Born: December 23,1947, Latvia
Circumstellar Envelopes and Interstellar Clouds
VLBI Networks
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
M.D. University of Latvia (Riga).
Major: Physics, 1971
Ph.D. Institute of Astrophysics and Physics of Atmosphere, Estonian Acad. Sc., Tartu Observatory , Major: Astrophysics, 1977. Th.Ph.D.
"Investigation of the anomalous microwave radiation of the cosmic H2O
Institute, University of Latvia (before 01.07.97. Radioastrophysical
observatory of Latvian Acad. Sc.):
- Laboratory Assistant, Senior Laboratory Assistant, post graduate Researcher, Junior
Researcher, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department, 11.1970.
Leading researcher, since 05.1993.
Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute of the
Russian Acad. Sc. :
- Visiting Researcher, 1983
Professional activities and memberships
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Baltic Astronomy"
Advisory editor, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions"
Member, International Astronomical Union
Member, European Astronomical Society
President, Latvian Astronomical Society
Member, Council of Eurasian Astronomical Society
Some research activities implementing of VLBI network in cooperation with Data Processing Department
of the Astro Space Center of P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute (Russia, Moscow) are connected
with Ventspils Radioastronomical
List of some recent publications
I.Shmeld. The influence of dust condensation on the chemical composition of the carbon
star IRC+10216 circumstellar envelope. - Proceedings of 54th Scientific Conference of
University of Latvia, Astronomy section, Riga, October 25 - 27, 1995, 19 - 22, LU,
Riga, 1995.
A.Balklavs, E.Bervalds, I.Platais, B.Ryabov, I.Shmeld. The Ventspils antennae
status and scientific possibilities, Cosmoparticle Physics 1.- Proceedings of 1st
. International conference on cosmoparticle physics Cosmion 94, Moscow, 4 -14 December
1994, (Eds M.Yu.Khlopov, M.E.Prokhorov, A.A.Starobinsky, J.Tran Thanh Van), Editions
Frontieres, 1996, pp.437-442.
I.Shmeld. The influence of dust condensation on the chemical composition of the AGB star
circumstellar envelope. - Proc. Of the 9th Cambridge workshop Cool
stars, stellar systems, and the Sun, PASP Conference series 109, San Francisco
1996, pp.545 - 546.
I.Shmeld. The influence of dust condensation on the molecular abundances of the carbon
star circumstellar envelope. - Astron. & Astroph. Transact.,1997.,vol.13.,pp.255259
I.Shmeld, J.Freimanis. Calculation of equilibrium molecular abundances near star forming
region. - Proc. of the conference "Modern Problems of Stellar Evolution",
Zvenigorod, October, 1216, 1998 , pp 48 51.
I.Shmeld, J.Freimanis, N.G.Bockarev. Calculation of chemical equilibrium in the
Interstellar cloud. - Odessa Astronomical Publications, 1999, vol. 12, pp 133
I.Shmeld, A.Benz, A.Dementjev, B.Lipatov, I.Molotov, B.Ryabov, Z.Sika. The first VLBI
observations with Ventspils 32 m radiotelescope under LFVN project. - Proceedings of
the 5th European VLBI Network Symposium, Chalmers Technical University, June 29th -
July 1st, 2000. (Edited by. J. Conway, A. Polatidis, R.Booth. and Y Pihlstrom), pp.247
D.B.Bezrukov, V.Bezrukov, E.Bervalds, G.Ozolins, M.Paupere, B.Ryabov, I.Shmeld, Z.Sika,
A.Kozhavin. Solar eclipse observations with 32- m radiotelescope. - Baltic Astronomy
(in (press, August 11, 1999)
I.Shmeld, A.Benz, A.Dementjev, B.Lipatov, I.Molotov, B.Ryabov, Z.Sika. The first
VLBI observations with Ventspils 32 m radiotelescope under LFVN project. Proceedings
of the 5th EVN Symposium (Eds. J.Conway, A.Polatidis, R.Booth), Onsala Space
Observatory, Chalmers Technical University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2000, pp.247248
E.Bervalds, K.Berzins, I.Shmelds. On scale free k-point fpproximation of the large-scale
structure of the Universe. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
2000, No 5, pp.2834
I.Molotov, S.Likhachev,
, I.Shmeld, E.Bervalds. Goals and results of the ad-hoc
VLBI activity with Russian antennas. Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI
Network Symposium (Eds. E.Ros, R.W.Porcas, A.P.Lobanov, J.A.Zensus) 25 -28 June, 2002,
Bonn, Germany, pp.19- 20.
I.Molotov, B.Lipatov,
etc. International low frequency
very-long-baseline network project milestones. Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transactions, 2003, vol.22, No 4/5, pp.743-752.
I.E. Molotov, A.A. Konovalenko,... Sika, I.K. Shmeld., First results of the space debris
radar observations using Evpatoria RT-70 transmitter and Low frequency VLBI network.
Proceedings of fifth US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop, Central
Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo. September 24-27, 2003. (Ed. by P. Kenneth
Seidelmann.) Spb.: VVM. co. Ltd., 2003, pp. 294-304.
I.E. Molotov, A.A. Konovalenko,... , I.K. Shmeld. Pulkovo cooperation for
radar and optical observations of objects. - Proc. 6th US / Russian Space Surveillance
Workshop, Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo, August 22-26,
2005, pp. 228-235.
Research projects:
I.Shmeld (Head of Project) Nonstationary Phenomena and Processes in the Astronomical
Objects (Stars on the Late Stages of Evolution, Circumstellar Envelopes, Sun). Latvian
Council of Science (1998 2000)
I.Shmeld (Head of Project) Investigations of the Physical Processes in the
Non-stationary Objects in Space (Interstellar Matter, Solar Corona, Supernovae. Latvian
Council of Science (2001- 2004)
I.Shmeld (Head of Project). Investigations of the Interstellar Matter, Supernovae,
the Sun and Near-the Earth Objects. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 - )
I.Shmeld (Coordinator of the Subproject) Basic and Applied Reseach Based on the
Feassibilities of the VIRAC Radiotelescopes and their Employing for Receiving, Processing
and Transmitting of the Cosmic Information. Application of the Radioastronomical Methods
in the Investigations of Objects in Space. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004)
I.Shmeld (Coordinator of the Subproject). VIRAC Research Equipment and
Establishment of R&D Infrastructure for Long-term Radioastronomy and Satellite
Observations inthe Framework of Latvian and International Programmes. Latvian Council
of Science (2005- )
(The more neformal home page with additional information is here)
Last update 29.10.2006