Andrejs VASKS
Professor Andrejs VASKS
Head of the Department of Archaeology and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines,
Faculty of History and Philosophy,
University of Latvia
Brivibas iela 32, Riga, LV 1011
LatviaPhone: + 371 7 280874. Fax: +371 7216769
Senior Researcher of the Institute
of History of Latvia,
University of Latvia
Akademijas laukums 1,
Riga LV 1050
Phone: + 371 7 223715
Fax: + 371 7 225044
E-mail: vasks@lanet.lv |
Born: June 13, 1947, Riga, Latvia
- Archaeology and Prehistory of East Baltic
- The Bronze and Early Iron Age of East Baltic
- Man and Environment in Prehistory, etc.
Languages: Russian, English, Latvian.
- University of Latvia (Faculty of History and Philosophy), 1965 - 1970
- Institute of Archaeology, Leningrad, Russia, 1980 - 1983
- Dr. hist. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR), Leningrad, USSR, 1984
- Dr. habil.hist., University of Latvia, 1995
- Researcher, Senior Researcher, Museum of History of Latvia, 1968-1980
- Researcher, Institute of History of Latvia, University of Latvia, 1984 - 1992
- Senior Researcher, Institute of History of Latvia, University of Latvia, 1993 - 1999
- Professor, Department of Archaeology and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Faculty of
History and Philosophy, University of Latvia, 1997 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chairman of Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee
for History
- Vice-Chairman, Council of the Institute of History of Latvia
- Member, Council of Habilitation and Promotion for History, University of Latvia
- Member, Advisory Council of Archaeological Heritage, State Inspectorate for Heritage
- Member, European Association of Archaeologists
- Member of the Board, Association of Archaeologists of Latvia
University of Latvia -
Latvia before history
Archaeology of Latvia
Archaeological monuments of Latvia
Reconstructing Ethnicity: Theory and Practice
Europe in the Bronze Age
Recent/Representative Publications
Pottery of the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age of Latvia. Riga:
Zinatne: 1991, 198 pp. (in Russian; English summary).
Brikuli fortified settlement. The Lubana Lowlands in the Late Bronze and Iron Age (1000
B.C. 1000 A.D.). Riga: Preses Nams Publishers, 1994,
128 pp. (in Latvian; English summary).
The Prehistory of Latvia. 8500 BC-1200 AD (The joint authors - B. Vaska, R. Gravare).
Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1997 , 223 pp. (in Latvian; English summary).
The main papers:
- An Episode from links between the Baltic and Central Europe in the Early Bronze Age . - The
Journal of Latvian Institute of History, 1992 - 2 .
- Cultural development in the Eastern Baltic in the Late Bronze - Early Iron Age
In: Actes du XII Congress International des Sciences Prehistoriques et
Protohistoriques. Bratislava, 1-7 Septembre 1991. Tomus 3 - Bratislava, 1993.
- The Early Iron Age settlement Keruzi . Arheologija un etnografija
(Riga:Zinatne), 1994, vol. 16.
- The settlement, economy and society in the Bronze/Pre-Roman Iron Age in the Daugava
basin. The Journal of Latvian Institute of History, 1994 4.
- New Data on Early Iron Age Settlement in South-Eastern Latvia. In:
Archaeologica Baltica /V. Kazakevicius and R. Sidrys (eds)/, 1995, Vilnius: Alma
- Rusticated pottery in Latvia Arheologija un etnografija (Riga:Zinatne),
1996, vol. 18.
The Cultural and Ethnic situation in Latvia during the Early and Middle Iron Age
(1st 8th century AD). Latvian Ethnic
History. Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia, 1997, 3 (16).
- The Academic programme of the European Association of Archaeologists in Riga meeting.
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 1997, vol. 51, N
5/6 (592/593).
- Ethnic Reconstruction in the Prehistory of Latvia and Political Systems.- The Journal
of Latvian Institute of History, 1998 3.
- Politics and Methodology in the Archaeology of Ethnicity: An East Baltic Case.
-Abstracts Book. 4th Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden. September 23
- 27, 1998.
- Latvian archaeology: research and conclusions. - Inside Latvian Archaeology. Gotarc
series A (Göteborg), 1999, vol. 2, pp. 3 - 88.
- The Introduction and Pre-Christian History of Farming in Latvia (Co-authors L. Kalnina,
R. Ritums). - Environmental and Cultural History of the Eastern Baltic Region.
Pact 57, 1999, pp. 291-304.
- Early metalurgy in Latvia. - I Bronzi Antichi: Produzione e tecnologia. Atti del XV
Congresso Int. sui Bronzi Antichi . - Monographies instrumentum 21 - Montagnac: ed.
Monique Mergpoil, 2002, pp. 35-39.
- The symbolism of stone work-axes (based on material from the Daugava basin). - Archaeologia
Lituana 4.- Vilnius:Vilnius University Publ. House, 2003, pp. 27-32.
Research Projects
- A.Vasks (Collaborator of Project). Latvia in Antiquity. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
- A.Vasks (Head of Project). Society, Economy and Environment in Prehistoric Latvia.
Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Vasks (Head of Project). Man in Changing Environments in the Stone Age
and Early Metal Period. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- A.Vasks (Head of Project). Man and Culture in the Environmental Context
in Latvian Early Prehistory. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 14.12.2004