(18.06.1919 - 21.10.2007)
Professor Abram TEMKIN
Senior Researcher
Department of Power Supply, Institute of Energetics,
Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, Riga Technical
University |
Born: June 18, 1919, Samara, Russia
- Heat and Mass Transfer:
- Identification of Heat Mass Diffusion Differential Operator, Boundary Conditions,
Heat Sources
Kinematics of Temperature Field
- Decompositions of Temperature Field and Heat Fluxes
- Optimization of Heat Losses
- Applied Mathematics:
- Generalization of Taylor Series, Efros Theorem, Jacobi Teta-functions,
Bernoulli Polynomials, Euler
Numbers, Lagrange Determinant
- Invariants of Algebraic Equations, Hierarchy of Roots
- Partly Nonlinear Systems
Brief Description of Main Research
Expansion of Duhamel's integral permits to represent temperature field as a sum of main
and relict parts, which is negligible by the great times and depends on origin conditions.
The main part is a series of products of derivatives of external temperatures and heat
fluxes and coordinate functions, which parametrically depend on body's geometry,
materials, exchange coefficients. These asymptotic solutions allow to determine heat
capacity, conductivity, internal heat sources of different origin, boundary conditions on
every part of surface at any moment. The parameters of internal sources (viscosity,
light absortbtivity, etc) and external influences (friction, light emissivity
etc.) may be obtained.
Languages: English, German, Idish, Latvian, Russian
- Kuibyshev (Samara) Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics),
Samara, Russia, cum laude, 1942
- Kuibyshev (Samara) Industrial Institute (Faculty of Power Energetics), Samara, Russia,
cum laude, 1949
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Moscow
Technological Institute of Food Industry, 1954
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Byelorussian Academy of Sciences,
Minsk, 1967
- Professor of Heat Energetics, Riga Technical University, 1968
- Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Chair of Higher Mathematics and Chair
of Chemical Technology, Kuibyshev Industrial Institute, Russia, 1943-1959
- Associate Professor, Chair of Higher Mathematics; Head of Chair of Processes and
Equipment of Food Industry, Kaliningrad Technological Institute of Fish Industry,
Kaliningrad, Russia, 1959-1964
- Researcher, Laboratory of Engines, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Kaliningrad, 1960-1961
- Senior Researcher, Professor, Riga Technical University, 1964-1999
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2001
Honours and Awards
- Medal "100 Millions Tons of Cement" for Simulation of concrete
hardening, USSR Ministry of Building, 1973
- Honorary Inventor of USSR, 1976
- Honorary Diplomas of
- Riga Technical University, 1979, 1987, 1989, 1999
- Latvian Council of Scientific Technical Societies, 1978, 1984
- Council of Scientific Technical Societies of USSR, 1977
- Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of USSR (1977,1982) and of Latvia
- Latvian Council of Trade Unions, 1979, 1982
- Honorary Staff Member of Riga Technical University, 1998
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2001 -
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Scientific Council "Physics of High Temperatures", USSR State
Committee of Science and Technology, 1974-1991
- Member, Committee of Drying, Council of Scientific Technical Societies of USSR,
- Chairman, Collection Heat Conduction and Diffusion, Riga Technical University, Nrs.1-17,
since 1969
- Member, Habilitation Councils, Riga Technical University, since 1965
Chairman of Scientific Committee of Conferences on
- Heat Conduction and Diffusion in Technologies, Riga, 1976
Heat Engineering Education (Mogilev, Byelorussia, 1978; Riga, 1985; Kaliningrad, 1987;
Minsk, 1990)
Founder and Editor for Collections "Heat Conduction and Diffusion",
- Temperature field of complex form body, 1st Baltic Heat Transfer Conference,
Goeteborg, Sweden, August, 1991
- Geometrical decomposition tempereture fields of heterogeneous complex form body, 2nd
Intern.Forum on the Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, Byelorussia, May, 1992
- MHD-filtration of incompressible fluid, 8th Intern.Seminar on MHD-Flows, Academy of
Sciences of Israel, Jerusalem, February, 1996
- Soldering's energetical efficiency and inverse problems of soliton technology,
Conference on Soldering, Toljatti, Russia, September, 1997.
