Valentina SONDORE
Dr.med. Valentina SONDORE
Vice-director in Research Affairs
Infectology Center of LatviaLinezera iela 3
Riga, LV 1006
Phone: +371 7014578
Fax: +371 7014568
E-mail: infectology@customers.telia.lv |
Born: November 17, 1940, Preili district, Latvia
- Clinical Chemistry
- Medical Biochemistry
- Biochemical Pharmacology
- Membrane Biochemistry
- Photochemistry
- Biotransformation of xenobiotics
Main research:
Red cells in Liver Diseases
Bile pigments
Pathogenesis and Diagnostics of Acute and Chronic Liver Diseases
Liver function and Liver Diseases
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Riga Medical Institute (Faculty of Pharmacy), cum laude, 1963
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Moscow 2-nd
Medical Institute, Russia, 1984
- Laboratory assistant, Chair of Biochemistry, Riga Medical Institute,1961-1966
- Researcher, Riga Medical Institute, 1966-1984
- Senior Researcher, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1984-1992
- Laboratory specialist, State Infectology Centre, 1992-1995
- Vice-director in Research Affairs, Infectology Centre of Latvia, 1995-
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission
for Medical Sciences, 1999-
- Latvian Biochemical Society, 1964-
- Association of Latvian Scientists, 1989-
- European Association for the Study of the Liver, 1993-
- Latvian Pharmaceutical Society, 1994-
- Latvian Hepatologists Association, 1996-
- Latvian Infectionists Association, 1998-
- Selected Topics in Clinical Biochemistry of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology, Infectology
Center of Latvia, 1992-
Recent/Representative Publications
- V.Sondore, V.Vasarina, G.Silonova, L.Viksna. Method for the diagnostics of primary
biliary cirrhosis. Latvian Patent N 10672 (October 20, 1995).
- V.Sondore, V.Vasarina, G.Silonova, L.Viksna. Method for the diagnostics of chronic
active hepatitis associated with cholestasis syndrome. Latvian Patent N10673
(October 20, 1995).
- V.Sondore, V.Smogola, V.Vasarina. Method for the isolation of cholesterol and its
metabolites from biological tissues. Latvian Patent N10902 (June 20, 1996).
- L.Maksimova, V.Vasarina, V.Smogola, V.Sondore. Method for the diagnostics of
subhepatic jaundice. Latvian Patent N10903 (April 20,1996).
- V.Sondore, V.Vasarina, G.Silonova, L.Viksna. Method for the diagnostics of viral
hepatitis associated with cholestasis syndrome. Latvian Patent N11102 (August
20, 1996).
- V.Belozerov, V.Sondore, L.Viksna. Hyperbaric oxygenation and erythrocytes in
acute viral hepatitis. Hyperbaric Physiology and Medicine, 1997, N4, pp.
11-14 (in Russian).
- V.Sondore, V.Vasarina, L.Viksna. Nitrification process in acute viral hepatitis. Journal
of Hepatology, 1997, vol. 26, suppl.1, p.163.
- V.Sondore, V.Vasarina, L.Viksna. Method for the diagnostics of the icteric form of
leptospirosis. Latvian Patent N12063 (November 20, 1098).
- L.Viksna, V.Sondore. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and altered pattern of its
serological markers. International Journal on Immunorehabilitation, 1999,
N12, p. 79.
- L.Viksna, V.Vasarina, V.Sondore, B.Rozentale. Blood nitrate. Reduced glutathione
and oxyhemoglobin in liver cirrhosis. - Journal of Hepatology, 2000,
vol.32, Suppl. 2, p. 154.
- B.Rozentale, V.Sondore, G.Sture, L.Viksna. Pulmonary infections related to
HIV-infected/AIDS patients in Latvia. Idem, Appendix, Monduzzi
Editore, International Proceedings Division, pp. 29-31.
- L.Viksna, J.Keis, V.Sondore, B.Rozentale. Trichinellosis: pitfalls of
clinical diagnostics (outlook of the infectionists of Latvia). Proc. AML/RSU (Riga),
2002, pp. 134-135.
- L.Viksna, J.Keis, V.Sondore, B.Rozentale. Trichinellosis in Latvia: how big
is the problem? Int. Conference Animals. Health. Food Quality.
Proceedings, 2002, pp.303-306.
- B.Rozentale, V.Sondore. Medical care of HIV/AIDS patients in Latvia.
XIII Int. AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa, 9-14 July 2002, Social
Science, Rights, Politics. Commitment and Action, Monduzzi Editore,
International Proceedings Division, pp. 451-454.
Research Projects:
- V.Sondore (Principal Investigator). Metabolism of Endogenic Compounds and Xenobiotics in
Erythrocytes as an Alternative for Metabolism of these Substances in Hepatocytes in Liver
Diseases. Latvian Council of Science (1990-1992).
- V.Sondore (Head of Project). The Main Mechanisms of Hemoglobin Autooxidation and
Degradation in Erythrocytes in Different Genesis Hyperbilirubinemias. Latvian Council
of Science (1993-1996).
- V.Sondore (Principal Investigator). Health and Environment Infections and Other
Environmental Risk Factors in Latvia. Subprogram: Pathologies Associated with the
Undiagnosable Forms of the Hepatitis B Virus. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- V.Sondore (Head of Project). Transformation of Liver in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
Infection: Pathomorphological Mechanisms, Clinical, Biochemical and Immunological
Consequences. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 14.04.2003