Ludmila VIKSNA
Professor Ludmila VIKSNA
Chief of Infectology Chair,
Director of Family Medicine, Study, Research and
Organization Center,
Riga Stradins University
Linezera str. 3,
Riga, LV 1006
Latvia Phone: (371) 67014777
Fax : (371) 67014559
E-mail: Ludmila.Viksna@rsu.lv |
Born: October 22, 1946, Riga, Latvia
- Hepatology
- Infectious diseases
- Family medicine
- Deontological (medicine) ethics
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- 2007 – “Hepatology 2007 Course”, Royal Free and University College of Medical
School, University College London, UK
- 2006 – “Chronic Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B Preceptorship”, Queen Mary University
of London, UK
- 2005 – “Independent Learning and the Core Curriculum”, Workshop
- 2004 – “Latvian Medicine within the Context of European Union”, Educational
Course, Riga Stradins University
- 2001 --_Hepatology Course at Royal College of Physicians of London
1992 -- Dr.habil.med., Medical Academy of Latvia
- 1988-1989 -- Course of Infectology and Chinese Traditional Medicine, Beijing Medical
- 1987 -- Professional courses, 1st Moscow Medical Institute
- 1981 -- Qualified doctor, 1st Moscow Medical Institute
- 1979 -- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Riga Medical Institute
- 1971 -- Doctor diploma, Riga Medical Institute,
Professional certificates:
- infectology
- hepatology
- health care management
- traditional Chinese medicine
- Associate Professor, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1986-1992
- Professor, Riga Stradins University, 1992 -
- Chief of Infectology Chair, Riga Stradins University, 1991 -
- Director of Centre for Family Medicine Research, Study and Organization, Riga Stradins
University, 2003 -
- Director, Infectology Center of Latvia, 1991-1998
- Vice-Director, Infectology Center of Latvia, 1999 - 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships
In Latvia -
- Member of the Presidium of Senate, Riga Stradins University
- Head of Promotion Board (Internal Medicine), Riga Stradins University
- Expert (Internal Medicine), Latvian Council of Science
Latvian Medical
Association -
Head of the Committee of Training Authority for the Health Care Providers
- President of the Latvian Infectologists Association
- Member of the Certification Council of the Latvian Infectologists Association
- Acting -President of the Latvian Hepatologists Association
- Head of the Certification Council of Latvian Hepatologists Association
- Officer of the Latvian Association for Health Care Management Specialists
- Head of the National Committee for Poliomyelitis Eradication, 1996 -
- Member of the State Immunization Committee, 1999 -
International -
Member of the European Regional Poliomyelitis Certification Commission, World Health
WHO expert of Latvia in viral hepatitis, diphtheria and poliomyelitis issues, 1995 -
President of Organizing Committee of the 2nd Nordic-Baltic Congress for
Infectologists, 1996
Member of Organizing Committee of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th
, 6th, 7th Nordic-Baltic Congress for Infectologists
Member of the International Association for the Study of the Liver (IASL), 1993 -
Member of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, 1993 -
Member (since 1993) and Officer (since 1996) of the Baltic Union for Non-Public AIDS
Member of the European Society for Clinical Virology, 1998 -
UEMS (Union Europeene des Medicins Specialistes) as
observer in section of Infectology
Member of the International Infectologist's Association, 1998 -
Member of International Advisory board of Polish Journal of HIV Related Problems -
" HIV & AIDS Review"
Member of International Advisory Board of Lithuanian Journal "Medicinos teorija ir
Member of Editorial Board of "Clinical Outcomes & Cost Studies" (a
supplement of "Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences")
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, The Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Diploma of the LR Ministry of Welfare,1996
- The 20th Century Award for Achievement, Cambridge, England, 1999
Riga Stradins University -
Infectology (for students and residents, and Faculty of Post Graduate Studies)
Hepatology (Faculty of Post Graduate Studies)
Health care management (Faculty of Post Graduate Studies)
Clinical epidemiology (for students and residents)
Family medicine
- HIV/AIDS and health problems and its impact on
society in general: International conference “Countering Narcotics and Organized Crime
in the Baltic Region”. Stockholm, year 2005
- Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve
Officers Confederation des Officiers Medicaux de Reserve, Riga (Latvia), year 2007
Research Projects
- Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection: Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of HCV
Persistance. - Latvian Council of Science (2004 - ), Head of the
- L.Viksna Clinical and Virological Outcome of European Patients Infected with HIV. International
Research Project EiroSida (2001-2006), Head of the Work Group.
