Hilelis SEGALS*
Born: December 23, 1931, Riga, Latvia.
Departed: October 6, 2003, Riga, Latvia
- Hydrology
- Hydraulic and Electrohydrodynamics Modelling
- River Bed Processes
- Port Structures
- Ecology, Fish-Protective Devices
- Management of Dumps
- Ground Water Protection
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German.
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Land Reclamation), 1956
- People University, journalist, 1961.
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries), Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1965
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Scientific Institute of Water Management and Land, Latvia, 1993.
- Professor, Scientific Institute of Water Management and Land, 1994.
- Foreman, Water Management Civil Engineering Department, Riga, 1956-1958.
- Engineer, Senior Engineer, "Teploelectroproject", 1958-1960.
- Post-graduate, Engineer, Head of Department (1965 - ), Scientific Institute of Water
Management and Land, 1960
- Professor, Chair of Civil Engineering and Architecture , Faculty of Agricultural
Engineers, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1996
Honours and Awards
- Full Member, Latvian Agricultural and Forestry Academy of Sciences, 1994.
- Henry Ford European Conservation National Award, 1998.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Society of Ameliorators
- Member, Latvia Professor's Association, 1997 -
- President, Latvian Waste Management Association.
- Member of Organising Committee, IV International Conference Baltic Transit
Gateway99, 1999
- Member of Promotion and Habilitation Council Hydroengineering Science,
Latvia University of Agriculture, 1995 -
- Expert of Civil Engineering Inspection.
- Expert, Regional Development and Environment Protection Ministry of the Republic of
Latvia University of Agriculture:
- New Building Materials in Hydraulic Engineering Construction, 1986-1990
- Fish-Protective Structures in Water Intakes, 1986-1990
- Ecological Problems of Water Management, 1986-1990
- Hydraulic Structures, 1996
Recent/Representative Publications
- H.Segals. Wettability and water catching ability of plastic drain pipes. - In: Works
of LatNIIGIM (Scientific Institute of Water Management and Land),1969, No 9(16),
Jelgava, pp.14-35 (in Russian)
- H.Segals. Instructions for Design, Construction and Operation of Low-Head Dikes from
Peat-Mineral Mixtures on Peat Basis. Riga, 1967, 45pp.(in Russian)
- H.Segals. Research of plastic drainage construction elements. - In: Plastics in
Drainage Constructions, (Ed. H.Segals), Moscow, 1977, pp.1-48. (in Russian)
- H.Segals, Y. Tsoneva. Plavinas reservoir bank protection against washout in the region
of Stuchka City. - In: Environment Protection and Water Resources Efficient Use,
Riga: RTU, 1980, pp.72-78. (in Russian)
- H.Segals, D.Anderson, Y.Tsoneva, B.Shteinbah. Some peculiarities of hydrological and
riverbed regime in the mouthpart of the Daugava. - In: Contemporary Exogenic Processes
and Methods of their Research, Riga: RTU, 1982, pp.69-114 (in Russian)
- H.Segals, N.Novik, Y.Tsoneva. Drain Filters. 1984, Moscow: Kolos Press, 37pp. (in
- H.Segals, A.Ersler. Efficiency evaluation of some fish-protective devices. - In: Thermoplastics
in Engineering of Land Reclamation and Water Management. Jelgava, 1987, pp.145-152.
(in Russian)
- H.Segals, Y.Tsoneva. Riga HEP influence on speed of current at Riga Sea trade port
moorages. - Construction of Hydraulic Structures, 1989, No 11, pp.15-16 (in
- H.Segals, Y.Tsoneva. The possibility to use archives data about maximum levels of
the Daugava in Daugavpils. - Meteorology and Hydrology, 1990, No 1, pp.92-95
(in Russian)
- H.Segals, I. Eipurs, R.Sturane, A.Ersler. Technical Instructions for Fish-Protective
Devices (FPD) Design, Construction and Operation on Latvian Water Objects. Pre-print,
Riga, 1993, 60p. (in Latvian)
- H.Segals, F.Rekner. Ground water protection sanation and use at the territory of
industrial waste and garbage. - Proceedings of the International Congress Water:
Ecology and Technology, Vol. III, Moscow, 1994, pp.866-876. (in Russian)
- H.Segals. The history of hydraulic modelling in Latvia. - Proceedings of
International Seminar on Environment Modelling, 1995, vol.1, Riga-Copenhagen, pp.5-14.
- H.Segals, A. Grosgalis. Modelled researches with the aim to work out measures of
Jekabpils protection from floods. - Proceeding of International Seminar on Environment
Modelling, 1995, vol. 2, Riga-Copenhagen, pp.113-122.
- H.Segals, A.Grosgalis. Hydraulic modelling and the analysis of offers on Jekabpils
protection from floods. - Proceedings of the IV International Conference Baltic
Transit Gateway99, Riga, 1999, pp.127-130. (in Russian)
- H.Segals. The study of mouth zones of the Daugava river and the Lielupe river in
connection with Riga port development prospects. - Proceedings of the V Conference
Dynamics and Thermics of Rivers, Water Storages and Sea Coastal Zone,
Moscow, 1999, pp.379-380 (in Russian)
- H.Segals, R.Bendere. The evaluation of Gardene dangerous waste depository project
tehnical examination. Geotechnics and Ecology, 2001, vol.3, N 4-5,
Research Projects
- H.Segals (Head of Program) Water Resources of Latvia. Latvian Council of Science
(1997- 2000)
- H.Segals (Head of Project) Hydraulic Modelling of Daugavgriva Port, Mangalsala Basin and
City Canal. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
- H.Segals (Head of Contract) The Study of the Vecdaugava Water Exchange and Ground Water
Level Fluctuation on the Mangalsala Peninsula and Elaboration of Recommendations on the
Named Water System Restoration. Self-Government of Riga Ziemelu Region. (1992)
- H.Segals (Head of Contract) Hydraulic Modelling of Riga Port. Riga Port
Administration (1997-1998)
- H.Segals (Head of Contract) Hydraulic Modelling of Riga City Canal. Stock Company
Celuprojekts (1998)
- H.Segals (Head of Contract) Recommendations for Kekava Dump Temporary Closing and
Recultivation. Kekava Local Council (1999).
- H.Segals (Head of Contract) Elaboration of Practical Recommendations on Water Slalom
Track, United with Fish Passing Facility, Designing in Riga HEPS Multiple Use
Development on the Basis of Investigation and Hydraulic Modelling. Dolespils LLC
- H.Segals (Head of Contract) Ozolsala Potential Cellulose Plant Sewage Spreading
Hydraulic Simulation in Plavinu HEPS Water Reservoir Near the Outlet. Riga Municipal
Enterprise Rigas Udeni (2001- )
- H.Segals (Director of Programme) Water Resources of Latvia. Elaboration of Principles
and a Model of a Large River Water Resources Management with Regard to National Economy
and Ecology Interests (the Example of the River Daugava). Latvian Council of Science
(2001 - )
Last update 22.10.2001