Born: March 6, 1951, Riga
- Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Disordered Solids
- Amorphous Semiconductors
- Semiconductor Electronics and Technologies
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling
- System Theory and System Analysis
- Disordered Systems
- Chaotic Phenomena and Self-organization
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English, German, French, Spanish
- Moscow Physical Technical Institute, Faculty of Aero-physics & Space Researches,
- Dr. Sc. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D., physics&mathematics,
solid state physics), Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1982
Thesis: Calculation of
Electronic Density of States of Disordered Covalent
- Dr.habil.phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR, physics&mathematics,
solid state physics), Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute, St.Petersburg,
Russia, 1992
Thesis: Simulation of
Atomic and Electronic Structures of Disordered
- Senior Engineer, Junior Researcher, Associate Professor, Riga Aviation University,
- Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer, Riga Aviation University, 1976-1986
- Associate Professor, Riga Aviation University, 1986-1992
- Professor, Riga Aviation University, 1992 -1999
- Head of Department of General and Applied Physics, 1990-1992
- Head of Department of Fundamental Science and Continuing Education, Telematics and
Logistics Institute, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TTI) , 1999 - 2001
- Head of General and Applied Physics Division, TTI, 2000-
- Head of Department of Natural Sciences and Computer Technologies , Information
Systems Management Institute & Telematics and Logistics Institute (1999- 2003)
- Vice-rector for Innovative Issues, Information Systems Management
Institute, 2003-
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Editor, Journal Riga Aviation University's Scientific Reports, ISSN 1407-2742,
I407-300SSN 15(on-line), 1996 - 1998
- Editor-in-Chief of the Int. Journal Computer Modelling and New Technologies (
ISSN 1407-5806, ISSN 1407-5814(on-line), 1999 -
- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Nature and Computer Science , ISSN
1407-8422, 1407-8422(on-line), 2001 -
- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Problems of Management, ISSN 1407-8805, 2001 -
- The Member of Riga Aviation University Senate (1997-1999)
- The Member of Transport and Telecommunication Institute Senate
- The Member of Information Systems Management Institute Senate (since
- The Head of Information Systems Management Institute Senate (2000-2003)
- The Member of Latvian State Qualification Commission (1999-2004)
Director of Study programs:
- Master level Computer Simulation of Semiconductor Technologies and
Bachelor level Semiconductor Electronics and Semiconductor Technologies, TTI
- Study subprogramme Computer Technologies Management (ISMI) (1999 - )
- Professional study programme Information systems (ISMI)
(2001 - )
- Study subprogramme Apllied electronics computing systems (ISMI)
(2001 - )
- Professional master programme Computer systems (ISMI) (2005- )
Coordinator and head of Programme Committee:
- International Conference Information Technologies and Management
- International Conference Open Learning and Distance Education
Riga Aviation University (till 1998):
- General Physics
- Quantum and Statistical Physics
- Physics of Semiconductors
- Crystalline Physics
- Physical and Topological Modelling of Semiconductor Devices
- Optical Systems of Memory and Communication
- Marketing of Solid State Electronics and Technologies
- Methods of Mathematical Physics, of Green Functions, of Ion Implantation
Transport and Telecommunication Institute (1999-2002)
General Physics
Physical and Topological Modelling of Semiconductor Devices
Optical Systems of Memory and Communication
Marketing of Solid State Electronics and Technologies
Methods of Mathematical Physics
Green Functions Methods
Ion Implantation Methods
Information Systems Management Institute (since 1999)
- Statistics
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Theory of Random Processes
- Computer Modeling
- Scientific prognostication
- Optimization theory
- Differential Equations
- Quantum and Statistical Physics
- Programming (C++)
- Chaos theory and sinergetics
- System theory
- System analysis
Recent/Representative Publications
Total number of publications - about 300
- Yu.N.Shunin, K.K.Shvarts. Calculation of the electronic structure in disordered
semiconductors. - Phys.Stat.Sol.(b),1986, vol.135, pp.15-36.
- Yu.N.Shunin, K.K.Shvarts. Cluster Approach for Disordered Solids. -Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences.1991, N 3, pp. 3-29.
