Censonis SHKINKIS*
Professor Censonis SHKINKIS
Institute of Polymers for Agriculture and Water Management
Dobeles iela 43
Jelgava, LV 3001
LatviaPhone: +371 30 25541
Fax: +371 30 27180 |
Born: April 17, 1930, Nauksheni, Latvia
Dead: May 11, 1999, Jelgava, Latvia
- Drainage
- Hydrology
- Hydraulics
- Water Management
- Hydrotechnics
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- Latvia University of Agriculture ( Faculty of Hydrotechnical Amelioration), 1955
- Dr. sc. ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvia
University of Agriculture, Riga, 1963
- Dr.habil. sc. ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Belarussian Institute of
Amelioration and Water Management, Minsk, 1976
- Researcher and Senior Researcher, Research Institute "Poymers for Agriculture and
Water Management", 1956-1962
- Head, Department of Hydrotechnical Amelioration, Professor, the same institute,
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences , 1993
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, 1992
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1995
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of Presidium, Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, 1992-
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 1990-
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Agriculture, 1997-
- Head, Department of Water Management, Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Science, 1992-
Problems of Drainage Hydrology. International conference "Agromelio-76"
(Karlovi-Wari), "Agromelio-80"(Brno), "Agromelio-84"(Praha).
Hydraulics, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1965-80
Recent/Representative Publications:
- C. Shkinkis. Problems of Drainage Hydrology, 1974, Leningrad: Hydrometeo Press, 347
pp. (in Russian).
- C.Skinkis. Hydrological Action of Drainage, 1980, Leningrad: Hydrometeo Press, 211
pp. (in Russian).
- C.Shkinkis. Soils Drainage, 1986, Riga: Avots, 330 pp.(in Latvian).
- C.Shkinkis. Land Reclamation and Nature, 1992, Riga: Zinatne, 300 pp. (in Latvian).
- C.Shkinkis. The efficency of drainage in relation to the design of drain pipes. - J.
Rural Engineering and Developments, 1993, vol. 34, pp. 357-364 (in German).
- C. Shkinkis. Subsurface drainage results for overwetted soils of the Latvian SSR. -Agricultural
Water Management, 1979, N 2, pp. 55-65.
- C.Shkinkis. Problems of land drainage in Latvia. - Proc. Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1991, N 5, pp. 104-109.
- C.Shkinkis, J.Valters. Comparative investigations of the draining performance of plastic
and tile pipe drains. - Proc. Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992 (B), N 10, pp. 68-73.
- C. Shkinkis. Investigations about the optimum depth of drains in loamy soils in Latvia.
- Agricultural Water Management, 1993, vol.24, pp. 83-102.
- C. Shkinkis. Impact of pipe drainage on the soil temperature regime. - Proc. Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1994 (B), N 4, pp. 63-66.
- C. Shkinkis. Research on drainage of orchards in Latvia. - Proc. Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1994 (B), N 4, pp. 67-70
- C. Shkinkis. Hydrological aspects of drainage performance. - Proc. Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1994 (B), N 4, pp. 57-62.
- C. Shkinkis. Hydrological features of mires in Latvia. - Proc. Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1994 (B), N 11/12, pp. 113-116.
- C. Shkinkis. The determination of tile drain spacing. - Proc. Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1994 (B), N 3, pp. 110-115.
Research Projects:
- C. Shkinkis (Head of Project). The Problems of the Hydrological Action of Drainage. Latvian
Council of Science (1991-1993).
- C. Shkinkis (Head of Project). Complex Proposals of Measurements for Reducing the
Unfavourable Anthropogeneous Load on Soil and Internal Waters. Latvian Council of
Science (1991-1993).
- C. Shkinkis (Head of Project). Agricultural Pollution of Inland Waters: Hydrotechnical
Remedial Measures. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- C. Shkinkis (Head of Project). Peculiarities of the Hydrological Action of Drainage in
Different Soils Depending on Their Permeability, Parameters of Drainage Network and
Hydrological Cnditions. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- C. Shkinkis (Head of Project). Influence of Environmental and Several Artificial Factors
on Hydrological Performance of Drainage. Latvian Council of Science (1997-
Last update 10.10.1999