Born: June 16, 1944, Gulbene, Latvia
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
- Utilisation of the Renewable Energy Resources
- Perspective Energy Supply Systems
- Energy Policy and Strategy, R&D Energy Programms, Energy and Climat Changes
- Optimisation of the Energy and Fuel Balance, Using the Mathematical Models
- Security of Energy Supply, Combined Heat Supply Systems
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Energy Market
- Energy and Environment
- Riga Technical University, 1971
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D in Western countries), Institute
of Energetics and Hydrotechnical Building, Tbilisi, 1986
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993
- Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994
- Professor, Riga Technical University, 2002
- Junior Researcher, Head of Scientific Group, Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of
the Institute, Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Director, Latvian Energy Agency, 1994-1997
- Director, ''Energi - R Ltd.'', 1992-
- Director, Latvian Energy Efficiency Agency, Ltd., 1997 -
- Head of Energy Resources Laboratory of the Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian
Academy of Sciences. 1997-
- Researcher, RISO National Laboratory, Department of System Analysis, Denmark,1991;
SINTEF Institute and Norwegian Institute of Energy Technology, Trondheim University,
Norway, 1992,1993
- Professor, University of Manchester, UK, 1993; ENERDATA, IEA,OECD, France, 1994; ACTIM,
France, 1995; Petrad, Norway, 1996; Training course for solar water heaters'', Latvia -
Commission of European Communities,1996; ENERDATA, Grenoble, ''Training seminar on demand
oriented energy policy'', France 1997; ''Energy Efficiency workshop'', Latvia, Resource
management Associates of Madison, Inc., USA, 1997.
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Who is Who in the World, 1999-2000
- Who is Who in Science and Engineering, 2002-2003
- Year Prize of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint stock Comoany
"Latvenergo" for life contribution in energetics and engineering, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Scientific Council of Institute Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1986 -
- Member, Riga Technical University, Doctor Habilitation
Council, 1998 -
- Vice-president, Latvian Association for Energy Economics (LAEE), 1989 -
- Member, International Nuclear Society, 1990 -
- Member, International Energy Foundation (Tripoli, Libya), 1991 -
- Expert in Commission of the European Communities, 1992 -
- Member, the International Solar Energy Society, 1993 -
- Member, European Association for Solar Energy, 1993 -
- Member, World Renewable Energy Network, 1998 -
- Efficient Energy Utilization in Latvia. UNO Steering Committee, 9 Section, Energy
Efficiency 2000, Geneva, May 1998
- Development of Bioenergy Utilization in Latvia.- Conf. Biomass for Energy
Industry, German. July, 1998
- Solar Energy in Latvia. - International 2 ISES-Europe Solar Congress, Slovenia,
September, 1998
- Renewable Energy Utilization in Latvia. - V World Renewable Energy Congress, Italy,
September, 1998
- Energy Conservation Possibilities in Household in Latvia. - 3rd European Conference
'Rebuilding the City of Tomorrow', Barcelona, Spain, 1999.
- Solar Energy and other Renewable for Energy Conservation in Latvia in new Conditions
Energy Market Liberalisation. International Conference NORTH SUN 2001, the
Netherlands, 2001.
- Solar Thermal Systems for Energy Conservation in Latvia. International Conference
EUROSUN 2002, the Fourth ISES Congress, Italy, 2002.
- Modelling of annual gas reserves for Latvia and Baltic region. International Conference
Heat, Gas and Water Technologies for modern Society, Riga, Latvia, 2002.
Recent/Representative Publications
- V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins, P.Shipkovs. Formation of Power Supply Systems for North-Western
Regions of the USSR, Riga: Zinatne Press, 1989, 283p. (in Russian).
- J.Fenham, P.Shipkovs et al. The Energy System in Latvia. In: Energy and Environment in
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Roskilde, Denmark, 1991, pp.51-69.
- P.Shipkovs, V.Zebergs. Possibilities of Utilising Alternative Energy Sources for
Combined Heat Supply Systems in the Baltic, International Journal of Energy,
Environment, Economics, 1991, vol.1, 4, USA, pp.18-29.
- J.Fenham, P.Shipkovs, V.Jankauskas et al. Energy Conservation Potentials in Lithuania
and Latvia, Roskilde, Denmark, 1992, pp.34-66.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, A.Shipkovs. Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Latvia, Proceedings
of Symposium United Nations on Energy Efficiency and Economics Transition in Central and
Eastern Europe, Paris, France, 25-28 May, 1993, 10 p.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, M.Rubina, I.Purina. Latvian Energy, 1995. Annual Report, Riga,
1996, 47 p.
- A.Bataraga, P.Shipkovs. Energy problems in Latvia. In: Perspectives in Energy, 1995,
Vol.3, Pion publication, Great Britain, pp. 369-378.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, I.Purina, J.Rekis. Energetic Situation and Problems in Latvia.
NOVA Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, vol. 4, No. 1, 1996, pp.39-65.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, J.Rekis. Use of MARKAL model for energy program and strategy
development., Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1996, N 6, pp.21 -
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, M.Shipkovs. Renewable Energy in Latvia. In: Renewable Rural
Energy Applications in North-East Europe. Helsinki, 1997, pp. 12-17.
