Remigijs POCS
Professor Dr.habil.oec. Remigijs POCS
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management;
Head of Division of Foreign Economic Relations,
Transport Economics and Logistics at
Riga Technical University6 Kalnciema Street, Room 204 Riga, LV-1048 Latvia
Phone: (371) 67089010
Fax: (371) 67089345
e-mail: remigijs.pocs@rtu.lv |
Born: September 8, 1947, Latvia
- Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting
- Quantitative Methods for Economy and Decision-Making
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Latvian State University (Faculty of Economics), Qualification: Economist-mathematician, 1966 - 1972
- Latvian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Economics), Postgraduate Student, 1972 -1975
- Dr. oec. (Candidate of Economic Sciences in the former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian State University, Riga, 1976
Thesis: Questions of Choice and Estimation of Productivity Forecasting Methods and Models (for Latvian Industry)
- Dr. habil. oec. (Doctor of Economic Sciences in the former USSR), Institute of Economics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, 1991
Thesis: Creation and Application of Applied Economic and Mathematical Models of Development of National Economy (for the Republic of Latvia)
Professional Activities and Memberships
Institute of Economics, Latvian Academy of Sciences:
- Junior research associate, 1975-76
- Senior research associate, 1976-78
- Head of Computer Laboratory, 1978-82
- Head of Sector of Modelling of National Economy, 1982-91
Ministry of Economy, Republic of Latvia:
- Head of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Department, 1993-94
Other Professional Background:
- Visiting Researcher, Aarhus University (Denmark), 1993-94, 1997 (5 months)
In 1972 - 2016 more than 100 scientific publications, including 2 individual and 7 collective monographs.
Recent Publications, 2000 - 2016:
- R.Počs. The Development of Entrepreneurial Logistics Studies in Latvia. In Collective Monograph: Sustainable Development of Tax and Custams Administration within the European Union. RTU Press, Riga 2014. p.114-123.
- V.Ozoliņa, R.Počs. Macroeconomic Modeling and Elaboration of the Macro- Econometric Model for the Latvian Economy", Scientific monograph, Riga, RTU Press, 2013. 191 p.
- Structural Changes, International Trade and Multisectoral Modelling (ed. by R.Bardazzi, M.Grassini). Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008. Chapter: Multisectoral Models, p. 43-62 (co-author Auzina A.), Chapter: Energy, p. 239-260 (co-author Ozolina V.).
- V. Skribans, R. Pocs. Model for Forecasting the Development of Latvian Construction Industry. RTU Izdevnieciba, Riga, 2008. 110 lpp. (in Latvian)
- R. Zile, I. Šteinbuka, R. Pocs, J. Kruminš, H. Ancans, U. Cerps. Latvia Entering the XXIst Century. Economics. Integration. Finance. Riga, Published by "Nacionalais Medicinas Apgads", 2000. Chapter I: Economic Development (1992-1999), p.19-43 (co-authors H.Ancans, I.Šteinbuka), Chapter II: Economic Strategy, p.43-49, Chapter IX: Scenario of Latvia's Economic Development, p.159-175 (co-author I.Šteinbuka).
Scientific publications:
- R.Počs, V.Ozoliņa. Instrumentary for competitiveness analysis of the Latvian economy. LZA Vēstis , 2016, 70.sējums, 3.numurs, p.10-19. (in Latvian)
- Velga Ozolina, Astra Auzina-Emsina, Remigijs Pocs. Forecasting Tax Revenues in Latvia: Analysis and Models. In Quest of the Craft. Economic Modeling for the 21st Century" (ed.by D.S.Meade). - Firenze University Press, 2015. p. 253-273
- Hudenko, Justina; Pocs, Remigijs. The Discrepancy between the Service Export Incomes of Rail and Sea Transport among Baltic States Transit Corridors". The 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 12 - 15, 2015 - Orlando, Florida, USA. Proceedings, Volume I, p. 63-69.
- Auzina A., Ozolina V., Pocs R. Productivity and Current Trends and Options of the Latvian Inforum Model. Development and Aplications of Multisectoral Macroeconomic Models (ed.by R.Pocs, A.Auzina, V.Ozolina). Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2010, p. 99-105.
- Auzina A., Pocs R. Impact of income changes on private consumption expenditure and its structure // 6th International Scientific Conference May 13-14, 2010 "Business and Management-2010", Selected papers. Vilnius, p.579-585.
- Pocs R., Auzina A., Ozolina V., Pinke, G. The competitiveness of manufacturing branches in Latvia and international comparison with analysis and forecasts // Energy Policy and International Competitiveness (edited by M.Grassini, R.Bardazzi). - Florence University of Florence , 2009, p.79-93.
