Born: November 28, 1955, Priekule, Liepaja district, Latvia
- Theory and history of Latvian architecture and art in connection with culture of
neighbouring countries
- Town planning
- Military architecture and fortifications
- Sacral art and architecture,
- Iconology and emblematics
- Theory and practice of preservation and restoration of monuments of architecture
Studies of Swedish archives resulted in focusing
my scientific interest on development of fortifications in the Baltics and contacts
between Sweden and Latvia during 17th century
- The periodical division and chronology of Latvian art history, especially periods of the
Renaissance and Mannerism, as well as problems of attribution by means of ornament,
iconography, printed patterns and practical research in real object
- The phenomenon of Baltic Germans in the history of Latvia
- History of culture of Hanseatic time and German impact on the Latvian culture as
mediators between Baltic states and Western Europe new methodological approach to the
research and interpretation.
- Expertise of the results and conception of main interior design in connection with the
reconstruction of the House of Blackheads in Riga well famous monument of gothic and
renaissance architecture in Riga
Languages : Latvian, German, English, Russian (proficient); Latin,
Lithuanian, Polish, Czech (reading and translation skills)
Education, qualifications
- Professor, Latvian Academy of Arts, 1998 -
- Assistant Professor, Latvian Academy of Arts, 1992 - 1998
- Dr.habil.art., Riga, 1998
- Dr.art., Riga, 1997
- Doctoral studies at the University of Kiel (Germany) with stipend of DAAD, 1993
- Doctoral studies at the Latvian Academy of Arts, 1991 - 1994
- Master of Arts, 1990
- Latvian Academy of Arts (History and Theory of Art), 1981 - 1987
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Philology), 1974 - 1979
- President of Latvia authorized representative at the UNESCO, Latvian National
Committee, 2010 -
- Chairperson of the Council of Experts, "Rigas Nami" Ltd. of the Riga City
Council, 2010 -
- Architect, "Binders"" Ltd., 2007-2009
- Visiting Professor, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. January-July 2000
- Executive Director, the Blacheads House complex, 1999 - 2007
- Professor, Head of the Department for doctoral studies, Latvian Academy of Arts, 1998 -
- Head of the Department for master studies, Latvian Academy of Arts, 1998 -
- Minister of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, 1995 - 1996
- Vice-Rector, Head of the Chair of History of Art, Latvian Academy of Arts, 1993-1995
- Senior Lecturer , Latvian Academy of Arts, 1986 - 1991
- Instructor for cultural monuments protection at the Central Council of the Latvian
Nature and Monument Protection Society, 1981 - 1986
- Editor at the Scientific Library of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979 - 1981
- DAAD grant for studies and guest lecturing at the University of Kiel , 1994, 1999
- Grant of the Swedish Institute and the Swedish Royal Academy for the search of
prototypes of the Blackheads House paintings as well as research at the State and
military archives in Sweden, 1998, 2002, and 2006
- Grant of the British Academy for reserch in London, 2001, 2007
- Research grants of Lübeck's Gesellschaft zur Beförderung Gemeinnützinger
Tätigkeit, 1996, 2010
- Experience in the cultural monuments research and restoration theory and practice,
participation in international conferences and projects
- Member of the Council for the award of Doctoral degrees in the Latvian Academy of Arts
and the Riga Technical university (Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning)
- Member of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee "Conservation Theory"
- Certificate of Personnel Management Course (30 hrs)
- Computer literacy
Honours and Awards
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
- The Order of White Rose (finland), Knight's Cross, 2009
- The Order of Leopold II (Belgium), Officer's Cross, 2007
- The Order of Orange-Nassau (Netherlands), Knight's Cross, 2006
- The Order "All Merito Republica Italiana" (Italy), Commander's Cross,
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company ''Grindex'' Prize, 2002
- The Riga Prize of the LAS and the Riga Prize Foundation, 2003
- Royal North Star Order (Sweden), Commander's Cross, 2001
- Medal of M.C.A. Boeckler-Stiftung "Mare Balticum", Germany, 2001
- Three Star Order Officer's Cross (Latvia), 2001
- Latvia State President's Letter of Gratitude, 1999
Professional Activities
- Chair of the Board of the Latvian Nature and Monument Protection Society
- Vice-chair of the Latvian-Baltic Germans Centre "Domus Rigensis"
- Vice-president of the Dante Alighieri Society in Latvia
- Member of ICOMOS
- Member of the Artists' Union of Latvia
- Member of the VKPAI Council of Experts
- Chair of the Riga Municipality Council for Monuments
- Representative of State President at the UNESCO Latvian National Comission
Lectures abroad
- University of Kiel (1994), University of Jyvaskila (2000), University of Glasgow (2008),
University of Tubingen (2009, 2010), Florence Academy of Aet (2010).