- Molecular and epidemiological study of multiresistance and genetic wariability of
infections agents – Latvian Council of Science (2002-2005), Head of the Project
with A.Martinsons.
- Molecular mechanisms of variability and persistence of hepatitis viruses – Latvian
Council of Science (2002-2008), Head of Sub Program with P.Pumpens
- L.Viksna Transformation of liver in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection:
pathomorphological mechanisms, clinical, biochemical and immunological consequences – Latvian
Council of Science (2005-2008), Head of the Program with V.Sondore.
- Acute and chronic infections: mechanisms of infections agents patogenicity, persistence
and resistance development, ways to effective diagnostics and treatment – Latvian
Council of Science (2006-2010), Head of the Program with A.Martinsons.
- “A 52 week multicenter, randomised, double-blind placebo – controlled trial
evaluating the efficacy and safety of SNMC in patients with chronic hepatitis C” – Sponsors
representative Europe (Switzerland Healthcare&Pharma Consuling AG), Principal
Investigator of Latvia.
- National Research Program “Research of the main pathologies, affecting the Latvian
population life span and quality of life, with assistance of multidisciplinary research
consortium”, Sub–Program “Blood-borne transmissive diseases, affecting the human
life span: the persistence of viruses in human body, paradigms of diagnostics and
treatment” (2006-2013), Sub-Program Director
- Research Program of Latvian Ministry of Education and Science “Constellations of
macroorganism protective mechanisms changes induced by bacterial and viral infections
persistence: new questions, new answers” (2007), Program Director
- Research Program of Latvian Ministry of Education and Science “The role of infectious
agents in Latvia topical infections’ origin and course from modern point of view”
(2006), Program Director
- Clinical Research Program “Efficacy and tolerance of “Glikomuns” in the treatment
of chronic hepatitis C” (2006), Program Director
- Baltic Post-marketing Program of Pegasys (Peg interferon alpha-2a 40KD) in Patients
with HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative Chronic Hepatitis B (Protocol No. ML20601),
Principal Investigator in Latvia
Currently - adviser for 4 Doctoral theses, one Master's thesis.
Recent/ Representative Publications
Total number of publications - 327 (89 in the last 5 years), 9 patents, 4
- V.Kaneps, L.Viksna. Introduction in Medical Deontology, 1981, Riga: Zvaigzne, 149
pp. (in Latvian).
L.Viksna. Manual of Travel Medicine , 2002, Riga: Nacionalais medicinas
apgads, 232 pp. (in Latvian)
- L.Viksna. Vaccination - active specific immune protection, 2002,2003, Riga:
Nacionalais apgads, 160 pp. (in Latvian)
- L.Viksna. Virushepatitis C, 2003, Riga: Nacionalais apgads, 128 pp. (in
2000 -2008:
- L.Viksna, V.Sondore, B.Rozentale, A.Krumina, U.Bode. Tick-born encephalitis in
Latvia: clinical aspects. – Abstr. 9th Int. Congress on Infectious
Diseases, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 10-13, 2000, pp. 299-300.
- B.Rozentale, V.Sondore, G.Sture, L.Viksna. Pulmonary infections related to
HIV-infected/AIDS patients in Latvia. – XIII Int. AIDS Conference, Durban, South
Africa, July 9-14, 2000. Appendix, Monduzzi Editore, Int. Proceedings Division, pp. 29-31.
- L.Viksna, V.Vasarina, V.Sondore, B.Rozentale. Blood nitrate - reduced glutathione
and oxyhemoglobin in liver cirrhosis. - Journal of Hepatology, 2000,
vol.32, Suppl. 2, p. 154.
- L.Viksna, J.Keiđs, V.Sondore, B.Rozentale. Trichinellosis: pitfalls of clinical
diagnostics (outlook of the infectionists of Latvia). – Proc. AML/RSU (Riga),
2002, pp. 134-135.
- L.Viksna, J.Keiđs, V.Sondore, B.Rozentale. Trichinellosis in Latvia: how big is
the problem? – Int. Conference “Animals. Health. Food Quality”. Proceedings,
2002, pp.303-306.
- E.Eglite, L.Kovalchuk, E.Hagina, A.Sochnevs, L.Viksna, B.Rozentale, G.Sture.
