Antonina SONDORE
Born: October 11, 1936, Russia
- General Anaesthesia
- Loco-regional Anaesthesia + Pain Therapy
- Intensive Care
- Disaster Medicine
- Education in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- Riga Medical Institute (Faculty of Medicine), 1960
- Post-graduate training course in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care at Riga District
Hospital 289, 1962
- Training course in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Leningrad Institute for Advanced
Medical Studies, 1964
- Fellowship in Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1965-1967
- Dr.med. (Anaesthesiology-Reanimatology) (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Riga Medical Institute, 1970
- Anaesthetist, Latvian Republic Osteotuberculosis Hospital , 1960-1965
Riga Medical Institute/ Medical Academy of Latvia/ Riga Stradins University -
- Fellowship in Anaesthesiology-Reanimatology, 1965-1967
- Junior Researcher, Department of Experimental Surgery, 1967-1973
- Senior Researcher, Department of Experimental Surgery , 1973-1976
- Assistant, Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology, 1976-1980
- Docent, Department of Anaesthesiology & Reanimatology, 1980 -2001; Associate
Professor, 2002 -
Honours and Awards
- Academician of European Academy of Anaesthesiology, 2002
- Honour member of Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology,Intensive Care, 2006
- Honour member of Estonian Society of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, 2008
- Honour member of Latvian Society "Latvian Association of Anaesthesiologists
and Reanomatologists", 2010
- Crest of Recognition IV, REpublic of Latvia, 2009
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists( WFSA)
- Member of European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA)
- Representative of Latvia in the UEMS-EBA ( Union European Medical Specialist
Committee-European Board of Anaesthesiology), Continuous Medical Education Committee (CME)
- Member of UEMS EBA EACCME (European Accreditation Committee for CME), expert for
Programmes of congresses and conferences
- Member of International Anaesthesia Research Society (IARS)
- Member of the Society "Latvian Association of Anaesthesiologists and
- Chair of Education/Scientific Committee of the Latvian Association of Anaesthesiologists
and Reanomatologists
- Member of Latvian Society for Study and Therapy of Pain
- Member of the Sertification Committee of the Latvian Society for Study and Therapy of
- Coordinator of the Latvian Regional Centre of the Committee for European Education in
Anaesthesiology of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (CEEA of the ESA)
- Director of the Latvian Centre European Diploma in Anaesthesiology, Intensive
Care in P.Stradins Clinical Unioversity Hospital, Riga
- President of the 1st International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care,
6-10 th December, 2005, Riga
- Vice-President of the 2nd International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive
Care, October, 2006, Tartu, Estonia
- Vice-President of the 3rd International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive
Care, October, 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania
- President of the 4th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care,
December, 2008
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Medical Academy of Latvia
Emergency Medicine, Latvian Center of Disaster Medicine
Recent /Representative Publications
Altogether ~ 300 publications.
2006-2010: 40 publications
- Basic Anaesthesia in Questions and Answers, Riga, 2001, 464 pp.
- Surgery (co-author) , Riga, 2001, pp. 98-103; 112-128; 128-142
- Tests for Emergency and Disaster Medicine (co-author), Riga,
- Trauma (co-author), Riga, 2001, pp 45-81; 325-345
- Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support ( co-author), Riga, 2003, pp.327-367
The management of airway and breathing. Riga, ed. Emergency medicine, centre,
1st ed., 2003, 327-367
- RESUSCITATION-ATDZIVINAANA. Chapter The management of airway and
breathing. Riga, ed. Emergency medicine centre, 2nd ed., 2004, 69 pp.
- Clinical Anaeshesiology and Intensive Therapy ( Eds. I.Vanags, A.Sondore), Riga:
Nacionalais Apgads, 2008, 1232 p.
- Intensive therapy for hepatic coma (with co-auth). - Critical Care Medicine (USA), 1975,
36, pp. 220-229.
- Aspects of anaesthetic management of heterologous extracorporeal hepatic supports in
patients with acute liver failure (with co-auth.). - Resuscitation (London), 1975,
vol. 4, pp. 87-95.
- Donors' Problems in Organ Transplantation (co-auth. R.Rozenthal, V.Sobolev), 1987,
Riga: Zvaigzne, 167 pp. (in Russian).
