Dr.sc.ing. Dainis VIESTURSS
Senior Researcher, Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer)
Head of the Research Centre
Ulbroka Research Centre, Latvia University of Agriculture
Instituta iela 1, Ulbroka, Riga Region, LV-2130
LatviaTel.: + 371 7 910879
Fax: + 371 7 910873
E-mail: UZC@delfi.lv |
Born: February 12, 1946
- Mechanised Technologies of Field-crop Cultivation
- Field-crop Harvesting Machinery
- Environmental Safety in Field-crop Cultivation
- State Support Policy for Agriculture
Languages: German, Russian, Latvian
- Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, 1969
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Sciences in the former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western
countries), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1986
- Engineer and Researcher, Latvian Institute of Agricultural Engineering, 1970-1985
- Head of the Department, Deputy Director, Latvian Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
- Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, 1994-1995
- Adviser at the Saeima (Parliament) of the Republic of Latvia, 1996-1998
- Head of the Ulbroka Research Centre, 1998
- Part-time Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) at the Technical Faculty, Latvia
University of Agriculture
Honours and Awards
- Member of Latvia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
- Prize Winner, the agricultural prize Sejejs (Sower), 1991
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Leader of the Consultative Commission of Mechanisation and Energetics, Ministry of
Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission for Agricultural Sciences, 1999 -
- Member of the scientific commissions of several scientific conferences (Germany,
- Member of the Editorial Boards of two books published in Latvia
- Agricultural Machinery, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997
- Foodstuffs of Field-crop Origin, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1995
Recent/Representative Publications
- Viesturs D., Kopiks N., Tupins J. Directions of the technological progress in Latvian
agriculture. - Proc. 'Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte', Heft. 27,
Potsdam-Bornim, 2001, pp.25-27.
- Viesturs D., Kopiks N. Efficiency estimation of the harvesting machinery. - Agricultural
Engineering, Research Papers 32(3). Raudonvaris, 2000, pp. 127-131.
- Viesturs D. The Role of Agricultural Engineering in the Strategy of National
Agriculture. - Agricultural Engineering Conference of Central and East European
Countries Situation and Trends in Agricultural Engineering. Renewable Energy in
Agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Engineering Bornim e. V., Potsdam
Bornim, 1999, 11 12 November, 1999, pp. 57-59.
- Kopiks N., Viesturs D., Punculis P. Evaluation of the Cost of Field-Crop Production
Technologies. - Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetiensis 195 Agricultura
74. 1999, Szczecin: Wydwnictwo Akademii Rolnizcej, pp.209-212.
- Kopiks N., Viesturs D., Balode R. Method for the Analysis of Field-Crop Production
Technologies. - Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. B. Technical
Sciences, 1998, vol. 16(293), pp.129-135 (in Latvian).
- Viesturs D., Kopiks N. The Ecological Impact of Grain Production Technology on
Environment. - Field Technologies and Environment. Proceedings of the
International Conference EurAgEng, 1998, Raudondvaris, pp. 151-154.
- Viesturs D., Kopik N. A Method for the Calculation of Optimum Grain Crop Productivity
Considering the Ecological Risk. - Ecology and Agricultural Machinery. Scientific
and Practical Conference. St-Petersburg-Pavlovsk NW NIIMESH, 1998, pp. 91-93.
- Viesturs D., Relins E. Protection of Harvesting Machines against Haphazardly Entrapped
Stones. - Nordic-Baltic International Seminar NJF TECHNIA97 Technology of
Cost-Efficient Agricultural Products. Pärnu, Estonia, 22-26 Oct., 1997, pp. 4-18.
- Viesturs D., Relins E. Header of Agricultural Machines. - LV Patent No.12156. - Patenti
un Precu Zimes, 1999, N 2, p.109.
Research Projects
- D.Viesturs (Head of Project). Investigations in the Efficiency of mobile Agricultural
Machinery for Farming of various Intensity. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - ).
- D.Viesturs (Head of Project). Research in Field-Crop Growing, Harvesting Technologies
and the Improvement of Machinery with an Aim to Reduce Production Costs and Ensure
Quality. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- D.Viesturs (Head of Project). Elaboration of an Expert Method for the Technical and
Technological Estimation of Tractors. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia
- D.Viesturs (Head of Project). Research in and Improvement of Grain and Straw Harvesting
and Utilisation Technologies and Technical Means. Latvian Council of Science
My hobby is specific, expensive and non-perspective keeping my farm-stead (my
fathers farm) in order.
Last update 04.10.2002