Born: September 18, 1936, Riga, Latvia
- Ornithology
- Ecology,
- Wildlife Management
especially - metapopulation ecology, migration, waterfowl, larids, avifaunistics in
Baltic region, wetland management.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology), 1960
Dr.biol. (Candidate of Science in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1968
Laboratory of Ornithology, Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia:
Technical Assistant during field seasons, 1953-1959
Junior Researcher, 1960-1972
Senior Researcher, 1972-1981
Head of Laboratory, 1981 -
Professor, 1993 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2005
- Honorary Member of Estonian Ornithological Society, 1998 -
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC "Itera-LATVIA" Prize, 2004
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Second Award, 1985
Professional Activities and Memberships
Societies, councils, committees etc:
Latvian Ornithological Society: President, 1985 -
All-Union (recently - Member) Ornithological Society: Member of Central Council
(1983-1992), Presidium (1986-1992)
Colonial Waterbird Society; Member, 1986 -
International Ornithological Committee; Member, 1994 -
Latvian Fund for Nature; Vice-President, 1992 -
Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Biology, ecology, environmental science, geology, geography (subsection - zoology);
Member, 1991 -
Baltic Commision for the Study of Bird Migration (under Estonian Academy of
Sciences); Vice-Chairman , 1978-1991
Scientific Council of Institute of Biology, University of Latvia; Chairman, 1998 -
Advisory Council of Latvian Red Data Book; Vice-Chairman
Wetlands International (formerly - International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research
Bureau, IWRB); National Dedelegate of Republic of Latvia, 1991 -
Editor for:
- P.Blums. The Coot (Fulica atra L.) in Latvia,. 1973, Riga: Zinatne Press, 155 pp.
(In Russian with English summary).
- H.Mihelsons, I.Vilka. Methods of investigation of celestial and non-celestial
orientation of birds, 1975, Riga: Zinatne Press, 48 pp.
- Collective (17 authors). Birds of Latvia. Territorial distribution and number, 1983, Riga:
Zinatne Press, 224 pp. (In Russian with English summary).
- H.Mihelsons, A.Mednis, P.Blums. Population ecology of migratory ducks in Latvia, 1986, Riga:
Zinatne Press, 111 pp. (In Russian with English summary).
- J.Priednieks, M.Strazds, A.Strazds, A.Petrin 1989. Latvian breeding bird atlas
1980-1984. Riga: Zinatne Press, 351 pp. (Full text in Latvian, English, Russian).
Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia:
Animal Ecology
Biological Background of Hunting Management
Conservation Biology
Studies in population ecology as a basis for regulation of bird populations.
IX All-Union Ornithological Conference. Leningrad, 1986 (plenary lecture)
Recent / Representative Publications
- J. Viksne. Migrations and seasonal distribution of Latvian Laridae according to ringing
records. In: Migrations of Swimming and Shore Birds of the Latvian SSR.
Ornithol. Study, 3. Riga: Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1962, pp. 77-145. (In
Russian, with English summary).
- J. Viksne. The role of the post-nesting dispersal of the Black-headed Gull (Larus
ridibundus) for its breeding dispersion (on the East-Baltic population data. In: Ecology
of Waterfowl in Latvia. Ornithol. Study, 5. 1968, Riga:Zinatne Press, pp. 167-205. (In
Russian, with English summary).
- J. Viksne, M. Janaus. Breeding success of the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus in
relation to the nesting time. - Ornis Fennica. 1980, vol. 57, N 1, pp. 1-10.
- J. Viksne (editor, and one of authors). Birds of Latvia. Territorial Distribution and
Number, 1983, Riga:Zinatne Press, 224 pp. (In Russian, with English summary).
- J. Viksne, M. Janaus. Feeding flights of the Black-headed Gull of the L.Engure. - Ornitologia,
1986, vol. 21, pp. 31-37. (In Russian, with English summary).
- J. Viksne. The Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus Linnaeus 1796. In: Birds
of the USSR. Larids ( Resp.ed. V.D.Ilyichov, V.A.Zubakin), Moscow: Nauka Press, 1988.
(In Russian). (The same in German by Ziemsen Publishers, 1990, pp. 77-88).
- Y. Katz, V. Liepa, J. Viksne. Orientation researches in the Latvian SSR in 1982-1985. - Acta
XIX Congr. Int. Ornithol. Ottawa 1986. II, Ottawa, 1988, pp. 1919-1931.
- J. Viksne, M. Janaus. What is important for the survival of the Black-headed Gull
chicks? In: Baltic Birds 5. 2, 1990, Riga: Zinatne Press, pp. 220-230.
