Born: June 8, 1929, Riga, Latvia
- Progressive Grass Feed Making Methods
- Feed Nutritive Value Evaluation Criteria
- Dairy Cows Feeding, its Effect on the Milk Quantity and Quality
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Zootechnics), 1955
- Dr.agr. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR system, PhD in Western countries), Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1963
- Dr.habil.agr., Latvia University of Agriculture, 1993
- Teacher, Saulaine Agriculture Technical School, Latvia, 1955-1958
- Postgraduate, Researcher, Head of Department, Research Centre "Sigra", Latvia
University of Agriculture, 1958-1998
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1998-
Honours and Awards
- Member, Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, 1992-
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1998-
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Council of Promotion, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992-
- Member of Convent, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1998-
- Deputy Chairman, National Feed-stuffs Council
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission
for Agricultural Sciences (Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine), 1994-1996; 1997-
Recent/Representative Publications
- I.Ramane, V.Auzins, D.Kravale. Feeding effect of different concentrate levels in grass
silage based diets on the milk production of dairy cows. - Proceedings of Latvia
University of Agriculture, Jelgava, 1996, N 4(281), pp.8-12 (in Latvian).
- I.Ramane, D.Kravale. Methods of forage making for use on small and large-scale farms in
Latvia. - Proceedings II International Conference of Agricultural Scientists from the
Nordic and Baltic Countries " Environment and Sustainable Agriculture",
Tartu, November 24-25, 1995, Tartu, Estonia, 1996, pp. 222-224.
- D.Kravale, I.Ramane. The importance of grass feed in milk production. - In: Publications
of Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics, Riga, 1996, Nr.8, pp.82.-87 (in
- I.Ramane, V.Auzins, D.Kravale. Influence of grass silage quality on its feeding and
dairy cow productivity. - Proceedings of Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava,
1997, N 10(287), pp. 52-55 (in Latvian)
- I.Ramane, V.Auzins. Dynamics of cultivating and development of early kinds of corn. - Proceedings
of the International Conference "The Latest Research Achievements in Forage
Production and Animal Nutrition", Baisogala, December 10, 1997, pp. 7-9.
- I.Ramane, V.Auzins. Influence of conservation technologies on fermentation, feed value
and protein balance in grass silage. - Proceedings of the international conference
"The Latest Research Achievements in Forage Production and Animal Nutrition",
Baisogala, December 10, 1997, pp. 29-33.
- J.Miculis, D.Kravale, I.Ramane. Influence of the stage of grass growth on the
quantitative and qualitative content of protein. - Proceedings of Latvia University of
Agriculture, Jelgava, 1998, N 17(294), pp. 52.-56 (in Latvian)
- I.Ramane. Forage quality significance for high quality milk obtaining. - In: Scientific
Principles of Latvian Agriculture (Scientific monograph), Latvia University of
Agriculture, 1999, pp.7.73.-7.80 (in Latvian)
- I.Ramane, D.Kravale, J.Miculis, H.Miettinen. Influence of different grass forage making
technologies on feed composition, quality and milk production in dairy cows. - Proceedings
of the XIIth International Silage Conference "Silage Production in Relation to Animal
Performance, Animal Health, Meat and Milk Quality", Uppsala, Sweden, July 5-7,
1999, pp.207-208.
Research Projects
- I.Ramane (Head of Project). Influence of the Stage of Wilting of Grass on the Selection
of the Most Adequate System of Grass Conservation. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1995)
- I.Ramane (Head of Project). Early Maturing Varieties of Maize for Silage as an
Alternative for Replacement of Conventional Sugar and Starch Rich Feed in Diets for the
Dairy Cattle. Latvian Council of Science (1993-1995)
- I.Ramane (Head of Project). The Solution of the Protein Problem in Latvia by Use of the
Progressive Technologies of Grass Conservation. Latvian Council of Science (1996-2000)
- I.Ramane (Head of Project). Rapse Oil-cake as Substitute of the Feed Yeast and Soy
Oil-cakes in the Dairy Cows, Layers and Broilers Concentrate Composition. Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (1995)
- I.Ramane (Head of Project). Elaboration of National Standards for Grass Feed According
EU Requirements. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia (1996)
- I.Ramane (Head of Project). Elaboration of Quality Criteria for Corn and Sugar Beats
Leaf Silage. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia (1997)
Family: Husband Dr.agr. Uldis Ramanis; daughter economist Raiva
Ramane; grandson Rudolfs; son-in-law engineer of mechanics Roberts Borhards.
Avocations: Dahlia growing
Last update 27.04.2000