Professor , Dr.habil.philol. Andrejs
Head of Contrastive Linguistics Department,
Director of English and German BA and MA programmes,
University of LatviaVisvalza 4a,
LV-1050 Riga,
Tel.: +371 7034820
Fax: + 371 7227802
E-mail: anveis@lanet.lv |
Born: February 22 ,1962, Riga, Latvia
- Linguistics
- Contrastive Linguistics
- Lexicography
- Idioms
- English Lexicology
- Translation, Interpreting
- Applied Linguistics
My work involves lecturing for BA and MA students on English Lexicology, Translation
and Interpreting, Contrastive Linguistics, Language Varieties, Language Contacts, Latvian
background studies, supervising students research work. I have more than 120 research
publications, including monographs and dictionaries. I often participate in research
conferences, among the latest , Language International conference in CUNI, New
York (1997), Copenhagen Symposium on Lexicography (1998), Stockholm Baltic Studies
conference (1999), LSP conference in Bresanone (1999), ELF conference in Maynooth
University (1999), Translatologie in University of Mainz (1999).
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian, German
Education and Qualifications
- Dr.habil.philol., University of Latvia, 1993
- Dr.philol. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1986
- Certificate of Higher Education (Hons.) in English and English literature
(philologist, translator, teacher), University of Latvia (Faculty of Foreign
Languages), 1983
University of Latvia:
- Professor, 1994-
- Head of Contrastive Linguistics Department, 1991-
- Associate Professor, 1988 - 1994
- Senior Lecturer , 1987 - 1988
- Assistant , 1983 - 1987
Three months of training in Surrey University (1988), Exeter University (1991,
1993, 1995), longer stays in University of Turin (1998), University of Geneva (2000)
Honours and Awards
- Winner of British Council Scholarship, 1991
- Verbatim Award in Lexicography, 1993
- Tempus Mobility grants, 1993, 1995, 1997
- Cambridge International Biographical Centre 20th Century Achievement Award
in Linguistics and Lexicography (1999).
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Latvian Linguistics Habilitation Board , University of Latvia, 1994 -
- Member of Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission
for Linguistics, History of Literature, Folklore Studies, Art Sciences, 1999 -
- Executive secretary of "Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia"
(University of Latvia)
- General Editor of "Contrastive and Applied Linguistics" series
(University of Latvia)
- Editor of the journal Linguistica Lettica (Latvian Language
Institute, University of Latvia)
- Chairman of Latvian Association of Translators and Interpreters
- Member of EURALEX (1991)
- Member of New York Academy (1995)
- AIIC SECO Ambassador in Latvia (1994)
- Consultant , Dictionary of Armed Forces (1998), Dictionary of Agriculture (1999)
I do much conference interpreting in Latvia and abroad (European Commission, ILEA,
NATO), as well as translation for USIA (US Constitution, Prosperity series, etc.), Nordic
Council and other organizations. I frequently write for The Guardian (UK),
Visiting lectures
- Rostock University (1988)
- Oslo University (1989)
- Bradford University (1991)
- Glasgow University (1991)
- University of Exeter (1993)
- University of Stockholm (1997)
- University of Torino (1998),
- University of Geneva (1999),
- University of Joensu (2000),
- University of Geneva (2000).
University of Latvia:
English Lexicology
Translation and Interpreting
Language Varieties
Contrastive Linguistics.
Recent Publications
- Borrowing of English Idioms in Latvian. - Journal of Baltic Studies, 1994, Vol.
25, No. 1, pp. 43-52.
- Latvian in the Post-Soviet Republic. - In: Paralleles. Cahieres de lEcole de
Traduction et de l Interpretation de lUniversite de Geneve. 17, 1995, pp
- Latvian - English, English - Latvian Dictionary of False Friends, 1994, Riga:SI,
2nd ed., 88 pp.
- False Friends Dictionaries. -In: EURALEX 96 Proceedings, 1996,
Gethenberg:Gothenberg University,. pp. 627-634.
- Idiom Transformation, Idiom Translation and Idiom Dictionaries. - In: Lexicographica,
Series Maior 76, 1996,Tubingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 241-246.
- Latvian- English Dictionary, 1997, Riga: EAI, 756 pp. (Editor)
- Threshold Latvian, 1997, Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 205 pp.
- English and Latvian Word-Formation. Contrastive Analysis, 1997, Rėga: LU, 158
pp. (Monograph)
- Proceedings of the First Riga Symposium on Pragmatic Aspects of Translation, 1997, Riga:
LU, University of Mainz, (Co-editor)
- The Contextual Use of Idioms, Wordplay, and Translation.- In: Traductio. Essays on
Punning and Translation. Ed. by D. Delabatista. St. Jerome Publishing, 1997.
- English-Latvian Dictionary. - International Journal of Lexicography. Oxford: OUP,
1997, Vol. 10, No.3. pp. 249-253.
- Idioms in Latvian , 1999, Riga :University of Latvia , 80 pp. (Monograph)
- Latvian in the New World. - In: Geolinguistics, 1999, New York: CUNY.
- Latvian Bilingual Lexicography: Report. - International Journal of Lexicography,
1999, Vol. 12. No 3, pp. 4-6.
- Latvian Bilingual Lexicography Tradition and Change. - In: Multiple Languages-
Multiple Perspectives, 1999, AfinLA yearbook. Jyvaskyla,. pp. 252-257.
- Clipping in English and Latvian. - In: Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 1999,
Poznan: Adam Mickiewicz University, pp.153-164.
- The New Latvian English Dictionary, 2000, Riga:EAI , 851 pp.
Research projects
- A.Veisbergs (Head of Project). Pragmatic Background in Contrasting Languages. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1997);
- A.Veisbergs (Participant). Threshold Latvian. Council of Europe(1995-1997);
- A.Veisbergs (Head of Project). Impact of Europeanization of Latvian on Translation and
Borrowing. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000)
- A.Veisbergs (Head of Project). Europeanization of the Latvian Language:
Impact on Translation and Lexicography Processes. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 -2004 )
- A.Veisbergs (Head of Project). Changes in Modern Latvian in a Contrastive
Aspect (Contacts, Translation, Borrowing). Latvian Council of Science (2005
- )
- A.Veisbergs (Head of Latvian part of Project). Thematic Network Project 2. Languages. European
Commission (2000 2002).
I enjoy walking, swimming, traveling, history and music.
Last update 27.04.2000