Main /Recent Publications
More than 70 articles in Latvia and abroad on the reaserch, theory and
protection of cultural heritage.
About 180 articles in Latvia and abroad on issues of the history and theory ,
specializing in Latvian-European cultural relations, periodisation, attribution,
iconography and emblematics of Rennaissance art, tourism management and preservation of
cultural heritage.
Participation in more than 70 international conferences and symposiums (since 1989).
- Manierisms (Mannerism), 1997, Riga: Latvijas Enciklopedija Press, 48 p. (in
- Rīgas Doma vitrāžas. (The Riga Dom Cathedral Stained Glass), 1997, Riga,
Premo,104 pp. (in Latvian, in English).
- Renesanses stilistiskais diapazons vizuālajās mākslās Latvijā XVI - XVII gadsimtā,
Rīga: Nordik, 60 p.
- Usmas baznīca Rīgā, Latvijā, pasaulē. (The Usma Church in Riga, in Latvia, in the
World), 1999, Riga: Zinatne Press, 170 pp. (in Latvian, in English, in German).
- Latvijas luterāņu dievnamu šodiena. (Latvian Lutheran Churches Today), 1999,
Riga: Nordik, 290 pp. (in Latvian).
Bornes baznīca (The Borne Church, Kirche zu Alt-Born), 2000, Riga, 56 pp. (in
Latvian, English, German).
Vācieši Latvijā, II daļa "Vācu garīgās un materiālās kultūras
vērtības Latvijā"(together with L.Dribins), 2000, Riga: Elpa, 86 - 229 p. (in
Rīgas pieminekļi un dekoratīvā tēlniecība. (Monuments and Decorative Sculpture
in Riga), 2001, Riga: Nacionālais medicīnas apgāds, 160 p. (in Latvian).
Rīga - Florence. Kultūras paralēles . (Riga - Florence. Parallels of
Culture), 2004, Riga: Jumava, 220 pp. (in Latvian).
Rīgas arhitektūras astoņi gadsimti Eiropas kultūras spogulī. (Architecture of
Riga. Eight Hundred Years Mirroring European Culture), 2005, Rīga: Nacionālais
apgāds, 180 p. (in Latvian, in English).
Rīgas pieminekļi un dekoratīvā tēlniecība. (Monuments and Decorative Sculpture
in Riga), 2007, Riga: Nacionālais apgāds, 194 p. (in Latvian and English).
Gleznotājs Edgars Vinters (together with H.J. Gerbers), 2009, Rīga: Zvaigzne,
180 p. (in Latvian).
Versija par Jelgavas Sv.Trīsvienības baznīcu, 2011, Rīga: Zinātne (to be
published in 2012 with the support of the Jelgava City Council).
Project management
- Project of restoration and reconstruction of the Blackheads House, its interiors and
furnishings, as well as marketing management of the institution (1997-2007)
- Head of the Art Council Expert Group for the municipality cultural institutions, since
- Experience in the restoration of Latvia's monuments of sacral culture (churches of
Priekule, Straupe, Strutele, Annenieki, Liepupe, Vijciems, St Peter's in Riga, church of
Ressurrection /Riga Great Cemetery/), since 1998
- Experience, consultations and practice in the issues of restoration and interior
furnishings for Latvia's manor buildings
- Expert in church restoration for Latvia's Ev. Lutheran Church
- Experience in architectural interiors of historical objects and cultural
Participation in international research projects
- Organization of the international conference "Hansa Yesterday - Hansa
Tomorrow", Riga, 1998
- Organization of the scientific conference of the XXI International Hansa Days,
Riga, 7 - 10 June 2001
- "Disseminationof the Netherlands Culture in Europe" (Amsterdam, 1998-2002)
- "History of Urban development and Social Identity"(The Johns Hopkins
University Press Baltimore@London; W.Wilson Center
Press, Washingto. 2003)
- "Three Stars - Three Crowns". History, geography, economy and culture of the
Baltic Sea Countries, Stockholm-Riga, 2000 - 2002
- "Roads of Gothic in Europe". Development of information catalogue in
cooperation with tourist companies in Germamny, 2002
- "Reformation in Europe". Science research project in cooperation with
the universities of Tübingen and Greifswald, 2006 - 2011
- Member of the Curatorial Council of the annual "Backsteinbaukunst" congresses
in Wismar, since 2006
- Member of the Curatorial Council of M.C.A. Boeckler Stiftung, Germany
- Member of the Curatorial Council of the Leipzig "Denkmal Messe", 2009 - 2012
- Member of the editorial board of the Tartu University journal "Baltic Journal of
Art History"
- Member of the ICOMOS scientific commission for theory and philosophy of conservation and
restoration, since 2005
Last update 01.03.2012