Nikolajs Sjakste
Born: May 11, 1955, Riga, Latvia
- Cell nucleus structure
- Nitric oxide in pharmacology
- Proteasomal gene polymorphism
Brief description of main results:
- Changes of DNA interactions with nuclear matrix proteins were revealed during transition
of cells from proliferation to quiescence (1978 1991).
- Physiological role of DNA strand breaks was elucidated in several models (1983-1991).
- Asymmetric transcription in the chicken alpha-globin gene domain was characterized; two
formerly unknown genes were described (1993 1998).
- Gene domain structure of proteasomal PSMA 6 gene was studied, polymorphism of the gene
was studied, and association of certain alleles to type 2 diabetes, Graves disease
and juvenile idiopathic arthritis was revealed (1999 2004).
- Increase of the nitric oxide production rate during action of volatile halogenated
anaesthetics was investigated, mechanism of the phenomenon were studied (1998
- Role of the nitric oxide in the mechanism of action of an antiischemic drug mildronate
created in Latvia was revealed (2000 2004).
- A chromatin site resistant to apoptotic fragmentation was revealed in the chicken
alpha-globin gene. Mechanism of the phenomenon is under study.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, French (Italian, German)
- 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, Medico-Biological faculty, Department of Biophysics,
Diploma with Distinction (1978).
- Post-graduate course in Cancer Research Center, Moscow, Russia (1980 1983).
- Degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph. D.), 1984, Cancer Research Center,
Moscow, Russia.
- Degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences (Dr. habil. boil.), 1992, Institute of
Experimental Medicine, St.-Petersburg, Russia.
- 1983 -1990; Junior (till 1989) and Senior Researcher in the Cancer Cell Chemistry
Laboratory, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Riga, Latvia.
- 1990- Head of the Biochemistry Team, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga,
- 1995 - 1998 Associated Researcher in the Biochemistry of Differentiation Laboratory,
Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France
- 1998 - Professor of Medical Biochemistry and Medical Genetics. University of Latvia,
Faculty of Medicine.
Honours and awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2005
- S. Hiller Medal awarded by the Research Council of the Latvian Institute of Organic
Synthesis, 2005
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Expert of the Promotion Council Medicine and Biology in the University of
- Secretary of the Professorship Council in the medicine branch, University of Latvia
- 2002 2004 Member of the Expert commission for evaluation of joint
scientific projects in the University of Latvia.
- 2005 Participant of the panel Biosciences 2 of the Research Council
for Biosciences and Enviroment of the Academy of Finland
- Member of the New York Academy of Sciences since 1996.
Representative Publications:
>170 scientific publications including ~ 100 full articles in international
peer-reviewed journals, 1 monograph, 1 authors certificate, 5 popular articles.
- Chromosomal aberrations and molecular weight of single stranded DNA
fragments in embryonic fibroblasts of 101/H and CBA mice. - Bull. Exp. Biol.
Med. Engl. Tr., 1982, Vol. 92, No 9, pp. 1231 1233.
- A.V. Lichtenstein, N.I.Sjakste, M.M.Zaboykin, V. S.Shapot. Rearrangements of
DNA protein interactions in animal cells coupled with cellular
growth quiescence transitions. - Nucleic Acids Research, 1982,
Vol. 10, No 3, pp. 1127 1145.
- N.I.Sjakste, M.M.Zaboikin, E.A.Erenpreisa, A.V.Lichtenstein, V.S.Shapot. Analysis of
cellular nucleoproteins with nucleoprotein celite chromatography. III.
Two types of interactions between DNA and nuclear matrix. - Mol.
Biol. Engl. Tr., 1985, Vol. 19, No 5, P. 1, pp.
1007 1016.
- N.I.Sjakste, T.G.Sjakste, N.D.Zaleskaya. Reversible accumulation of
double and single strand breaks during the transition of
cells into the resting state. - Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. Engl. Tr.,
1986, Vol. 102, No 8, pp. 1059 1061.
- N.I.Sjakste. Role of DNA breaks in the regulation of processes of cell proliferation,
differentiation and aging. - Soviet Journal of Developmental
Biology Engl. Tr., 1987, Vol. 18, No 3, pp.
139 146.