- J. Viksne, M. Janaus. 1993. Post-fledging survival of the Black-headed Gull (Larus
ridibundus) depending on hatching parameters. Ring, 1993, vol. 15, N 1 /2),
pp. 387-389.
- J. Viksne, M. Janaus. 1993. What is going on with the Black-headed Gull (Larus
ridibundus) at the eastern coast of the Baltic? Ring, 1993, vol.15, N 1 /2,
- J. Viksne, A. Mednis, I. Bauga, J. Kazubiernis. Waterbird population dynamics and its
possible reasons on the Lake Engure, Latvia. - Proc Symp. "From Research to Action",
15-17 March 1996, Bologne, Italy, pp. 63-73.
- J.Viksne, M. Janaus, A. Stipniece. Recent trends of the Black-headed Gull (Larus
ridibundus L.) population in Latvia. - Ornis Svecica, 1996, vol. 6, pp. 39-44.
- J. Viksne. 1997. The Bird Lake Engure, 1997, Riga: Jana Seta, 111 pp. (Separate
editions in Latvian, English, French).
- J. Viksne. 1998. Fifty year population dynamics of the Latvian Black-headed Gull Larus
ridibundus. - Ostrich 69 (3&4): 312. 22nd International Orn.Congr.,
Abstracts of Oral Presentations and Posters.
- J. Viksne, A. Mednis, M.Janaus. Breeding duck numbers and breeding success at two
Latvian Ramsar sites, Lakes Engure and Kanieris in 1999. - Newsletter Migratory Birds
of the Western Palearctic - OMPO, 2000, N 22, pp. 25-39.
- J.Viksne. Changes of nesting bird fauna at the Engure Ramsar site, Latvia, during the
last 50 years - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., B, 2000, vol. 54, N 5/6, pp. 213-220.
- A.Mednis, J.Viksne, A.Stipniece. Population of Garganey and Shoveler in Latvia. - In: The
Garganey and Shoveler in the Baltic States and Belarus (comp. by S.Svazas, J.Viksne,
A.Kuresoo, A.Kozulin), 2003, OMPO Special Publication. Vilnius, pp. 51-70.
- A.Laubergs, J.Viksne. Elevated artificial nest sites for Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
in Latvia. - Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Biology, 2004, vol. 676, pp. 107-118.
- J.Viksne, A. Mednis, M.Janaus, A.Stipniece. Changes in breeding bird fauna, waterbird
populations in particular, on Lake Engure (latvia) over the last 50 years. - Acta
Zoologica Lithuanica, 2005, vol. 15, N 2, pp.188-193.
- J.Viksne. Waterbirds bagged by hunters at the beginning of autumn hunting season on
waterbodies of Latvia in 1993-2004. - OMPO Newsletter, 2006, N 26, pp. 5-14.
Research Projects
J.Viksne (Head of Project). Bird Migration and Migratory Orientation.
Latvian Council of Science (1992-1993)
J.Viksne (Head of Project). Waterbird Population Ecology. Latvian Council of
Science (1994-1996; 1997-2000)
V.Viksne (Head of Project). Dynamics of Latvian Avifauna.
J.Viksne (Head of Project). Complex Monitoring of the Engure Nature Protection
Area. Contract Work between Institute of Biology and Ministry of Environmental Protection
and Regional Development (1995-1999)
J.Viksne (Head of Project). Conservation and Wise Use of Migratory Birds on Lake
Engure. Contract Work between Institute of Biology and OMPO (1996-1998)
J.Viksne (Head of the Project). Comparative Studies of Duck Breeding Success on Two
Latvian Ramsar Sites (Lakes Engure And Kanieris). Contract between Institute of Biology
and OMPO. (1999)
J.Viksne (Leader of Project in Institute of Biology). Inventories of Species and
Habitats, Development of Management Plans and Capacity Building in Relation of
Approximation of EU Birds and Habitats Directives. Contract between Institute of Biology
J.Viksne (Head of the Project). Predator-Prey Relationships Depending on
Species Composition of Zoocenosis and Population Sizer in Wetland Ecosystems. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 -2004 )
J.Viksne (Head of the Project). Role of alternative prey in predator
waterbird relationships in wetland ecosystems. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 - ).
. J.Viksne (Head of the Latvian part of Project). Population of Garganey (Anas
querquedula) and Shoveler (Anas clypeata) in the Baltic States and Belarus (status,
habitat selection and management). - Contract between OMPO and Institute of Biology.
Other Interests:
Last update 13.04.2007