- K.K.Shvarts, F.V.Pirogov, Yu.N.Shunin, J.A.Teteris. Photo-induced structural changes in
amorphous chalcogenides. - Cryst.Latt.Def. and Amorph.Mat.,1987, vol.17,
- Yu.N.Shunin, S.O.Tkatchenko. Modelling of Fundamental Properties of Disordered Condensed
Matter Systems. - Proc.6th APPC/11th AIP Congress, 4-8 July 1994, p. 37.
- Yu.Shunin, K.Schwartz, C.Trautmann. Relaxation of elementary excitations and formation
of defects along the path of heavy ions in solids. - GSI-Report-96-03, October
1996, pp.1-13.
- Yu.N.Shunin, K.K.Shvarts. Electronic structure and conductivity of disordered binary
semiconductors. - Tech.Phys., 1994, vol.39, pp.1025-1031.
- Yu.N.Shunin. Elementary excitations and radiation defects in glassy metals induced by
swift heavy ions. - Riga Aviation University Scientific Reports, 1996, vol.1,
- Yu.N.Shunin, K.K.Schwartz. Correlation between electronic structure and atomic
configurations in disordered solids. In: Computer Modelling of Electronic and Atomic
Processes in Solids. Space and Electronic Materials. (Ed. R.C.Tennyson and A.E.Kiv).
(NATO ASI SERIES), Dodrecht: Kluwer Ac. Publ., 1997, pp.241-257.
- Yu.N.Shunin, C.N.Borodulina. Calculation of the resistance of thin metallic films after
heavy ion passages. - Riga Aviation University Scientific Reports. 1996, vol.1,
- Yu.Shunin, Yu.Belova. Scattering of solitons in nonlinear disordered chains. - Riga
Aviation University's Scientific Reports. Computer Simulation and New Technologies,
1998, vol.2, pp.31-33.
- Yu.Shunin. Total energy of solids in local density approximation. - Riga Aviation
University's Scientific Reports. Computer Simulation and New Technologies, 1999,
vol.3, pp.19-24.
- Yu.Shunin, N.Danilova. Principles of field theories in macroeconomics. - Computer
Modelling and New Technologies, Riga, 2000, vol.4, No 1, pp.33-40.
- Yu.Shunin, N.Danilova. Random processes and kinetics of point defects in metals. - Computer
Modelling and New Technologies, Riga, 2000, vol.4, No 1, pp.64-68.
- Shunin Yu., Budilov K. Electronic properties calculations of copper. - Computer
Modelling & New Technologies, 2001, vol. 5, No.1, pp. 42-63.
- P.W.M. Jacobs, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, Yu. Mastrikov, Yu.N. Shunin.Bulk and surface
preoperties of metallic aluminium: DFT simulations. - Computer Modelling
& New Technologies, 2001, vol. 6, No.1, pp. 7-28.
- Sychev O., Zhukovskii Yu.F., Kotomin E.A., Shunin Yu.N. Adhesion of silver on the
Al-terminated corundum (0001) surface:: HARTREE-FOCK simulations. - Computer
Modelling & New Technologies, 2001, vol. 5, No.1, pp. 7-17.
- Yu.N. Shunin, V.A. Kosarev, Ch. Hamroon, A.V. Gopeyenko. Technological concurence
of copper and Aluminium as reliability problem in submicron- and nanoelectronics. - Int.
Conf. "Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication
(RelStat02) , 17-18 October 2002, Riga, Latvia
- Yu.N. Shunin and K. Budilov. Electronic properties calculations of Cu-films in CPA. - 2002 International Integrated Reliability Workshop, October 21-24,
2002, Stanford, USA
- P.W.M. Jacobs, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, Yu. Mastrikov, Yu.N. Shunin Bulk and
surface properties of metallic aluminium: DFT simulations (2002) Computer Modelling
& New Technologies. Volume 6, No.1, 7-28
- S. Piskunov, E. Heifets, E. A. Kotomin, Yu. N. Shunin. B3PW and B3LYP
exchange-correlation techniques in CRYSTAL computer code: the case study of ABO3
perovskites. Proceedings of 1st International Conference Information
Technologies and Management, 2003 April 16-17, Riga, Latvia. ISA, Riga, 2003, 70-81
- O. Sychev , G. Borstel, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, E.A. Kotomin, Yu.N. Shunin. DFT
Simulations of the Cu/MgO(001) Interface. Proceedings of 1st International
Conference Information Technologies and Management, 2003 April 16-17, Riga, Latvia.