- N.I.Sjakste. Interaction of various groups of the nuclear matrix proteins with DNA. - Biochemistry Engl.
Tr., 1988, Vol. 53, No 2, P. 1, p. 219.
- N.I.Sjakste, T.G.Sjakste. Heterogeneity of the
deproteinization resistant proteins on the tightness of the association
with DNA. - Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. Engl. Tr., 1990, Vol. 110,
No 8, pp. 1009 1109.
- N.I.Sjakste, A.V.Budylin, T.G.Sjakste. Disconnection of DNA domains in quiescent and
differentiating cells. - In: Nuclear Structure and Functions, N.Y., 1990, pp.
365 369.
- A.V.Lichtenstein, M.M.Zaboykin, N.I.Sjakste, R.P.Alechina. Differential dissociation of
chromatin digests: a No vel approach revealing a hierarchy of DNA protein
interactions within chromatin domains. - J.Cell Sci., 1991, Vol. 99, pp.
503 513.
- P.Pasero, N.Sjakste, C.Blettry, C.Got, M.Marilley. Long range
organization and sequence directed curvature of XeNo pus laevis satellite
1 DNA. - Nucleic Acids Research, 1993, Vol. 21, No 20, pp.
4703 4710.
- N.I.Sjakste, T.G.Sjakste. Enzyme activities of nuclear matrix. - Biochemistry,
Moscow, 1994, Vol. 50, No 11, pp. 1239 1246.
- N.Sjakste, L.Baumane, D.Meirena, L.Lauberte, M.Dzintare,
I.Kalvin. Drastic increase in nitric oxide content in rat brain under halothane
anesthesia revealed by EPR method. - Biochem Pharmacol, 1999, Vol. 58, No 12, pp.
1955 1959.
- N.Sjakste, T.Sjakste, G. Stacey, B. Bolton and A. Doyle Distribution of
tightly bound proteins along the chicken alpha globin
gene. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., Sect B, 1999, Vol. 53, No 1, pp.
5 11.
- N.Sjakste, O.Iarovaia, S.Razin, G.Linares Cruz, T.Sjakste, V. Le Gac,
Z. Zhao and K. Scherrer. A No vel gene is transcribed in the chicken a globin
gene domain in the direction opposite to the globin genes. - Mol. Gen. Genet.,
2000, Vol. 262, pp. 1012 1021.
- N.I.Sjakste, T.G.Sjakste. Transcription factors and the nuclear matrix. - Molecular
Biology, 2001, Vol. 35, No 5, pp. 627 635.
- O.Iarovaia, S.Razin, G.Linares Cruz, N.Sjakste, K.Scherrer. In chicken
leukemia cells globin genes are fully transcribed but their RNAs are retained in the
perinucleolar area. Exp. Cell Res., 2001, V. 270, No. 2,
P. 159 65.
- T.Sjakste, N.Sjakste, K.Scherrer. Exon/intron organisation of the human proteasome
PROS 27 gene. - DNA Sequence, 2001, Vol 12, Issue 4, pp.
261 265.
- L. Baumane, M. Dzintare, L. Zvejniece, D. Meirena, L. Lauberte, V. Sile, I. Kalvinsh,
N.Sjakste. Increased synthesis of nitric oxide in rat brain cortex due to halogenated
volatile anesthetics confirmed by EPR spectroscopy.- Acta Anaesthesiologica
Scandinavica, 2002, Vol. 46, No 4, pp. 378 383.
- M.Dzintare, L.Baumane, D.Meirena, L.Lauberte, I.Kalvinsh, N.Sjakste. Involvement of
nitric oxide production in the mildronate mechanism of action. - Pharmacology Reviews
and Communications, 2002, Vol. 12, No 3, pp. 163 170.
- T.Sjakste, L.Lauberte, Y.Collan, M. L.Savontaus, A.Bajare, K.Scherrer,
N.Sjakste. Identification of an intronic TG repeat polymorphism in the human proteasome
core particle PROS 27 gene. - DNA Seq., 2002, Vol. 13, No
3, pp. 139 143.
- N.I. Sjakste, T.G. Sjakste. Structure of globin gene domains in mammals and birds. - Russian
Journal of Genetics, 2002, Vol. 38, No 12, pp. 1342 1358.