Associations of -HLA - DRB1 alleles with HIV infection. - HIV & AIDS Review,
2003, N 3/4, pp. 127-130.
- D.Balode, A.Ferdats, I.Dievberna, L.Viksna, B.Rozentale, et al. Rapid epidemic
spread of HIV Type 1 Subtype A1 among intravenous drug users in Latvia and slower spread
of Subtype B among other risk groups. - AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses,
2004, N 2, pp. 245-249.
- D.Bandere, V.Sondore, L.Viksna. Difterijas arstesanai izmantojamo antibiotiku
terapijas analize. - RSU Zinatniskie raksti, 2004, pp.361-366.
- R.Simanis, S.Lejniece, L.Viksna. Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Hemophiliacs:
Unsolved Problems. - RSU Zinatniekie raksti, 2004, pp. 82-88.
- I.Zeltina, V.Sondore, N.Sevastjanova, B.Rozentale, L.Viksna. Ercu encefalits: vai
adekvati novertejam ta smaguma pakapi klinika? - RSU Zinatniskie raksti, 2004,
- I.Logina, A.Krumina, G.Karelis, L.Elsone, L.Viksna, B.Rozentale, M.Donaghy.
Double infection with encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis transmitted by tick bite. -
Journal of Neurology, June 2005, pp. 11- 35.
- A.Krumina, I.Logina, M.Donaghy, B.Rozentale, I.Kravele, A.Griskevica, L.Viksna.
Diphtheria with polyneuropathy in a closed community despite recent booster vaccination. -
European Journal of Neurology, - September 2005, p.79.
- J.Pupure, S.Isajeva, J.Rumaks, V.Gordjusina, I.Taivans, L.Viksna, S.Svirskis,
I.Kalvinsh, G.Duburs, B.Jansone & V.Klusa. Mildronate, cerebrocrast, and glutapyrone
as highly active cardioprotectors in the AZT – induced cardiomyopathy in mice. - Autonomic&Autocoid
Pharmacology, 2006, 26, pp. 31-120. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ohuabunwo C, Perevoscikovs J, Griskevica A, Gargiullo P, Brilla A, Viksna L, Glismann S,
Wharton M, Vitek C. Respiratory diphtheria among highly vaccinated military trainees in
Latvia: improved protection from DT compared with Td booster vaccination. - Scand J
Infect Dis., 2005, 37(11-12), pp. 813-820.
- V.Klusa, J.Pupure, S.Isajevs, J.Rumaks, V.Gordjushina, A.Kratovska, I.Taivans,
S.Svirskis, L.Viksna, I.Kalvinsh. Protection of Azidothymidine-Induced Cardiopathology in
Mice by Mildronate, a Mitochondria-Targeted Drug. - Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
& Toxicology, 2006, 99 (4), pp. 323–328.
- S.Isajevs, J.Pupure, V.Gordjuđina, A.Kratkovska, I.Taivans, L.Viksna, V.Kluđa.
Mildronate protects Stavudine and Lamavudine induced cardiotoxicity.- Proc.Latvian
Acad. Sci., 2007, Nr.1/2, pp. 26 -32.
- Cozzi-Lepri A, Phillips AN, Ruiz L, Clotet B, Loveday C, Kjaer J, Mens H, Clumeck N,
Viksna L, Antunes F, Machala L, Lundgren JD; EuroSIDA Study Group. Evolution of drug
resistance in HIV-infected patients remaining on a virologically failing combination
antiretroviral therapy regimen. - AIDS, 2007 Mar 30; vol. 21(6), pp.
- T.Kolupajeva, P.Aldins, L.Guseva, D. Dusacka, V.Sondore, L.Viksna, B.Rozentale. HIV drug
resistance tendencies in Latvia. - Central European J. of Public Health,
2008, vol. 16, N 3, pp. 138-140.
Patents of the Republic of Latvia
- LV 10672. Diagnostic method of primary biliary cirrhosis
- LV 10673. Diagnostic method of chronic active hepatitis with cholestasis syndrome
- LV 11102. Diagnostic method of virus hepatitis with cholestasis syndrome
- LV 12063. Diagnostic method of icteric form of leptospirosis
- LV 13152 Method of prognosing the effectiveness of therapy for patents
with chronic hepatitis C
- LV 13517. Method of diagnosing hepatic disorders
Last update 06.11.2009