Born: April 11, 1957, Salacgriva, Latvia
- Energy Policy in Latvia, Baltic States and in European Union
- Renewable energy sources
- Computer Simulation of the Charge Carrier Separation and Transport Mechanisms in Organic
Molecular Crystals and Solid Films
- Innovation Policy and Technology Transfer in the Baltic Sea region
Languages: Latvian, German, English, Russian - fluently, Swedish with
- Mg.math., University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1980
- Dr.phys. Daugavpils University, Latvia, 1995
- Vice-director, Senior Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics, 2006 present
- Scientific Managing Director, Senior Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2003 2006
- Scientific managing director, researcher of the Institute of Physical Energetics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999 2003
- Scientific Expert, Research Consultant, Latvian Technological Centre, 1997 2002
- Deputy Scientific Managing Director, Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995 1999
- Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Banking Institution of Higher Education of Latvia, 1992
- Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1986
- Lecturer, Riga Technical University, 1981 1997
- Engineer, Institute of Physics Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979 1986
- Technician, University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, 1977 1979
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of the Latvian Information Technology and Telecommunications Association (LIKTA)
- Member of Latvian Hydrogen Association
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Latvian Academic Library
- Member of the Mirror Group, Representative of Latvia in the European Technology
Platform Smart Grids, 2007 present
- Member of the Energy Programme Committee of the EC Seventh Research Framework Programme
(FP7), Representative of Latvia, 2006 present
Honours and Awards
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company
"Latvenergo" Prize, 2007
Recent/Representative Publications:
- Silinsh E.A., Jurgis A.J., Shlihta G.A. Charge carrier transport phenomena in polyacene
crystals: molecular polaron approach. Journ. of Molec. Electronics, 1987,
v.3, pp.123 - 127
- Silinsh E.A., Shlihta G.A., Jurgis A.J. Charge carrier separation and transport
mechanisms in organic molecular crystals (OMC). Proceedings of Int. Seminar
"Organic Semiconductors - 40 years, Nov. 8 - 11, 1988, Okazaki, Japan.
- Silinsh E.A., Shlihta G.A., Jurgis A.J. A model description of charge carrier transport
phenomena in organic molecular crystals. I. Polyacene crystals; Chem. Phys.,
1989, v.138, pp. 347 - 363.
- Silinsh E.A., Shlihta G.A., Jurgis A.J. Charge carrier separation and transport
mechanisms in organic molecular crystals. Proc. of VI Int. Conf. on Energy and
Electron Transfer, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 14- 18, 1989, vol. 2 (Eds. J.Piala and
J.Pokorny), Charles Univ. Prague, pp. 191 - 195.
- Silinsh E.A., Shlihta G.A., Jurgis A.J. A model description of charge carrier transport
phenomena in organic molecular crystals. II. Perylene. Chem. Phys., 1991, v.
155, pp.389 - 399.
- Silinsh E.A., Muzikante I.J., Taure L.F., Shlihta G.A. Electronic states and charge
carrier transport mechanisms in Langmuir-Blodgett films of vandal phthalocyanine. J.
Mol. Electr., 1991, v.7, pp. 127 - 134.
- Chaikovska M., Shlihta G., Zeltinsh N., Mikinis V., Rudi Ü. Actual economic and
energetical problems of Baltic countries. Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2000, Nr. 2, pp. 10 - 22.
- Dr.-Ing. H. Bauer, Dipl.-Ing. J. Kraemer, Dr.phys. G. lihta. Die
Elektrizitätswirtschaft der Baltischen Länder Estland, Lettland und Litauen vor dem
Beitritt zur Europäischen Union. - VGB Power Tech 8/2004, S.22 27
- Vaclovas Miskinis, Gunta Slihta, Ylo Rudi. Bio-energy in the Baltic Sates current
status and market perspectives. Proceedings of International conference
Bioenergy in Eastern European EU-Member states Status and Market
Perspectives, 9 March 2005, Leipzig, 12 p.
