Born: February 25, 1942, Lubana, Latvia
Brief Description of Main Research:
Medical and health care processes in Latvia, activity of prominent physicians, the role
of Tartu in the Latvian science and culture, history of the Latvian higher educational
establishments, recognition of medical monuments, collection of biographical data of
physicians, medicine in Latgale, history of pharmacy and veterinary medicine, insurance
medicine in Latvia, application of the experience of the past to the transition processes
of the present.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine (physician), 1966
- Dr. med.
( Candidate of Medical Science in former USSR system, PhD in western
countries), Riga Medical Institute, 1971
- Head of Department, Senior Researcher, Chief Specialist, Pauls Stradins Museum of
History of Medicine, 19691998
- Leading Researcher, Institute of History of Medicine, Medical
Academy of Latvia, 19921997
- Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia,
Honours and Awards
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995
- The Three Star Order (Latvia), 2007
- Decoration "Tempus homini", Latvian Physicians Association , 2009
- Certificate of Approval, LR Cabinet of Ministers, 2008
- The Latvian Red Cross Decoration, 2008
- Honorary Member, International Medical Historians Confederation, 2009
- Honorary Member, Latvian Association of Historians of Sciences, 2006
- Honorary Member, Estonian Association of Historians of Sciences, 2001
- Pauls Stradins Award, Pauls Stradins Museum of History of Medicine, 1987
- Honorary Member, Latvian Pharmacists' Association, 1989
- D. H.Grindel Medal, JSC "Grindex", 1995
- Dr.h.c
., Medical Academy of Latvia, 1994
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Editorial Board, collection "Acta Medico-Historica Rigensia",
- Member of Board, Latvian Physicians Association, 19881999, 2002
- Editor, magazine "Latvijas Arsts"(Latvian Physician), 19891999
- Member of Editorial Board, magazine "Veseliba"(Health), 19921999
- President, Latvian Medical Historians' Association, 19931997
- Member, International Medical Historians' Association, 1994
- Expert in Cultural History, Latvian Council of Science,
- Member of Doctoral Studies Board, Kaunas Medical Academy, Lithuania, 19951998
- Vice-President, Latvian Association of Historians of Sciences, 1996-
- Member, Secretary (1998-2004), Vicechairman (2010 ) of Senate, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Latvia, 1998
- Member of Board (Member of Presidium, 2003 ), International Medical
Historians Confederation, 1998
- Member of Promotion Council (Medicine), University of Latvia, 1999
- Member of Medical Sector Professors' Council, University of Latvia, 2001
- History of Latvian Medicine, Medical Academy of Latvia, 19921997
- History of Medicine, University of Latvia, 1998
- Medicine in Cultural History, University of Latvia, 1999
- History of Pharmacy, University of Latvia, 2000
- Ethics of Medicine, University of Latvia, 2006
Recent/Representative Publications
- A. Viksna, E. Platkajis. Zelta skalpelis. Profesora Aleksandra Biezina dzive un darbs.
[The Golden Scalpel. The Life and Work of Professor Aleksandrs Biezins], 1980 (1st
edition), Riga: Zvaigzne, 197 pp.; 1991 (2nd edition), Riga: Zvaigzne,
184 pp. (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna. Dodot gaismu sadegu. [To Provide the Light Kindling], 1983, Riga: Zvaigzne,
199 pp. (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna. Latvijas medicinas pieminekli [Latvian Medical Monuments], 1986, Riga:
Avots, 60 pp (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna. Terbatas Universitate [Tartu University], 1986, Riga: Zinatne, 192 pp.
(in Latvian).
- A. Viksna. Pa arstu takam. [Along the Doctors' Paths], 1990, Riga: Avots,. 174
pp. (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna. Medicinas sakumi Latvijas novados. [Origins of Medicine in the Provinces of
Latvia], 1993, Riga: LAB, 120 pp. (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna. 1. Vispasaules latviesu arstu kongress. [The 1st World Congress of
Latvian Physicians], 1993, Riga: LAB, 65 pp. (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna, M. Anze. Latvieu arsti pasaule. [Latvian Physicians in the World]. Riga:
LAB, 1993. 66 p.p. (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna. Vecas aptiekas. [Old Pharmacies], 1993, Riga: Zinatne, 160 pp. (in
- A. Viksna. Slimo kases Latvija. [Medical Funds in Latvia], 1994, Riga: RSK, 136
pp. (in Latvian).
- J. Stradins, K. E Arons, A. Viksna. Tads bija musu laiks... [That Was Our Time
1996, Riga: Spriditis, 491 pp. (in Latvian).
- A. Viksna (ed.). Stradina slimnica. [Stradins' Hospital], 2000, Riga: PSKUS, 363
pp. (in Latvian).
- J. Ozols, A. Viksna. Rigas 1. slimnica. [Riga Hospital No. 1], 2001, Riga:
Nac.Med.Apg., 192 pp. (in Latvian).
- I.Krumala, A.Viksna. Sarkana Krusta Smiltenes slimnicas gadsimts.[The Century of
Smiltene Red Cross Hospital], 2003, Riga, 88 pp. (in Latvian).
- V.Nagobads, A.Viksna. Latvijas Sarkanais Krusts. [The Latvian Red Cross], 2003, Riga,
54 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.Viksna. Latgales arsti un arstnieciba, 1772-1918. [Doctors and Medical Care in
Latgale, 1772-1918], 2004, Riga: LU, 212 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.Viksna. Latvijas Republikas medicinas un farmacijas zinatnieki: 1992-2005. Raditajs. [
Medical and Pharmaceutical Scientists of the Republic of Latvia], 2005, Riga, 37
pp. (in Latvian).
- E.Platkajis, A.Viksna. Arsta virsvalka, ar karavira staju. [In Doctor's Overall, with
Military Bearing], 2007, Riga, 225 pp. (in Latvian).
- E.Platkajis, A.Viksna. Ministrs un tautas veseliba. Dokumenti un atminas par Vilhelmu
Kanepu. [The Minister and People's Health. Documents and Reminiscences about Vilhelms
Kaneps], 2007, Riga, 407 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.Viksna. Latvijas kirurgijas profesori. [ Latvian Professors of Surgery], 2010, Riga,
141 pp. (in Latvian).
Hobby: Trout fishing.
Last update 21.10.2010