Dr. habil. oec. Inna STEINBUKA
Director - Economic and Regional Statistics
Eurostat / Directorate D
Luxembourg Phone: +352 4301 32372
Fax : +352 4301 30329
e-mail: Inna.Steinbuka@cec.eu.int
Born: October 8, 1952, Riga, Latvia
- Macroeconomics and Econometrics
- Analysis and simulation of macroeconomic development (case of Latvia)
- Fiscal Policy in Latvia: analysis and prospects
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Economics), 1975
- Dr.oec. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of
Economics and Finance, St.-Peterburg, 1980
Thesis: Analysis and simulation of macroeconomic development (case of Latvia)
- Dr.habil.oec. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Institute of Finance, Moscow, 1991
Thesis: Fiscal policy in Latvia: analysis and prospects
Present position - Director,
Economic and Regional Statistics,
Eurostat / Directorate D , 2005 -
Chair, the Public Utilities Commission, Republic of Latvia, 2001 -
Advisor to Executive Director, International Monetary Fund, 1999-2001
Professor of macroeconomics, University of Latvia, Department of
International Economics and Business
Ministry of Finance, Republic of Latvia, 1991 1999
- Head of Research Unit, 1991 -
- Director, Economic Analysis and Fiscal Policy Department, 1993 1999
- Advisor to the Minister of Finance, 1999
Institute of Economics, Latvian Academy of Sciences
- Fellow, Head of Department, 1975 - 1991
Other Background:
- Visiting Researcher, Bank of Finland, Unit of Eastern European Department, 1993 (6
- Visiting Researcher, Heildelberg University, School of Econometrics 1991 (1 month)
Honours and Awards
Corresponding Member of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1998
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chair, Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), 2005 -
- Member of Committee on Budget and Finance, International Criminal Court, 2003 -
- Member of the Board, Baltic International Centre of Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS),
2001 -
- Member of the Advisory Committee , Center for European and Transition Studies,
University of Latvia, 2000 -
In 1975-2001 author has published more than 60 publications, 5
Recent Publications, 1997-2004:
- Economic and financial problems of environment protection in Latvia (Chapter in
monograph: Baltic Sea Region Environmental Protection, University of
- Baltic States survey (Chapter in monograph The Economic Consequences of Soviet
Dizintegration, editor: J.Williamson,Washington, 1993)
- The Baltics' ways: Intentions, Scenarios, Prospects. Review of Economics in
Transition. Bank of Finland. 08/1993
- Latvia in transition: first challenges and first results. Review of Economics in
Transition. Bank of Finland. 08/1993
- Industry Policy in transition: the case of Latvia. Review of Economics in Transition.
Bank of Finland. 08/1993.
- The way of reforms: first challenges and first results. Ministry of Finance of the
Republic of Latvia, Bulletin Nr. 1, 1994.
- Case study: fiscal reform in Latvia. (Chapter in monograph: Seija Lainela, Pekka Sutela The
Baltic Economies in Transition, Bank of Finland, 1995)
- Privatization in Latvia and the role of employee ownership. (Chapter in monograph: Privatization
and Financial Participation in the Baltic Countries, Copenhagen business school.
January 1995. Midterm results edited by Niels Mygind)
- Problems of macroeconomic stabilization and inflation control in Latvia. (Chapter in
monograph Baltic Regions and Baltic Links, ed. by Lars Lundqvist and Lars Olof
Persson, NordREFO 1995:2.)
- Factors and consequences of banking crisis in Latvia (co-authors: Edgars Sniegs, Martins
Kazaks). - Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia, Bulletin Nr. 2, 1995.
- Fiscal Adjustment in Latvia under Transition (co-author: Martins Kazaks).- Centre for
Economic Reform and Transformation , Discussion Paper No. 96/1. Heriot-Watt
University, Department of Economics, Edinburgh.
- Foreign trade in Latvia: on the way to EU membership (co-author: Aleksandra Cirule). Stockholm
Institute of East European Economies, Working Paper No. 115, October 1996.
- Latvias financial system and foreign investments (co-author: Oleg Jemeljanov).
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia, Bulletin No. 2, 1996.
- Country Studies: Latvia (co-author: Aleksandra Cirule). (Chapter in monograph Trade
Growth in Transition Economies. Export Impediments for Central and Eastern Europe, ed.
by Richard N. Cooper and Janos Gacs. IIASA, ) 1997, pp. 114-149.
- Comment on The Global and Regional Outlooks in the Baltics by Piritta Sorsa.
Chapter in monograph: Regionalism and the Global Economy: The Case of Central and
Eastern Europe, ed. by Jan J. Teunissen. FONDAD, The Hague), 1997. pp. 185-188.
- Economics of the Baltic States. - The Baltic Review, 1997, vol.13, pp. 23-27.
- Latvia on the way to European Union. - Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia,
Bulletin No. 2, 1997.
