Born: July 5,1948, Riga, Latvia
- Biomechanics of Human Cardiovascular System. Investigation of Biomechanical features and
Structure of Human Blood Vessels and Heart Valves
- Biomaterials. Ingrowths Processes and Biocompatibility of New Artificial Substitute of
Biological Tissue: Morphofunctional and Biomechanical Investigations of Composite Material
- Biomechanics of Bones and Spine. Biomechanical Properties and Structure of Bone, Joint
and Cartilage
- Functional, Structural and Biomechanical Research of Human Upper Part of a Digestive
- Tissue Engineering of Human Cardiovascular System
- Latvian Population Senescence and Life Quality: Biomedical and Social Aspects.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
Riga Medical Institute (Faculty of Medicine), 1967-1973
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in western countries), Kaunas
Medical Academy, Lithuania, 1983
- Dr.habil.med.(Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Medical Academy, Riga, 1998.
Professor, Riga Stradins University, 2004 -
Associate Professor, Latvian Medical Academy, 2001 - 2004
Vice-rector for Science, Riga Stradins University, 1998 -
Head of Scientific Department, Latvian Medical Academy, 1995-1998
Senior Researcher, Latvian Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, 1985 - 1995
Researcher , Laboratory of Biomechanics, Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1975-1985
Neurologist, Riga Emergency Hospital, 1973-1975
Assistant, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 1966-1967
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Coordinator of EU 5th and 6th Framework ERA-NET-AGE
- Member of the Latvian Council of Science
(LCS), 2001-2007
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Medical Sciences , 2001
- Member of doctoral, promotion and special purpose financing commission of LCS,
- Member, State Commission of Scientific Qualification, 1998 -
- Memberof the Board, Latvian Association of Professors
- Chair, Council of Science, Riga Stradins University
- Chair, Promotion Council (Medical Biomechanics), Riga Stradins University
- Chair of Editorial Board, Collection of Scientific Papers of the Riga Stradins
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal Acta Chirurgica Latviensis
- Observer, The Joint Committee of the Nordic Medical Research Councils, 2004 -
- Member of the Board of Foundation for Medical Education and Research Support
- Member of Board of Latvian hallmark
- Member of European Society of Biomechanics
- Member of European Society of Tissue Engineering
Honourary Titles, Awards
Award of the Republic of Latvia - The Cross of Acknowlwdgement (step
IV), 2008
Doctor Honoris Causae (Dr.med.h.c) of the Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 2009
Recent / Representative Publications
Total number of publications - 152
- Kasyanov V., Isenburg J., Draughn R. A., Hazard S., Hodde J., Ozolanta I., Murovska M.,
Halkes S. B., Vrasidas I., Liskamp R. M.J., Pieters R. J., Simionescu D., Markwald R. R.
and Mironov V. Tannic Acid Mimicking Dendrimers as a Small Intestine
Submucosa Stabilizing Nanomordant. - Biomaterials, 2006,issue 5, pp.745-751
- Mironov V., Kasyanov V., Yost M., Visconti R., Twal W., Trusk T., Wen X.,
Ozolanta I., Kadishs A., Prestwich G., Terracio L., Markwald R. Cardiovascular
Tissue Engineering I. Perfusion Bioreactors: A Review. - J. Long-Term Effects of
Medical Implants, 2006 ,Vol.16, Issue 2, pp.111-130
- Kasyanov V., Norris R., Damon B., Ramamurphy A., Trusk T., Forgacs G., Ozolanta I.,
Vetra J., Markwald R.R., Mironov V., Biomechanical properties of a skin of wild and
periostin-null mice. - J.Biomechanics, 2006,vol.39, suppl.1, p.394
- Mironov V., Kasyanov V., Halkes J.S. B., Ozolanta I., Hazard S., Pieters R. J., Markwald
R. R. Tannic acid mimickin dendrimers as nanomordant for decellularized scaffolds. - Proc.
Int.Congr. Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine, 2006, p.1-20 (http://www.ianano.org/)
- Kasyanov V., Norris R., Wen X., Damon B., Ramamurphy A., Trusk T., Forgacs G., Ozolanta
I., Vetra J., Markwald R.R., Mironov V., Biomechanical properties of a skin of wild and
periostin-null mice. - Medimond, International Proceedings 2006,Volume ISBN
8-7587-270-8 p.509-516,
- Kasaynov V., Ozolanta I., Kadiss A., Murovska M., Markwald R., Mironov V. Biomechanics
of composite scaffold suitable for vascular tissue engineering. - In: Proceeding
Medimond the 5th European Symposium on Biomechanics, 7-9 June,
2006, Greece , Patras, Ellas, P09-1 P09-3
- Ozolins V., Kasyanov V., Ozolanta I., Smits L., Sikora N., Lacis A. Comparision of
biomechanical properties between untanned and glytaraldehyde-treated human pericardium. - Acta
Chirurgica Latviensis, 2007, vol.7, p.20 24;
- Smits L., Kasyanov V., Ozolanta I., Ozolins V., Sikora N., Lacis A. Comparision of
biomechanical properties of two syntethic biomaterials for ventricular septal defect (VSD)
closure in one-year children patients. - Acta Chirurgica Latviensis, 2007, vol.7,
p.24 28
- Krumina G., Ozolanta I. , Paegle I. , Ozolina R., Harlamova J., Bieza A., Teibe U.
