Born: November 22, 1951, Viesite, Latvia
- Plasma processing of ceramics nanopowders
- Manufacture of advanced ceramics from the fine plasma-processed powders
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German and English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), 1973
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Riga
Polytechnic Institute, Latvia, 1985
- Researcher, University of Latvia, 1975-1977
- Researcher, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry,
1977 -
- EC scholar, Fh-IKTS Dresden, Germany, 1993 (3 months)
- Professor, Metz University, France, 1995-1997 (5 months)
- Expert, ' Plasma & Ceramics Technologies' Ltd., Latvia, 1996 -
- Expert, H.König. Technische Keramik, Germany, 1999 (1 month).
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of the Latvian Council of Science, 1997-1999
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Scientific principles of
technology: materials, chemistry, pharmacy, 1994 -
- Member of the Latvian Materials Researchers Association.
- Plasma Chemistry, Riga Technical University, 1996.
Recent/Representative Publications
- E.Palcevskis., J.Grabis, T.Millers. Fine Si3N4-SiC Powder:
Obtaining and Characteristics.- In: Materials by Powder Technology PTM'93., DGM
informationsgesellschaft Verlag, Oberursel, 1993, pp.657-662.
- E.Palcevskis, A.Kuzjukevics, M.Herrmann. Ceramics with high thermal Conductivity from
fine AlN powder.- In: International Conference "Structure and properties of the
brittle and quaziplastic materials", Proceedings, Riga, 1994, pp.113-117.
- G.Smilskalne, E.Palcevskis. Neutron Activation Analysis in the Production of Aluminium
Nitride Ceramics. - Keram. Z., 1996, vol.48, N 2, pp.108-112 (in German).
- E.Palcevskis, G.Smilskalne, L.Jakobsen. High thermal conductivity ceramics from fine
AlN-powder. - In: Materials of VI-th International Baltic Conference "Materials
Engineering - 96", Kaunas, 1996, pp. 28-33.
- B.Berzina, L.Trinkler, E.Palcevskis, J.Sils. The Oxygen-Related Luminescence Centers in
AlN Ceramics. - Materials Science Forum, 1997, vol. 239-241, pp.145-148.
- E.Palcevskis, L.Jakobsen, L.Trinklere, U.Ulmanis. Ceramics from Fine Plasma-Processed
AlN Powder. - Euro Ceramics V. Key Engineering Materials, 1997, vol. 132-136, Part
1, pp.185-188.
- U.Ulmanis, E.Palcevskis. Radiation-induced electrical conductivity in aluminium nitride
ceramic. - J. Nuclear Materials, 1998, Vol. 252, pp. 195-199.
- E.Palcevskis. Ceramics from fine plasma processed AlN powder. - Materials
Engineering-98. Materials of the VII-th International Baltic Conference, September
24-25, Jurmala, Latvia, Riga 1998, pp.30-35.
- E.Palcevskis, B.Berzina, L.Trinkler, U.Ulmanis, N.Mironova-Ulmane. Ceramics from fine
plasma processed AlN powder, sintering and properties. - Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 1999, No.1, pp.34-52.
- E.Palcevskis, E.Jakobsons, L.Faitelson. Rheology of injection moulding suspension
prepared from nanosized plasma processed AlN powder. - Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 1999, vol.4, Special issue: ICER 99, pp.375-380.
- E.Palcevskis, O.Ivanova, M.Kurasheva. Ceramics from Plasma-Processed Al2O3
Powder. - MEDYIAGOTYRA (Materials Science) 1999, N 2 (9), pp.30-32.
- E.Palcevskis, B.Berzina, L.Trinkler, U.Ulmanis, N.Mironova-Ulmane. Ceramics from fine
plasma processed AlN powder, sintering and properties. - Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 1999, No.1, pp.34-52.
- E.Palcevskis. A method of thermal conductivity measurement. - Latvian Patent
No.12365 (Jan. 20, 2000).
- E.Palcevskis, E.Jakobsons, L.Faitelson. Reological properties of AIN nanopowder
suspensions for advanced ceramics. - Mechanics of Composite Materials (N.Y.),
2000, vol. 36, N. 6, pp. 501-508.
- E.Palcevskis, U.Reichel, M.Lipe. Sintering of nanosized plasma-processed Al2O3
powders. - Proceedings of X-th International Baltic Conference MATERIALS
ENGINEERING & BALTTRIB *2001. September 27-28, Jurmala, Latvia, 2001. Riga,
Latvia, pp.87-91.
- L.Actina, E.Palcevskis, A.Dindune. Preparation and properties of Hydroxyapatite obtained
from solutions through spray-drying technique.- Scientific Proceedings of Riga
Technical University. Machine Science and Transport. Biomedical Engineering and
Microtechnologies, 2002, vol.9, pp. 149-154.
- L.Kuznetsova, J.Grabis, E.Palcevskis, G.Heidemane. Characteristics of granulated
plasma-synthesized zirconia powders. - Latv. J.Chem., 2002, Nr. 3, 317-323. lpp.
- E.Jakobsons, L.Faitelsons, E.Palcevskis. Rheology of concentrated suspensions of
plasma-processed fine alumina. - Int. J. Applied Mechanics & Engineering, 2003,
vol.8 (Suppl.), pp. 251-258.
- E.Palcevskis, A.Dindune, L.Kuznecova, A.Lipe, Z.Kanepe. Granulated composite powders on
basis of hydroxyapatite and plasma-processed zirconia and alumina nanopowdwers. -
Latv. J. Chem., 2005, N 2, pp. 128-138.
- E.Palcevskis, A.Dindune, Z.Kanepe, J.Krastins, D.Janackovic, I.N.Mihailescu. Comparison
and characteristics of hydroxyapatite poeders prepared by different methods. - -
Latvian J. Physics & Technical Sci., 2006, N 4, pp. 63-67.
Research projects
- E.Palcevskis (Head of Project). Scientific Foundation of the Initial Treatment of the
Fine Plasma Processed Ceramic Powders. Latvian Council of Science (1999-2000).
- E.Palcevskis (Head of Project). Injection Moulding Compound for Processing of Aluminium
Nitride Ceramics. LR Ministry of Education and Science (1998-1999).
- E.Palcevskis (Head of Project). Optical properties of aluminium nitride ceramics. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996).
- M.Kalnins (Program Director). Improvement of the Reliability, Durability and Protection
of Materials and Structures. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- E.Palcevskis (Head of Project). Initial Processing Technology of Nanosized
Ceramics Plasma Powders. Latvian Council of Science (2001- 2004).
- E.Palcevskis (Head of Project). High Temperature Foam Ceramic from Plasma-Processed
Nanosized Powders. - Latvian Council of Science (2005- ).
Last update 30.09.2007