Born: May 22, 1933, Valmiera district, Latvia
- Chemistry and Technology of Phosphate and Silicate Glass and Glasscrystalline Materials
- Ceramics and Binding Materials Produced using Mineral Raw Materials of Latvia
- Formation Order of Crystalline Phases in Multicomponent Systems
- Crystallography and Mineralogy
- Mineral, Chemical and Technological Terminology of High Temperature Silicate Inorganic
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry) cum laude, 1956
- Dr. sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Riga Technical University, Latvia,
- Dr.habil.chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Minsk Politechnical Institute,
Belarus, 1972
Riga Technical University
- Postgraduate, Faculty of Chemistry, 1962-1964
- Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Faculty of Chemistry, 1962-1966
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry, 1966-1975
- Professor, 1975
- Head of the Chair of Silicate Technology, 1980 1999
- Director, Institute of Silicate Materials, 1994 2000
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- The Latvian SSR State Prize, 1977
- Merited Scientist of Latvian SSR, 1987
- The Vavilov Medal (Society Nauka, USSR), 1983
- The Prize of the Latvian SSR Council of Ministers, 1988
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2000
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC "Aldaris" Prize, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee
(Scientific Principles of Technology: Materials, Chemistry and Pharmacy), 1992
- Member, Habilitation Council (Chemical Technology, Inorganic Chemistry), Riga Technical
University and Institute of Inorganic
Chemistry, 1990
- Editor-in-chief for Inorganic Glasses, Coatings and Materials, 1980 -
- Member, International Society of Crystallographs
- Member of the Board, Russian Ceramic Society, 1990 -
- Member of Council, Association of Baltic Materials Research Societies, 1994
- Member of the Board, Latvian Chemical Society, 1990
- Member of the Board, Association of Latvian Building Materials Producers, 1997-
Riga Technical University
- Crystalline Structure of Inorganic Materials, 1965-1970
- Crystallography, 1965
- Mineralogy and Petrography, 1965
- Chemistry of Building Materials, 1996
Recent/Representative Publications
- U.Sedmalis, I.Sperberga. Kristalografija un kristalkimija (Crystallography and
Crystallochemistry), 2003, Riga: Riga Technical University Press, 190 pp.
(in Latvian); 2nd Edition, 2006, 213 pp. (in Latvian).
- U.Sedmalis, I.Sperberga, G.Sedmale. Latvijas mineralas izejvielas un to izmanto'sana
(Latvian Mineral Raw Materials and Their Application), 2002, Riga: Riga
Technical University Press, 195 pp. (in Latvian).
- U.Sedmalis, J.Bolsijs, G.Sedmale, S.Lagzdina. Phosphate Glasses and Their Application,
1995, Riga: Riga Technical University Press, 500 pp. (in Russian).
- S.Lagzdina, U.Sedmalis, G.Korte, K.Gross. Crystallography and Mineralogy
Terminological Dictionary, 1993, Riga: Zinatne Press, 225 pp. (in Latvian).
- G.Sedmale, I.Sperberga, U.Sedmalis, Z.Valancius. Formation of high-temperature
crystalline phases in ceramic from illite clay and dolomite. - J. Eur. Ceramic Soc.,
2006, vol. 26, pp. 3351-3355.
- G.Sedmale, I.Sperberga, U.Sedmalis. Mullite synthesis by presence of liquid phase via
illite clay. - In: Science for New Technology of Silicate Materials. Proc. Int. Conf.
Cimtec'02, Florence, Italy, 2003, pp. 31-37.
- G.Sedmale, S.Lagzdina, A.Cimmers, L.Bidermanis, U.Sedmalis. Klinker- und wärmedämmende
Baukeramik aus illitischen Tonen. - 15.Internationale Baustofftagung.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Tagungsbericht - Band 1, S.1191-1198.
- G.Sedmale, U.Sedmalis. Phosphate glasses: forming, structure and properties. - Phosphorous
Res. Bull., 2002, vol. 13, pp. 215-220.
- U.Sedmalis, G.Sedmale, I.Sperberga. Using the symmetry order to estimate the chemical
stability of silicate materials. - Silikatu Technologija. Tarptautines konferencijos
prane'simu med'ziaga, Kaunas, 2002, pp. 20-27.
- G.Sedmale, I.Zuimatcha, U.Sedmalis. Dichte keramische Baustoffe von illitischen Tonen.-
Keramische Zeitschrift, 2001, N 3, S. 194-197.
- G.Sedmale, U.Sedmalis. The sequence of crystalline phases formation in compositions of
the system Ca3(PO4)2-Al2O3-SiO2.
- Glastechnische Berichte, 2000, 73 Cl, pp. 366-370.
- In: 14.Internationnale Baustofftagung, Tagungsbericht, 2000, Band 2, S.
- G.Sedmale, V.Kobyakov, M.Sithinava, U.Sedmalis. The compositions of glassy coatings for
the protection of niobium. - In: Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Eur. Ceramic. Soc., Extended
Abstracts, Brighton, 1999, pp. 221-224.
- Setina Ya., Volksch G., Auzans Yu., Sedmalis U. Formation of glass coating for optical
fiber. - Glastechnische Berichte, 1999, 71 C, pp. 472-476.
- U.Sedmalis, G.Sedmale, A.Stinkule. Characteristics of Latvian clays for structural clay
products. Ziegelindustrie International, 1995, N 3, pp. 177-179 (in German).
- U.Sedmalis. Chemistry and technology of silicates in Latvia. Latvian Journal
of Chemistry, 1993, n 1, pp. 24-28 (in Latvian).
- U.Sedmalis. Courses and results of research at the Chair of Silicate Technology of Riga
Technical University. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1994, N 3, pp. 269-276 (in
- Ya.Setina, Yu.Auzans, U.Sedmalis. Glass structure formation procedure within the system
LiF- BPO4- KBF4(NaBF4). - J. Glass Science &
Technology, Glastechnische Berichte, 1995, vol.68, pp. 91-96.
- U.Sedmalis, G.Sedmale. Formation order of crystalline phases in the melt of natural and
artificial glasses. Geochemistry (Chemie der Erde), 1996, vol. 56, pp.
Research Projects
- U.Sedmalis (Head of Project). Sequence of Crystalline Phase Formation in the High
Temperature Materials Basic System. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - ).
- U.Sedmalis (Head of Project). Development of Physicochemical Foundation for Producing of
Magnesium Cement, Facing and Refractory Materials and Magnesium Soluble Salts Using
Carbonate Rocks of Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- U.Sedmalis (Head of Project). Mineral Raw Materials of Latvia and Their Use. Latvian
Council of Science (1995-2000).
- U.Sedmalis (Head of Project). Theoretical Background of Functional Ceramics and Glass(y)
Materials and Coatings Technologies. Latvian Council of Science (1992- 1994).
Last update 25.09.2007