- Latvia: human development report. Chapter 1:team member, 1997, UNDP, Riga (in
- Latvia on the Way to the EU: Economic Policy Convergence. In: "Latvia and the
European Union (ed. Barry Lesser), 1999, Dalhousie University, Canada, pp.
- Nordic Investments in the Baltic Business Frontier (co-authors: Harley Johansen, Folke
Snickars). - Submitted to Lexington Books, under review for publication, 1999.
- Middle-term economic strategy in context of the joining the Europen Union (co-author
Remigijs Pocs). - LR Ministry of Finance, LR Ministry of Economy, Bank of Latvia,
1998, Riga, 167 pp.
- How close will we have approached Europe in 5 years? - Kapitals (Riga),
1998, N 5, p.44. (in Latvian).
- Shady economy and uncollected taxes in Latvia (co-author Ieva Kodolina).- Proc.
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Credit and Tax Politics, coll. 1,
1998, Riga: University of Latvia, pp. 154-167 (in Latvian).
- What threats does the budget '99 of Latvia faces? (co-author Inguna Sudraba). - Kapitals
(Riga), 1998, N 11, pp. 3436 (in Latvian).
- Latvia: human development report. Chapter 1: team member. 1998, UNDP, Riga
- R. Zile, I. Steinbuka (editor and co-author), et al. Latvia on the threshold of XXI
century. Economics. Finance. Integration, 1999, Riga, 151 pp. (in Latvian)
- Is Latvia's Economy Competitive? - The Baltic Review, vol. 16, 1999.
- The Alignments of Latvian Economy in the Context of European Integration. - Journal
of Baltic Studies, XXXI/2, AABC, 2000. p.193-204.
- Indicators of the Health of the Financial Sector. Statistika-2000, Latvijas statistiku
asociacija. Riga, 2000, p.71-75.
- R. Zile, I. Steinbuka et al. Latvia Entering XXI Century:
Economics, Finance. Integration. Edited by I. Steinbuka. Riga, 2000.
- Latvia's Dilemma: Financing Accession Costs While Maintaining Fiscal Constraint. - Transition,
The World Bank/The William Davidson Institute, Vol.12, no.1, 2001, p.5-6.
- I.Steinbuka. Fiscal policy in Latvia: the past and the future. - Proc. Int. Conf.
"Strategic Role of Tax Administration and Customs in the Development of Nationl
Economy (ed. I.Steinbuka), 2003, RTU Izdevnieciba: Riga, pp. 40-46.
- I.Steinbuka (co-author). UN Development Programme " Latvia. Human Development
Report 2002/2003. Human Security", Riga, 2003.
- I.Steinbuka, J.Mikelsons. Preconditions for information society development : how the
regulator can contribute. - Selected Proceedings Int. Conf. " Information Society
and Modern Business", Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2003, Ventspils University College;
Jumava: Riga, 2004, pp. 273-279.
- I.Steinbuka. Latvia: An inviting market. - ECTA Review 2004.
- I.Steinbuka. Exact methods in tariff regulation. Theory and practice. - In: Sarunas
V, 2004, Sabiedriskais izglitibas fonds " Jauna Akademija": Riga, pp. 161 -
172 (in Latvian).
Membership in the International Projects
- New Tax-system for Latvia in the Transition (Leader of the project - Prof. Dr. Manfred
Rose, Heidelberg University). - Ministry of Finance of Germany (1992)
- Monitoring of Selected Industrial Enterprises in the Initial Phase of Transition. - World
Bank (1992)
- Adjustment and Growth in Eastern Europe (ACE-1993); Governance and Economic
Performance in Eastern Europe (ACE-1994); Financial Integration Between the
EU and the Transition Economies of Central and Eastern Europe (ACE-1996) /project
coordinator: Prof. Maxwell J. Fry ,U.K./
- Privatisation and Employee - Ownership in the Baltic Countries, (ACE - 1993)
/project coordinator: Prof. Niels Mygind (Denmark)/
- The Political Economy of New States in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet
Union, ESRC / project coordinator: Prof. Paul G. Hare, U.K./ (1995)
- Economic Integration of the Baltic Countries and Eastern Europe in the World and
European Economy /Leader of the project: Prof. Carl B. Hamilton, Sweden/ (1995)
- Trade Barriers Existing between Central European Countries and their Impact. PHARE
program /program leader: Prof. Patrick Messerlin, France/ (1996)
- The Long-term Growth Prospects of the Central and Eastern European Countries in Relation
with the Economic and Monetary Union. EC DG II study /project leader: Andries
Brandsma/ (1996).
Collaboration in the IIASA`s research project Impediments to
Export in Small Transition Economies, (1995)
Consultant for the OECD study: The Baltic States Economic
Assessment (1999).
Consultant for the OECD study "Comparison of Developments in
Fiscal Policy in the Baltics". Published in "Baltic States - A Regional Economic
Assessment". OECD, February 2000
Last update 20.12.2005