- Clinical evaluation of total intravenous anaesthesia with midazolam - ketamin -
fenthanyl for gynaecological laparoscopy. - British J. Anaesthesia, 1996, vol.76,
suppl. 1.2., p. 11.
- Olfen ( Diclofenac Sodium) for postoperative analgesia after gynaecological surgery
(co-auth. I.Vanags, I.Kokars). - British J. Anaesth., 1998, vol. 80, N 5,
pp. 182-183.
- Problems encountered for the anaesthesiologists training in Eastern Europe countries. - Minerva
Italica, 2001, vol. 67, Suppl.1, 5, 39-40.
- The evolution of human resourse needs in Europe (co-auth. Ph.Scherpreel, Lille, France).
- In: Best Practice&Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, 2002, vol.16, Nr 3,
pp. 443-457.
- Thirty years of clinical experience with hyperbaric oxygenation .- Acta Anaesth.
Scand., 2003, 116, pp. 98-99(co-auth.).
- Acute pain in treatment after gynaecological surgery with new methods in Latvia. - Acta
Anaesth.Scand., 2003, 116, vol.47, pp.108-109(co-auth.).
- Mortality and pathomorphological findings caused by fatal Carbon Monoxide poisoning in
Riga during 2002-2004. - Rechtsmedizin, 2005, 4, p.339, P172( co-auth.).
- The use of entropy in the monitoring of the depth of anaesthesia. - European J.of
Anaesthesiology, 2005, vol.22, suppl. 34, 4, A88 ( co-auth.).
- Our experience in applying hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of severe acute
pancreatitis. - Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Ass. J., 2006, vol. 8, Suppl. 2, pp.
196-197 (co-auth.).
- Current trends in intensive care of severe acute pancreatitis. The role of hyperbaric
oxygenation. - Acta Medica Lithuanica, 2007, Supl. 10, pp. 32-34 (co-auth.).
- Continuing medical education and professional development in anaesthesiology and
intensive care in Latvia. - Acta Medica Lithuanica, 2007, Supl. 10, pp. 60-61
- The influence of hyperbaric oxygenation on clinic of acute pancreatitis and systemic
inflammatory reaction syndrome. - Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology (Moscow),
2008, vol. 4, pp.34-38 (co-auth.).
- Prognosis of the therapeutic efficacy and development of septic complications in
patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Patent Nr. P-08- (co-authors:
I.Lisagors, P Oss, etc).
- Prognosis of the development of intraabdominal hypertension in patients with acute
pancreatitis. Patent Nr. P-08- (co-authors: I.Lisagors, A.Skesters,
Reacent Presentations:
- International Congress of European Society of Anaesthesiologists, June 2006,
Madrid (Spain)
- European Congress of Pain (EFIC), Sept. 2006, Istanbul (Turkey)
- 2nd International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, Oct.
2006, Tartu (Estonia)
- International Congress of European Society of Anaesthesiology, June 2007,
Munich (Germany); June 2008, Copenhagen (Denmark); June 2010
- 3rd International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, Oct.
2007, Vilnius (Lithuania)
- 4th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, Dec.
2008, Riga (Latvia)
- 14th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, March 2008, CapeTown
- Congress of Latvian Physicians, June 2009, Riga (Latvia)
- Scientific Conference of Riga Stradins University, March 2010, Riga (Latvia)
Total number of presentations in International congresses -
Research Projects:
- A.Sondore (Head of Project). Therapeutic Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygenation
in the Treatment of Posthypoxic and Postischemic Pathology. Latvian Council of
Science ( 2004 - 2008)
- A.Sondore (Head of Project). Hyperbaric Oxygenation as the Component of Intensive
Care for Severe Acute Pancreatitis. LR Ministry of Education and Science (2006)
- A.Sondore (Principal Investigator). A Randomzed, Double-blind Trial of the Efficacy
and Safety of Multiple Doses of Immediate - Release CG5503 for Postoperative Pain
Following Abdominal Hysterectomy. International Project, Protocol Nr KF5503/35.
Married, 2 children, 3 grandchildren.
Last update 22.04.2010