- P.Shipkovs, I.Purina. Economic Aspects of Management in Oil Industry. Latvian Journal
of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1997, N 6, pp. 52-58.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, M.Shipkovs. Renewable Energy Sources in Energy Balance in
Latvia. Proceeding of the ''World Energy Efficiency Day'', Wels, Austria, 1998,
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, I.Purina, M.Shipkovs. Role of Non-traditional Energy Sources
in Energy Balance of Latvia. Experimenting with Free Market: Lessons from the Last 20
Years and Prospects for the Future. Proceeding of the 21 Annual International
Conference, vol. 2, Canada, 1998, pp.169-172.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, M.Shipkovs. Renewable Energy Utilisation in Latvia. In:
Renewable Energy, Pergamon Elsevier Science Ltd. 1998, pp.1241-1244.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, L.Sitenko. Simulation of natural gas consumption and its
reserves in Latvia. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1999, N
5, pp. 23-32.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, L.Sitenko. On the regional fuel stock deficit. - Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2000, N 4, pp. 31-37.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, A.Grekis. Potential of biomass for energy in Latvia. Proceedings
of World Renewable Congress 2000, Brighton, UK, 2000.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, J.Shipkovs. Solar energy and other renewables for energy
conservation in Latvia in new conditions energy market liberalization. Proceedings
of International conference North Sun 2001, The Netherlands, May 2001.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, L.Sitenko. Optimisation of fuel stocks under the
liberalisation of energy market. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
2001, N 6, pp.14 21.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova. Solar Thermal Systems for Energy Conservation in Latvia. - Proceedings
of the International Conference EUROSUN 2002, the Fourth ISES Congress, Italy, 2002,
62 p.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, L.Sitenko. Modelling of annual gas reserves for Latvia and
Baltic region. - Proceedings of International Conference Heat, Gas and Water
Technologies for modern Society, Riga, Latvia, 2002, pp.146 151.
- P.Shipkovs, V.Pugachevs, V.Bezrukovs, M.Mamonov. Development of Wind Energy in Latvia. -
Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress, June 2002, Germany, 5 pp.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, K.Lebedeva. Thermal insulation in buildings in Latvia. Proceedings
of NAS EnerBuild RTD, Research Directorate General, EC, Brussels, 2003, pp.169-174.
- P.Shipkovs, G.Kashkarova, K.Lebedeva, D.Kashkarovs, J.Shipkovs. Solar energy utilization
in combination with traditional energy resources. Proceedings of World Renewable
Energy Congress WREC VIII, Denver, Colorado, USA, August-September, 2004.
- P.Shipkovs, L.Sitenko, G.Kashkarova. Fuel stocks for cargo motor transport. - Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2005, N 1, pp.43 56.
- P.Shipkovs, L.Sitenko, G.Kashkarova. Evaluation of required and sufficient motor fuel
stocks in Latvian Republic. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
2006, N 1, pp.39 46.
- Shipkovs P., Klavs G., Sitenko L., Kaskarova G. Simulation and assessment of the
influence of biofuel production and use on the stocks of imported fuel. - Latvian
Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, Nr 4.
Main Research Projects
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Contract). Energy Efficiency in Industry. Contract with RCG/Hagler,
Bailly Inc., USA (1990-1991).
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Project). Perspective Energy Supply Systems with Alternative Energy
Resources. Latvian Council of Science (1991- 1996)
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Subprogramm). Heat Supply of Cities and Villages of Latvia. Latvian
State Programme Optimisation of the Latvian Heat Energy Production and Utilisation
system (1997 - 2000)
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Project). The systematic and indeterminable fluctuations of the fuel
consumption, their compensation and a methodological basis for the formation of State fuel
stock. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000)
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Project). Perspective Energy Supply System with Renewable Energy
Resources - Methodological, Economical and Environmental Problems. Latvian Council of
Science (1997-2000).
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Subprogramm). Development of Bioenergy Market Development Plan
for Central and Eastern Europe. EC Programm FAIR CT 98-3826 (1998-2000).
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Project). Fuel Stocks Optimization in Energy Market Liberalization
Conditions. Latvian Council of Science (2001- 2004).
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Project). Methodological Aspects, Technical, Economical and
Ecological Problems of domestic and Renewable Energy Resources Utilization in the
Innovative Economics Conditions. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004).
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Subprogram). Integration of the Technologies for Rational Use of
Energy to Ensure Sustainable Development of the Energy Sector in Latvia (2002- ).
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Subprogram). Integrated Systems of Bio-fuel in Combination
with other Renewable Energy Resources Research and Development (2002- ).
- Energy in the Build Environment (ENERBUILD RTD). Project Nr.
- Brundtland City Energy Network. EC Project Nr. NNE5-2001-00766, (2001-2004).
- RTD Program on Photovoltaic Solar Energy - PV-NAS-NET. EC Project Nr. NNE5-2002-00046,
- Pre-normative Work on Sampling and Testing of Solid Bio-fuels for the Development of
Quality Assurance Systems (BIONORM). EC Project Nr. NNE5-2001-00158,(2002-2004).
- INTERREG IIIC Project - REGENERGY Network of pioneering communities and regions working
on innovative heat energy solution, (2005 - ).
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Project). Methodological Investigations of the Forecasting of Fuel
Consumption Structural Changes Joining EU. Latvian Council of Science (2005-
- P.Shipkovs (Head of Project). Methodological Aspects and Technical, Economical and
Ecological Challenges for Development of Renewable Energy Resources Utilization. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 22.10.2007