ISA, Riga, 2003, 82-94
- Yu.A. Mastrikov, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, E.A. Kotomin, Yu.N. Shunin.
Hartree-Fock simulation on the AgCl(111)/aAl2O3(0001)
interface. Proceedings of 1st International Conference Information Technologies
and Management, 2003 April 16-17, Riga, Latvia. ISA, Riga, 2003, 95-98
- Yu.N. Shunin, K. Budilov, Yu. Zhukovskii, G. Borstel O. Sychev Electronic
and elastic properties of Cu-interconnects Proceedings of 1st International Conference Information
Technologies and Management, 2003 April 16-17, Riga, Latvia. ISA, Riga, 2003, 99-111
- A. Kovalevska, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, P.W.M. Jacobs, Yu.N. Shunin On the
mechanism of interaction between oxygen and regular Al(111) surface. Proceedings of 1st
International Conference Information Technologies and Management, 2003 April 16-17,
Riga, Latvia. ISA, Riga, 2003, 112-124
- V.A. Kosarev, Yu.N. Shunin, K. Hamroon, A.V. Gopeyenko, V.I. Gopeyenko
Copper in semiconductor technologies: technological concurence of copper and Aluminium as
reliability problem in submicron- and nanoelectronics. Proceedings of 1st
International Conference Information Technologies and Management, 2003 April 16-17,
Riga, Latvia. ISA, Riga, 2003, 125-130
- Yu. F. Zhukovskii O. Sychev, E.A. Kotomin G. Borstel, Yu. N. Shunin DFT
modeling of transition metal adhesion on the MgO(001) surface. Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference Information Technologies and Management, 2004 April 15-16,
Riga, Latvia. ISMA, Riga, 2004, 70-81
- Yu.A. Mastrikov, Yu.F. Zhukovskii, E.A. Kotomin, Yu. N. Shunin. Diffusion
of silver ions on the AgCl(111)/a -Al2O3(0001)
interface: first principles simulation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Information
Technologies and Management, 2004 April 15-16, Riga, Latvia. ISMA, Riga, 2004, 82-94
- S. Piskunov, E.A. Kotomin, E. Heifets, Yu.N. Shunin. The electronic
structure of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and PbTiO3 perovskite (001)
surfaces: ab initio DFT/B3PW calculations Proceedings of 2nd International
Conference Information Technologies and Management, 2004 April 15-16, Riga, Latvia.
ISMA, Riga, 2004, 95-98
- Yu.N. Shunin, A.V. Gopeyenko. Phase-shift functions methods for
nanoclusters electronic structure calculations in solids, Computer Modelling & New
Technologies. 2005, Volume 9, No.1, 15-31
- Yu.N. Shunin, Ch. Hamroon. Nanocrystals: theory and applications. The 3rd
International Conference Information Technologies and Management, 2005 April 14-15,
Riga, Latvia. IT&M 2005 Programme and Theses. Riga, 2005, 25-26
- Gopeyenko, S. Piskunov, Yu.N. Shunin. The atomic and electronic structure of pure and
defective PBZRO3. Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2006,
Vol.10, No.4, pp.7-16
Research Projects
- Yu.Shunin (Head of Project). Mathematical Simulation and Calculation of Fundamental
Properties of Disordered Condensed Media.- Latvian Council
of Science (1993-2000)
- Yu. Shunin. Optimization of Latvian Transport Systems. Transportation, Logistics,
Telematics. - Latvian Transport Association. (2001-2002)
- Yu.Shunin (Head of Project). Mathematical Modelling and Fundamental Properties
Calculation of Disordered Condensed Media.- Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2003
- Yu.Shunin (Head of Project). Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Fundamental
Properties of Disordered Condensed Media.- Latvian Council of Science (2004- )
Hobbies: computer sciences and applications; languages; acoustic guitar.
Family: married, two daughters.
Last update 07.10.2007