- Ozolina V., Pocs, R. Modelling of Fiscal Sector Indicators. Humanities and Social Sciences: Latvia . Modelling Latvian Economy 4(57)/2008. University of Latvia Institute of Economics , Latvian Academy of Sciences. Riga :City , 2008. p.49-67.
- Auzina A., Pocs, R. Overall macroeconomic environment impact on business demography. 5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management' 2008", Selected Papers. Vilnus "Technika", 2008. p.341-345.
- Ozolina V., Pocs R. Short- and Long-term Forecasting of Population in Latvian Macro- and Multisectoral Models. Recent Developments in INFORUM-type Modelling. Lodz University Press. Lodz, 2007. pp. 129.-140.
- Ozolina V., Pocs R. Forecasting of Electricity Consumption in Latvia (Using Econometric Models). (in Latvian) Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series 3. Volume 14. "Economics and Business. Economy: Theory and Practice", Riga, RTU, 2007. p. 94-107.
- Komkova J., Pocs R. The Problems of Building up Enterprise Risk Management Models, Advantages and Disadvantages of their Use". (in Latvian) Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series 3. Volume 14. "Economics and Business. Economy: Theory and Practice", Riga, RTU, 2007. p. 63-69.
- Grassini M., Pocs R., Pinke G., Neiders L. Overview of the Latvian Economy in the Context of the Development of the Multisectoral Macroeconomic Model of Latvia. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia 198. Inforum Models for the New EU Members. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego. Lodz, 2006. p.87.-109.
- Ozolina V., Pocs R. Forecasting of Latvian Population And Employment (Using Econometric Models). (in Latvian) Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series 3. Volume 13. "Economics and Business. Economy: Theory and Practice", Riga, RTU, 2006. p. 87-97.
- Pocs R., Buikis M., Ajevskis V. The Conjuncture Type Model of Latvian Economy (practical realisation). International conference "Research in Statistics - Basis of Social Sciences and Education". (Riga, October 2-4, 2003), Riga: University of Latvia, 2004, p.139-143.
- Carkovs J., Pocs R. Price Equilibrium Volatility Reserve for Stability for Marshall-Samuelson Adaptive Market. Proceedings of 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. 8-12 July, 2002. Chania, Greece. p153-156.
- Pocs R., Buikis M., Ajevskis V. Conjuncture Type Model of the Latvian Economy. (in Latvian) Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series 3. Volume 4. "Economics and Business. Economy: Theory and Practice", Riga, RTU, 2001. p. 106-111.
- Pocs R. The Aims of Long-term Economic Strategy of Latvia. (in Latvian) Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series 3. Volume 1. "Economics and Business. Economy: Theory and Practice", Riga, RTU, 2000. pp. 8-16.
Membership in International Projects:
- INFORUM (Interindustry Forecasting Project at the University of Maryland) (USA) (Coordinator and Member of the Latvian Team), 2005 - present
- Medium Term Economic Strategy in the Context of Pre-Accession to the EU. Phare, No. 96/1136-03, 1997
- Assessment of the Size and Composition of the Hidden Economy in Latvia. Eurostat, No. 105-E15P4FA1C, 1995
Research Projects:
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Project 5.2.1. Explore the Competitiveness of Latvian Enterprises in Foreign Markets and Make Proposals for its Strengthening. State Research Programme 5.2. EKOSOC-LV, 2014 - present
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Forecasting of Development and Competitiveness of Industries of Latvian Economy using Modelling Tools and Economic Aspects of Innovative Activity. Latvian Council of Science, 2009 - 2010.
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Analysis and Forecasting of Latvian Sectoral Productivity and Costs Structure, using Modelling Tools. Riga Technical University, 2009.
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Ensuring of the Elaboration of Input - Output Tables in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science, 2008.
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Elaboration of the Latvian Construction Branch and Real Estate Market Development Forecasting Model. Project of Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia and Riga Technical University. 2007.
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Development of Computable General Equilibrium Model and Forecasts of Energy Sector in Latvia. Project of VAS Latvenergo", the Ministry of Economics of Republic of Latvia and Public Utilities Commission, 2005-2006
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Elaboration of the Continuous Time Macroeconometric Model of Latvia, Latvian Council of Science, 2004 - 2007
- R.Pocs (Head of Project). Stochastic Modelling of the Macroeconomic Process. Latvian Council of Science, 2001 - 2003.
Last update 09.11.2016