Born: December 16, 1928, Ukraine
Dead: May 21, 2001, Riga
- Physical Chemistry (Electrochemistry)
- Chemical Technology: Theoretical Background
- Membrane Extraction
Languages: Russian, Latvian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), cum laude,1951
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), University
of Latvia, 1955
- Dr.habil.chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry:
- Researcher, 1951
- Postgraduate, 1951-1954
- Senior Researcher, 1954-1957
- Head of Laboratory, 1957 -1997
- Director, 1962-1984
- Leading Researcher, 1997 - 2000
Latvian Academy of Sciences:
- Academician-Secretary, Division of Chemical and Biological Sciences, 1975-1984
- President, 1984-1989
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1971
- Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1984
- Full Member, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1987
- Full Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991
- Latvian SSR Merited Scientist, 1978
- Latvian SSR State Prize, 1970
- USSR Council of Ministers Prize, 1976
- S.Vavilov Gold Medal (Nauka, USSR), 1980
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Gustavs Vanags Award (in Chemistry), 1988
- J.Heyrovsky Gold Medal (Czech Republic), 1988
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Editor-in-Chief for Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences. Ser. Chem.,
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board for:
Latvian Journal of Chemistry
Proceedings of Russian Academy Sciences
Theoretical Problems of Chemical Technology (Russian Academy of Sciences).
Recent/Representative Publications
- B.A. Purin. Electrodeposition of Metals from Pyrophosphate Electrolytes, 1975, Riga:Zinatne,
196 pp. (in Russian; in Japanese, 1984).
- B.A.Purin, V.A.Cera, E.A.Ozola, I.A.Vitina. Complex Electrolytes in Galvanotechnics, 1978,
Riga: Liesma, 267 pp.(in Russian).
- V.M. Kadek, O.K. Kukurs, B.A. Purin. Protection of Metals Against Corrosion, 1981,
Riga: Avots, 174 pp. (in Russian).
- J.Licis, B.Purin. Method of preparation of ammonium perrhenate - USSR Authors
Certificate No 248638 (1967); Fr. Pat. No 2030603 (1970); Austr. Pat. No
292629 (1971); GDR Pat. No 79008 (1971); US Pat. No 3616384; BRD Pat. No
195476 (1975);
- A.Jansone, O.Petrichenko, L.Kulikova, B.Purin. Method of platinum or ruthenium
reextraction. - USSR Authors Certificate, 1986, No 1379970.
- B.A.Purin, L.D.Kulikova, V.P.Chibisov. Equipment for pertraction of dissolved
substances. - USSR Authors Certificate, 1990, No 1578885.
- A.Popov, B.Purin. Surfacial activity of liquid anion-exchangers - a criterion for
evaluation of selectivity of extraction systems and electrodes. - Dokl. Akad. Nauk
SSSR, 1979, vol. 246, N 3, pp. 659-661.
- T.Sadyrbaeva, L.Kulikovska, B.Purin. Electrochemical reextraction of platinum metals.
III. Extraction of palladium (II) from saturated solutions on tri-n-octylammonium and
trialkylbenzylammonium chloride basis. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., Ser. Chem., 1989,
N 3, pp. 329-333(in Russian).
- T.Filatova, D.Strode, B.Purin. Liquid crystals in polymer membranes. -Visokomol. soedin.(
Journal of High-Molecular Compounds), 1991, A, vol. 33, N 1, pp. 39-51(in Russian).
- I.Vitina, B.Purin, I.Pelece, I.Bremere, V.Belmane. Formation of intermediate
intermetallic layers at interaction of tin coatingd with electrolytic barrier layers and
copper alloys of base metals. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1993, N 1, pp. 3-23.
- T.Sadyrbajeva, B.Purin. Electrodialytic transfer and separation of palladium and unnoble
metals in systems with liquid membranes. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1994, N 4, pp.
Research Projects
- B.Purins (Head of Project). Novel Materials and Processes for Membrane Technology. Latvian
Council of Science (1993-1995).
- B.Purins (Head of Project). Electrochemically and Thermally Regulated Membrane Transfer
of Ions and Creation of New Selective Membranes. Latvian Council of Science
- B.Purins (Head of Project). Elaboration of Theoretical Background for Cation Extraction
and Reextraction in Electric Field by Means of Liquid Membranes. Investigation of
Electrochemical Reactions on Electrodes in Membrane Systems. Latvian Council of Science
(1996- ).
Last update 7.06.1999