- Higher Mathematics, Kuibyshev Industrial Institute, Kaliningrad Technological
Institute of Fish Industry, 1944-1964
- Heat and Mass Transfer, Kuibyshev Industrial Institute, 1957-1959
Riga Technical University:
- Heat and Mass Transfer, 1964-1993
- Mathematical Physics for Heat Energetics Engineers, 1993-1994
- Thermoeconomics, 1994-1995
- Optimization of Technological Processes, 1994-1995
- Economical Optimization of Heat Employing Structures, 1995-1996
- Optimization of Insulation by Periodical Heating Mode, 1996-1997
- Non-linear Methods of Experimental Data Processing, 1997 -1999
Recent/Representative Publications
- A.Temkin. Inverse Methods of Heat Conduction, Moscow: Energija Press, 1973, 464
pp. (in Russian)
- A.Temkin, P.Saveljev. Hydrodynamics and Heat Exchange by the Flows through Ducts of
Complex Cross Sections, Riga: Riga Technical University, 1976, 113 pp (in Russian)
- A.Temkin. Integral solutions of inverse heat conduction problems. Heat Transfer,
Soviet Research (Scripta Publ.Co), 1978, vol.10, 2, pp.20-32
- A.Temkin. Discrete formulation of heat conduction and diffusion equations. Int.Journal
of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1976, vol.19, pp.785-789
- A.Temkin. Identification of polyrelaxational nonlinear differential mass diffusion
operator. Int.Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1983, vol.27, 8, pp.741-785
- A.Temkin. Heterodiffusion and polyrelaxation. Int.Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
1984, vol.27, 8, pp.1281-1289
- A.Temkin. Diffusion and density of an impulse into incompressible fluid and the
equations of Navier-Stockes. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
1995, 5, pp.73-76
- A.Temkin, V.Barkan. The transitive temperature field of a double-layered flat
wall. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1996, 5, pp.71-83
- A.Temkin. Direct problems of soliton heat technologies. Latvian Journal of Physics
and Technical Sciences, 1997, 1, pp.49-58
- A.Temkin. Approximate thermoeconomic optimization of energy losses in the periodical
heating mode. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1997, 3,
- A.Temkin. Similarity of binominally described transfer processes and their invariants. Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1998, 3, pp.18-25
- A.Temkin, V.Barkans. Decomposition of losses in periodical heating mode. Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1998, 3, pp.3-17.
- A.Temkin, J.Gerhards. Thermodynamical prognostication of the electroinsulator
resource. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2001, N1,
- A.Temkin. Physical and geometrical decomposition of temperature field. -Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2001, N2.
- A.Temkins, V.Barkans, P.Sippkovs, M.Vanags, K.Lebedeva, J.Sipkovs. Heat
conduction process on plane surfaces of a solar collector's absorber: the mathematical
description. - - Latvian J. Physics & Technical Sci., 2006, N 6,
pp. 3-15.
Research Projects
- A.Temkin (Head of Project). Inverse Problems of Heat Mass Transfer by Hardening
of Concrete and Exothermic Effects. A.V.Luikov Heat Mass Exchange Institute (Minsk,
Byelorussia) and Latvian SSR Ministry of Building Materials (Riga) (1967-1976)
- A.Temkin (Head of Project). Diffusional Transfer in High Temperatures Technologies. S.Vavilov
State Optical Institute, Moscow, Russia (1974-1978)
- A.Temkin (Head of Project). Research of the Parameters of Synthetic Insulators and
Thermostability of Cryogenic System of Thermonuclear Reactor T-15. Special Design
Office of Synthetic Insulation, Riga, Latvia (1979-1985)
- A.Temkin (Head of Project). Economical Foundations of Automatic Design of Heat
Insulators Systems of Boilers, HEC's Water Heaters and District Water Heating. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993)
- A.Temkin (Head of Project). Economic Optimization of Heat Loss in Intermittently
Operating Machines, and Development of a Relevant Heat Loss Gauge. Latvian Council of
Science (1993-1996)
- A.Temkin (Head of Project). Optimization of Warming-Cooling Cycles. Latvian Council
of Science (1996-2000)
- A.Temkin (Head of Project). Simulation of Electrical Insulation Ageing. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 ).
Last update 25.10.2007