Galvas smadzenu fiziologiska un priekslaiciga patologiska novecosanas: diagnostisko
kriteriju izstrade. - RSU Zinatniskie raksti, 2007, 85-91 lpp.
- Stradins P., Ozolanta I., Lacis R., Kalejs O., Kolitis R., Ose V., Feldmane L., Kasyanov
V. Biomechanical and structural properties of the human pulmonary valve. - The
Heartland Series, Aortic Valve and Root Symposium 1, 2007, Lincoln, Nebraska USA
- Petersons A., Abola Z., Gardovskis J., Ozolanta I., Gardovska D., Ambalovs G.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease after Esophageal atresia repair. - J.Clinical
Gastroenterology, 2008, vol.42, Nr.4, suppl. S 5,
- Dehktyar Yu., Katashev A.,Katasheva J., Ozolanta I. Effects of optical
radiation on the healing of bone defect in rabbits. - IFMBE Proceedings 2008,
Vol. 20, p.357 360
- Pavars J., Stradins P., Lacis R., Ozolanta I., Kasyanov V. Biomechanical
properties of different components of human mitral valve. - Acta Chirurgica
Latviensis, 2008, vol.8, p.75-78
- Kalejs M., Stradins P., Lacis R., Ozolanta I., Pavars J., Kasyanov V. St.Jude Epic
heart valve bioprostheses versus native human and porcine aortic valves comparison
of mechanical properties. - Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery,
2009, 8(5), p.553-556
- Kasyanov V., Hodde J., Hiles M.C., Eisenberg C., Eisenberg C., De Castro L.E.F.,
Ozolanta I., Murovska M., Draughn R.A., Prestwich G.D., Markwald R.R., Mironov V.
Rapid biofabrication of tubular tissue constructs by centrifugal casting in a
decellularized natural scaffold with laser-machined micropores. -
J.Mater.Sci.Mater.Med., 2009,20(1) p.329-337
- Mironov V., Kasyanov V., Nagy-Mehesz A., Moreno R., Hajdu Z., Trusk T., Ozolanta I.,
Murovska M., Wu Y., Yao H., Beachley V., Wen X., Bradshaw A., Visconti R., Norris R.,
Markwald R. Tissue engineering of heart valve leaflet by self-assembly of tissue
spheroids biofabricated from human fat tissue derived stem cells. - IFMBE Proceedings 25/X,
2009, pp.230-232
- Mironov V., Zhang J., Gentile C., Kasyanov V., Ozolanta I.,Markwald R.R., Visconti R.P.
Adipose-derived cells as a clinically relevant of autologous cells for vascular tissue
engineering. - World Conference of Regenerative Medicine, Germany, Leipzig,
October 29-31, 2009. - Regenerative Medicine, 2009, 4 (6), p. 119
Patents of Latvia
- I.Ozolanta, B.Purinya, V.Kasyanov. Method of evoluation of vascular
transplantat. Nr.12299, 1999.
- V.Kasyanov, I.Ozolanta, B.Purinya, V.Kancevicha. Woven vascular graft. Nr.12341, 1999.
- V.Kasyanov, B.Purinya, R.Lacis, I.Ozolanta. Artificial aortic heart valve, Nr. 12488,
Research Projects
- Investigation of Biomechanical Features of Human Coronary , Main Brain Arteries and
Developing of Novel Vascular grafts. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2001).
- Peculiarities of the Structure of the Heart Aortic and Pulmonary Trunk Valves that
Determine the Possibility to Use Them in the Reconstruction of the Aortic Valve. Latvian
Council of Science (2000 - 2001).
- Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Degenerative Diseases of Spine and Femur. Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2001).
- Functional, Structural and Biomechanical Researches of the Upper Part of the Alimentary
Tract in Children and Adults and Usage of the Obtained Outcomes in a Surgical
Gastroenterology . Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004).
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Joint Project). Latvian Population Senescence and Life Quality
: Biomedical and Social Aspects. Latvian Council of Science (2002-2005).
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Project). Functional, Structural and Biomechanical
Research of Upper Part of a Digestive Tube for Children and Adults and Usage of the
Obtained Outcomes in a Surgical Gastroenterology. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004).
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Project). Morphofunctional, Biomechanical and
Histochemical Investigations of Esophagus and Stomach Walls on Patients of Different Age
Groups with Surgery Related Upper Digestive Tract Diseases. Latvian Council of
Science (2005-2008 ).
- I. Ozolanta (Head of Joint Project). Research of Medical and Social Demographic
Low-Governed Nature of Population Aging in Latvia (2006-2009).
- Tissue Engineering of Novel Vascular Graft on the Bases of Natural and Synthetic
Biodegradable Scaffolds. Latvian Council of Science.
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Project). ERA-AGE2. European Commission, under the 7th
Framework Programme (2009 - 2012).
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Project). FUTUAGE. European Commission, under the 7th
Framework Programme (2009 - 2011).
- Multi-Disciplinary Research Consortium on Major Pathologies Threatening the Life
Expectancy and Quality of Life of the Latvian Population ( State Programme in Medical
Sciences) (2006-2009).
Last update 19.01.2010