- N.Sjakste, T.Sjakste, U.Vikmanis. Role of the nuclear matrix proteins an malignant
transformation and cancer diagnosis. Experimental Oncology, 2004, V.26, No3,
- N.Sjakste, L.Baumane, J. L.Boucher, M.Dzintare, D.Meirena, J.Sjakste,
L.Lauberte, I.Kalvinsh. Effects of gamma butyrobetaine and mildronate on
nitric oxide production in lipopolysaccharide treated rats. - Basic
& Clinical Pharmacol. Toxicol., 2004, Vol. 94,
pp. 37 41.
- N.Sjakste, A.Kleschyov, J. L.Boucher, L.Baumane, M.Dzintare, D.Meirena,
J.Sjakste, L.Lauberte, K.Sydow, T.Münzel, I.Kalvinsh. Endothelium- and Nitric
Oxide Dependent Vasorelaxing Activities of
Gamma Butyrobetaine Esters: Possible Link to the
Anti Ischemic Activities of Mildronate. - Eur. J. Pharmacol.,
2004, Vol. 495, Issue 1, pp. 67 73.
- N.Sjakste. Site specific excision or protection of an alpha a globin
gene genomic site in apoptotic transformed chicken erythroblasts. - Cell Mol. Biol.
Lett., 2004, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 429 437.
- T.Sjakste, E.Eglite, A.Sochnev, M.Marga, V.Pirags, Y.Collan, N.Sjakste. Microsatellite
genotyping of chromosome 14q13.2 14q13 in the area of proteasomal PSMA6
gene on association with Graves disease in the Latvian population.- Immunogenetics,
2004, Vol.56, No 4, pp. 238-243.
- Sjakste T, Roder M, Labeikyte D, Bagdoniene L, Levina A, Juodka B, Sjakste N.
Distribution of tight DNA-protein complexes along the barley chromosome 1H, as revealed by
microsatellite marker analysis. - Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2005, V10, No 1, P. 49-59.
- N.Sjakste, T.Sjakste. Nuclear matrix proteins and hereditary diseases. - Russian
Journal of Genetics, 2005, V. 41, No3, P.221-226.
Sjakste N, Sjakste J, Boucher JL, Baumane L, Sjakste T, Dzintare
M, Meirena D, Sharipova J, Kalvinsh I. Putative role of nitric oxide synthase isoforms in
the changes of nitric oxide concentration in rat brain cortex and cerebellum following
sevoflurane and isoflurane anaesthesia. - Eur J Pharmacol. 2005, V. 513, No 3,
- Sjakste N, Gutcaits A, Kalvinsh I. Mildronate: An antiischemic drug for
neurological indications. - CNS Drug Reviews. 2005, V.11, No 2, P. 151-168.
- A.L. Kleschyov; S Strand, S. Schmitt, D. Gottfried, M. Skatchkov, N. Sjakste,
A. Daiber, V. Umansky, T. Munzel. Dinitrosyl-iron triggers apoptosis in Jurkat cells
despite overexpression of Bcl-2. - Free Radic. Biol. Med., 2006, 40(8), pp.
- Sjakste N and Kalvinsh I. Mildronate: an antiischemic drug with multiple
indications.- Pharmacologyonline, 2006, 1: pp. 1-18.
- Sjakste N., Rumba I. and Sjakste T. Various chromatin and nuclear matrix proteins
as autoantigens: a possible link to the protein degradation mechanisms. - Med
Hypotheses Res., 2006, 3, p. 655-677.
- Paeglis R., Bagucka K., Sjakste N., and Lacis I. Maximizing reading: pattern
analysis to describe points of gaze. - Proc.SPIE , V.6315. Mathematics
of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, and Encryption with Applications IX,
Gerhard X. Ritter, Mark S. Schmalz, Junior Barrera, Jaakko T. Astola, Editors, 63150R (Aug
25, 2006)
- N.Sjakste, T.Sjakste. Possible involvment of DNA strand breaks in
regulation of cell differentiation. - Eur. J. Histochem., 2007, vol. 51, pp.
- N.Sjakste, V.G.Andrianov, J.L.Boucher, et al. Paradoxical effects of
two oximes on nitric oxide production by purified NO synthases, in cell culture and in
animals. - Nitric Oxide, 2007, vol. 17, N 3/4, p. 107-114.