- Kaulacs I., Muzikante I., Fonavs E., Kalnacs J., lihta G., Plotniece M., Tokmakovs
A., ipkovs P., Kampars V. Magnetic field influence on photovoltaic effect of PMMA
doped with dimethylaminobenzylidene 1,3-indandione and fullerene C60 derivative.
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2005, 5, pp.3-11
- Miskinis V., Slihta G., Rudi Y. Bio-energy in the Baltic States: current policy and
future development. Energy Policy, 2006, No.34, pp.3953-3964
- Kaulach I., Muzikante I., Gerca L., Plotniece M., Roze M., Kalnacs J., Shlihta G.,
Shipkovs P., Tokmakov A., Fonavs E., Kashkarova G., Kampars V. PV Effect in Cells of
Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Doped by Fullerene and SnCl Phthalocyanine Soluble Derivatives.
European Conference on Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells, ECHOS2006, June
28-30, 2006, Paris, France.
- Kaulach I., Muzikante I., Gerca L., Plotniece M., Roze M., Kalnacs J., Shlihta G.,
Shipkovs P., Tokmakov A., Kashkarova G., Kampars V. PV Effect in Cells of Fullerene and
Phthalocyanine Soluble Derivatives Doped Poly (3-Hexylthiophene). Proceedings
of World Renewable Energy Congress IX (WREC IX), 19-25 August, 2006, Florence, Italy,
Book of Abstracts, pp.569
- lihta G., Ekmanis J., lihta K., Aktuelle energiewirtschaftliche Situation in
Lettland. 16. Zittauer Seminar zur energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den
Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas, vom 4. bis 6. Oktober 2006, Zittau, Deutschland, 11
Seiten, Vorträge auf CD und http://www.zittauer-seminar.de/indexber.html
- Kaulachs I., Muzikante I., Gerca L., Plotniece M., Roze M., Kalnachs J., Shlihta G.,
Shipkovs P., Murashov A., Parra V. and Kampars V. PV Effect of Visible and Infrared Light
in P3HT/ C61(CO2Et)2/GaOHPc Blend and Multilayer Cells. Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, Nr.3, pp.6068
- Kaulachs I., Muzikante I., Gerca L., Shlihta G., Plotniece M., Roze M., Kalnachs J.,
Murashov A., Shipkovs P., Kashkarova G., Kampars V. and Parra V. PV Effect of
Fullerene/Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Blend Sensitized by Phthalocyanine Having Infrared
Absorption CT Band. ISES Solar World Congress 2007, Solar Energy and Human
Settlement, Beijing China, 18-21 Sept., 2007, Book of Proceedings (Springer),
pp.1038-1042, Also in proceedings on CD
Research Projects:
INCO-COPERNICUS, EC Project (1997 2000)
- Expert in the Action Group of Information Technologies, The Baltic Palette I
a joint Interreg II C, Phare und Tacis Project for cross-border co-operation in the
Central Baltic Sea region, 1998 2000
- Scientific consultant, IRC-LATVIA EC FP5 Project, 2000 2004
- Advisor of Latvian Technological Centre in the field of R&D, KNOWLEDGE 2002 (RITTS/RIS
Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategy/ Regional Innovation
Strategy) EC FP5 Project, 2002 2004
- Head of the Latvian Part of Project, EPA Analysis of Policy
Instruments and Identification of Tools for the Implementation of Rational Energy Use and
Renewable Energy Sources in EU Candidate Countries, EC FP5 R&D Project, 2003
- Scientific Expert, LATIRC EC FP6 Project, 2004
- Scientific Expert, RESCUE Central & Eastern European SMEs
towards RES Action Plan for stimulating research and innovation in SMEs from CEECs
in the renewable energy field EC FP6 Project, 2005
- Head of the Latvian Part of Project, RAIN Regional Acceleration for
the Innovation Circle in the ICT Sector EC FP6 CA Project, Regions of
Knowledge 2, 2006
Last update 28.11.2007