982
- Dr. habil. sc. ing., Research Institute ² Polymers for
Agriculture and Water Management² , Jelgava, Latvia, 1993
- Engineer, Head of Technical Department, Chief Hydrologist, Design and Information
Institute ² Meliorprojekts² ,
Latvia, 1959-1968, 1972-1990, 1992-
- Professor (Meteorology, Climate, Hydrology), University of
Latvia, 1995- 1998
- Professor, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1990-2002;
Professor-Senior, 2002 -
Honours and Awards
- Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences of Latvia, 1993
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Latvian SSR Merited Engineer, 1988
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2002
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Editorial Board for Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture,1995-2002
University of Latvia-
- Meteorology and Climate, 1995-1997
- Hydrology, 1995-1998
Latvia University of Agriculture -
- Hydrology, 1990-
- Groundwater Hydrology, 1993-
- Water Resources Engineering, 1993-2005
- Management of the Environment, 1994-2005
Recent/Representative Publications
More than 120 articles on water resources engineering and hydrology
- A.Ziverts, G.Sene. Integrated Solution of the Water Management Problem in the Lubana
Lowland in Latvia: Review and a Mathematical Model -Proc. Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1991, N 5, pp. 110-115.
- A.Ziverts, M.Krams. Experiments of Conceptual Mathematical Groundwater Dynamics and
Runoff Modelling in Latvia - Nordic Hydrology, 1993, vol. 24, N 4, pp. 243-262.
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja, G.Meza-Erins. Impact of Settling Basins on the Retention of Nutrient
Runoff in Drainage Systems - Proc. LLU, 1996, N 6 (283), pp.116-125 (in Latvian).
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja. Conceptual Mathematical Model METQ96 for the Calculation of Daily
Discharge Using Meteorological observations - Proc. LLU, 1996, N 6 (283),
pp.126-133 (in Latvian).
- A.Ziverts, K.Silke, J.Strubergs. Hydrological background of energetic potentials of
small hydropower plants in Latvia - Proc. LLU, 1996, N 6 (283), pp.134-140 (in
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja. Water resources of Latvia and a method for determination of the soil
water regime in land evaluation. -Proc. Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997, Section
B, N 3, pp.97-105.
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja. Calculation of probable maximum flood for reconstruction of
cascade of Daugava hydropower plants. - Hydrology and Environment. Proc. Baltic States
Hydrology Conference, May 22-24,1997,Kaunas, pp. 55-59.
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja. Simulation of actual evapotranspiration and runoff from the Daugava
River Basin - Second Study Conference on BALTEX, Juliusrh, Island of Ruegen, Germany,
May 25-29, Conference Proceedings, International BALTEX Secretariat Publication No. 11
May 1998, pp.250-251.
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja. Conceptual and physically based runoff models developed in Latvia. -
20th Nordic Hydrological Conference, Helsinki,Finland, 10-13 August 1998. NHP
Report N 44, Helsinki, 1998, pp. 631-640.
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja. The analysis of water balance of the Daugava river by using the
mathematical model METQ96. - Proc. 2nd International Conference on Climate and Water.
Espoo, Finland, 17-20 August 1998, vol. 2, pp. 913-922.
- A.Ziverts, G.Zakis, I.Jauja. Ice processes in Daugava River. - 21st Nordic
Hidrological Conf., 2000, Uppsala, pp. 638-645.
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja, G.Zakis. Runoff formation and routing in Aiviekste River basin. - Geophyisical
Research Abstracts, 2000, vol. 2, p. 249; European Geophysical Society 25th General
Assembly, April 25-29, Nica.
- A.Ziverts, I.Jauja, . Plume. Use of the hydrological modelling for the regulation
of the complex water management systems. - Proc. 3rd Study Conf. on BALTEX,
Mariehemu, 2-6 July, 2001, Aland, Finland, pp. 263-264.
- A.Ziverts. Hidrology of Soil Waters, 2001, Jelgava: LLU, 81 pp. (in Latvian).
- G.Zakis, A.Ziverts, I.Huttunen. A mathematical model for the Daugava River ice
processes. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., B, 2004, vol. 58, N 1, pp. 14-23.
Research Projects
- A.Ziverts (Head of Project). Hydrological Background of Energetic Potentials of Small
Hydropower Plants in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science
- A.Ziverts (Head of Project). Calculation of Probable Maximum Flood for the River
Daugava. LATVENERGO,1996.
- A.Ziverts (Head of Project). Reduction of Nutrient Content of Agricultural Runoff in
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
Last update 24.09.2007