- K.Bielskiené, L.Bagdoniené, B.Juodka, M.Lipinski, T.Sjakste, Y.S. Vassetzky and
N.Sjakste. Transcription- and apoptosis-dependent long-range distribution of tight
DNA-protein complexes in the chicken alpha globin gene. - DNA Cell Biology, 2008,
27 (11): 615-621.
- Sjakste T., Bielskiené K., Röder M., Sugoka O., Labeikyte D., Bagdoniené L., Juodka
B., Vassetzky Y., Sjakste N. Development-dependent changes in the
thight DNA-protein complexes of barley on chromosome and gene level. - BMC Plant
Biology, 2009, 9: 56.
- Bagdoniené L., Labeikyte D., Kalvins I., Borutinskaite V., Prokofjevs A., Trapencieris
P., Juodka B., Sjakste N. Rat serum carboxylesterase partly
hydrolyses gamma-butyrobetaine esters. - Arh High Rada Toksikol., 2009, 60 (2):
Participation in international conferences:
Oral or poster presentations in 13 conferences in 1998-2006.
International collaboration, stays in foreign laboratories
- 1998 - 1999; Institut Jacques Monod, Universite Paris VII, Laboratoire de Biochimie de
Differentiation, Paris, France.(Surpervisor - Klaus Scherrer). red post of
CNRS.2000, 2001, 2003; Department of Pathology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland,
Supervisor - Yrjö Collan Supported by the
Nordic Council of Ministers
- 2002, 2003 Laboratory of Pharmacological and Toxicological Chemistry and
Biochemistry, University Paris V, France, (Supervisor - Jean-Luc Boucher). Supported
by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France and Osmose program.
- 2002 Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
(Supervisor Thomas Münzel). DAAD fellowship.
- 2003, 2004 Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Vilnius,
Lithuania. (Supervisor Benediktas Juodka). Supported by CEBIOLA program.
Recent Research Projects
Local (supported by the Latvian Council
of Science)
- 1999 2003 Role of nitrogen oxide in mechanism of action of anesthetics and
antiischemic drugs sponsored by the Latvian Council of Science, grant No
- 2000 - 2004Polymorphism of the proteasomal protein PROS-27 genome domain and its
linkage to human pathology, part of the joint project Studies of the
Latvian genofund and their application to diagnostics and prophylaxis of human
pathologies sponsored by the Latvian Council of Science, grant No 01.0023.111.
- 2004 Pathological production of nitric oxide, possibilities of its
pharmacological correction sponsored by the Latvian Council of Science, grant
No 04.1317.
- 2004 Differentiation and apoptosis-related structural changes in the
chicken alpha-globin domain chromatin - sponsored by the Latvian Council of Science,
grant No 04.1280.
- 1996-1998 Responsible for the Supplementary Agreement "Tightly bound proteins in
differentiation and malignancy" to European Community project "European Animal
Cell Collection". In collaboration with Center for Applied Microbiology and Research,
Salisbury, U.K.
- 2000/2001 Study of genetic restriction fragment length and microsatellite
polymorphism on chromosome 14 and PROS-27 gene and its probable linkage to human
diseases a Nordic Network Grant Scheme grant awarded by the Nordic Council of
Ministers, in collaboration with Turku University (Finland) and Karolinska Hospital
(Sweden), Co-ordinator..
- Since 2000 Regulation of NO production by anaesthetics assayed in vivo
and in vitro sponsored by the French Government and
Osmose program, in collaboration with Universite Paris V, Paris, France,
- 2002/2003 Diabetes genetics studies in Nordic countries and Latvia a
Nordic Network Grant Scheme grant awarded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, in
collaboration with Turku University (Finland) and Wallenberg Laboratory (Malmö, Sweden)
- 2004 Quality and extent of the molecular biology teaching on different
levels of medical education. Neighbour Plus Program project, supported by the
Nordic Council of Ministers. Network formed by universities from Latvia, Lithuania,
North-Western Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Co-ordinator.
- 2005 - Joint Taiwan-Latvian-Lithuanian project Purification and characterization
of the gamma-butyrobetaine esterase. Co-ordinator.
Last update 06.11.2009