Assoc. Professor Janis STRAUCHMANIS
Department of Geomatics
Riga Technical UniversityAzenes iela 16-109
Riga, LV-1048
Phone: + 371 7089263
Fax: + 371 7089263
E-mail: janis.strauhmanis@navigator.lv
Born: June 15, 1944, Riga, Latvia
- Thematic and Special Cartography
- Geomatics
- Economy of Transport
- Logistic Management
- History of Cartography
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German, Czech
- University of Latvia (Geography), 1965
- Moscow University (Cartography), 1970
- Dr.geogr., Moscow University, 1973
- Dr.habil.hist., University of Latvia, 1997
University of Latvia
- Lecturer, Faculty of Geography,1970-1973
- Associate Professor, 1974-1998
- Dean, Faculty of Geography,1980-1985
- Head of the Department of Economic Geography,1985-1990
Maritime Academy of Latvia
- Professor of Cartography, 1998 - 2003
- Head of the Scientific Council, 2001 - 2002
Riga Technical University -
- Associate Professor, 1991 -
- Head of the Department of Geomatics, 2003 -
- Member of Council, Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering, 2003 -
- Member of Scientific Committee, Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering, 2004 -
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Council of the Association of Latvian Scientists
- Vice-president, Latvian Association of the History of Science
- Member, State Council of the Cartography and Geodesy
- Member, Commission of Terminology, Latvian Academy of Sciences
- Member of the Board of the Latvian Association of Surveyors
Recent Courses:
Maritime Academy of Latvia
Riga Technical University -
- Basic Cartography
- Thematic Cartography
- Theoretical Cartography
- History of Cartography
Recent / Representative Publications
- J.Strauchmanis. The Port of Riga as the Object of Modelling and Simulation. Applications,
Research and Education in the Baltic Area. Research Report Series. 1999, Linkoping,
- J.Strauchmanis. Ports of Latvia, 2000, Riga , 87 pp.(in Latvian)
- J.Strauchmanis. Fascinating Cartography, 2001, Riga, 36 pp.(in Latvian)
- J.Strauchmanis. Thematic Cartography, 2002, Riga, 64 pp.(in Latvian)
- J.Strauchmanis. Seaways Geography, 2003, Riga, 166 pp.(in Latvian)
- J.Strauchmanis. Navigational Cartography, 2003, Riga, 62 pp.(in Latvian)
- J.Strauchmanis. Tourist Cartography, 2004, Riga, 79 pp.(in Latvian)
- J.Strauchmanis. Basic Cartography, 2004, Riga, 109 pp.(in Latvian)
Research Projects
- J.Strauchmanis (Head of Project). Cargo Turnover and Cargo Structure of the Port of Riga
Last update 09.12.2004