Dr.phil. Igors SUVAJEVS
Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology,
University of Latvia Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV-1940,
Phone: +371 7 229 139
Fax: +371 7 210 806
E-mail: isuvajevs@lza.lv
Born: April 7, 1963, Priekule, Latvia
- Philosophy as Art of Living
- Psychoanalysis (Psychoanalysis as Art of Living)
- Semiotics of Culture
- Ancient Philosophy
Languages: Latvian, German, Russian (passive: Ancient Greek,
French, English)
- University of Latvia (Faculty of History and Philosophy), Philosophy, 1987
- Dr. phil., Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995
Thesis: Art of Living: Psychoanalitic and Cultural Semiotic Aspects
- Senior Researcher , Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, 1986
- Assistant Professor, Ventspils College, 1997
- Free University of Berlin, 1992 (3 months), Stipend of Bertelsmann Fond
- M. Sperber Society, Vienna, 1997 (1 month)
- Literature Society of Austria, 1995 (1 month)
- Technical University of Berlin, DAAD, 1997 (1 month)
- Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna, 1998 (6 months)
- Literature Society of Austria, 2000 (1 month)
- Literature Society of Austria, 2002 (1 month)
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Award "Felix'' of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2001
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Semiotic Society of Germany, 1995
- Member of Editorial Board -
- Almanac «Filosofija», 1998
- Journal «Gramata», 1990 -1991
- Journal «Kentaurs XXI», 1992 -
- Newspaper «Kulturas Fonda Avize», 1989-1991
- Newspaper «Kulturas Avize», 1992-1994
- Philosophy as Art of Living
- Psychoanalysis
- Tiefenpsychologie
- Technologies of Self
- Ethics of Epictet
- Ethics of Seneca
- History of Culture
- Aristoteles, Ethica Nicomachea
- Introduction into Methaphysics of Heidegger
Representative Publications
- I.Suvajevs. Psychology of Depths. Persons, Ideas and Exploration, 2002,
Riga (in Latvian).
- I.Suvajevs. Philosophical Conversations II, 2000, Riga (in Latvian).
- I.Suvajevs . Philosophical Conversations I, 1999, Riga. (in Latvian).
- I.Suvajevs . Preludes. Cultural Historical and Philosophical Studies, 1998, Riga (in
- I.Suvajevs . Psychoanalysis and Art of Living. 1998, Riga (1st ed. - 1996)
(in Latvian).
Edited Books, Translations, Commentaries
- H.-G. Gadamer. Actuality of the Beautiful, 2002, Riga (in Latvian)
- W.Schmid. Beautiful Life? Introduction to Art of Living, 2001, Riga (in Latvian)
- W.Schmid. Esthetics and Ethics of Existence, 2001, Riga (in Latvian)
- S. Freud. Civilization and its Discontents. Riga 2000
- H.-G. Gadamer. Truth and Method. Riga 1999
- E. Canetti. Mass and Power, 1999, Riga
- M. Weber. Polithics as Profession and Calling, 1999, Riga
- S. Freud. Meaning and History of Psychoanalysis, 1997, Lielvarde: Lielvards (2nd
- C.G. Jung. Psychological Typs, 1996, Riga:Zvaigzne.
- M. Foucault. Truth. Power. Self, 1995, Riga: Spektrs.
Total - 20 Books, more than 300 Articles in Periodics
Research Projects
I.Suvajevs (Head of Project). Philosophy of XX Century and Idea of Europe in
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000)
I.Suvajevs (Head of Project). European Philosophy and Technologies of Life. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 -2004)
I.Suvajevs (Head of Project). Technologies of Life in Modern World and
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2005 -)
Last update 30