Ieva OSE
Dr.hist. Ieva OSE
Head of Department of Archaeology
Institute of History of Latvia,
University of LatviaAkademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1050
Phone: +371 7216769
Fax: +371 722 5044
E-mail: lvi@lza.lv |
June 8, 1961, Riga, Latvia
- Archaeology
- Medieval Art History
Languages: Latvian, German, English, Russian
Latvian Academy of Art (Department of History and Theory of Art; qualification - art
historian), 1984
Dr. hist., Institute of History of Latvia, 1992
Thesis: Tile stoves from the castles of Kurzeme, end of the 15th,
beginning of the 18th century.
- Studies in Art History, Central European university , Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. -Dec.
Institute of History of Latvia,
University of Latvia:
- Head of the Department of Archaeology, 1995 -
- Senior Researcher, 1998 -
- Researcher, 1997
- Junior Researcher , 1993- 1996
- Assistant, 1984-1991
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities
- Member, Wartburg-Gesellschaft-society of Castle Researchers of Germany, 1993
- Member of the Committee Permanent of Symposium "Castella maris Baltici", 1994
- Participant in the cycle of Conferences "Castrum Bene", 1996
- Editor, the periodical issue Recent Discoveries of the Archaeologists in Latvia
- Medieval Material Culture , Latvian Academy of Art
Recent / Representative Publications
More than 150 papers published (1986-2004): 3 monographs, research papers, book
reviews, conference reports, bibliographies, popular articles etc.
- Tile Stoves from the Castles of Kurzeme and Zemgale, End of the 15th,
Beginning of the 18th Century (Podi'nu kr'asnis Kurzemes un Zemgales pil'is),
1996, Riga, 103 pp. (Monograph, in Latvian).
- The Investigation of the Middle Ages' Castles of Latvia at 18th-20th Century (Latvijas
visduslaiku pi'lu p'etniec'iba 18.-20. gs.), 2001, Riga: Latvijas Vestures Instituta
Apgads, 383 pp. (Monograph, in Latvian, Summary in German) .
- The Lexicon of German Castles in Latvia, End of the 12th - 17th Century ( Latvijas 12.
gs. beigu- 17.gs. v'acu pi'lu leksikons) , 2004, Riga: Latvijas Vestures Instituta
Apgads, 590 pp. (Monograph, in Latvian, Summary in German; co-author A.Caune).
- Überblick über die Forschungen in Steinburgen Lettlands (1991-1993). - Castella
Maris Baltici, II. - Nyköping, 1996, S. 147-150.
- Neue Erkenntnisse uber die Ordensburgen in Lettland. - Castrum Bene5/1996: Castle and
Church (Ed. L.Kajzer, H.Paner), Gdansk, 1996, S. 119-135.
- Musik und andere freie Kunste auf Kacheln aus Lettland. - Keramos, 1997, Heft
157, S. 49-54.
- Some Analogies in the Decoration of Stove Ceramics in Latvia and Lithuania in the 16th
Century. - Acta Baltica'94, Kaunas,1997, pp. 115-119.
- Umbau der livländischen Ordensburgen in Kurland zu Schlössern des Manierismus. - Der
frühe Schlossbau und seine mittelalterlichen Vorstufen, München, 1997, S.
185-194.(Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlössern, Bd.3).
- Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Burgen in Lettland wärend der letzten 50 Jahre. - In:
Castellogica Bohemica, Praha, 1998, S. 117-138.
- Einige Erkenntnisse uber die ersten Kirchen in Lettland. - In: Kosciol i sztuka
pobrzeza Baltyku: Kirche und Kunst im Ostseeraum (red. M.Wozniak), 1998, Torun, S.
- I.Ose, A.Caune. Archäologische Erkenntnisse zum Handel in Riga vom 13. bis zum 16.
Jahrhundert. - Lübecker Kolloquium zur Stadtarchäologie im Hanseraum II: Der Handel (Hrsg.
M.Gläser), Lübeck, 1999, S. 415-425.
- Burgen und Kriege in Lettland während des 16. bis Abfang des 18.Jahrhunderts. - Château
Gaillard XIX: Actes du colloque international de Grazz, 22-29 août 1998. - Caen,
2000, pp. 223-229.
- Die Burgen des Erzbistums Riga. - In: Burgen kirchlicher Bauherren, 2001,
Munchen-Berlin, S. 235-244 (Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlossern; Bd.6).
- Heizanlagen in den mittelalterlichen Burgen Lettlands. - Castella Maris
Baltici V, 2001, Rodkobing, S. 129-136.
- Karl von Löwis of Menar (1855-1930) und sein Beitrag zur Burgenforschungen
Alt-Livlands. - Castella Maris Baltici 3-4, 2001, Turku-Tartu-Malbork,
S. 127-133.
- Neugebaute Türme der Burgen Lettlands. -Castella Maris Baltici 3-4,
2001, Turku-Tartu-Malbork, S. 221-228.
- Zeugnisse des mittelalterlichen Hausbaus in den Kleinstädten Lettlands. - Lübecker
Kolloquium zur Stadtarchäologie im Hanseraum III: Der Hausbau, 2001, Lübeck, S.
- Hrad Bauska v Loty'ssku. - Zpr'avy pam'atkov'e p'e'ce (Praha), 2003, 63:4, s.
- Archäologische Spuren des mittelalterlichen Rathauses in Riga. - The Medieval Town
in the Baltic. Hanseatic History and Archaeology, II: Proc 3rd and 4th Seminar,
Tartu, Estonia, 12-13 June 1999, and 8-10 June 2000 /Ed. R.Vissak, A.Mäesalu. - Tartu,
2002, S.75-82.
- Die ersten Burgen mit regulärem Grundriss in Lettland. - Castella Maris
Baltici 6, 2004, Vilnius, S. 141-146.
Research Projects
- I.Ose (Head of Project). Investigations of Medieval Archaeology in Latvia Castles,
Towns and Cemetries . - Latvian Council of Science, 2001 - 2004
- I.Ose (Head of Project). Investigations in Medieval and Postmedieval Archaeology of
Latvia . - Latvian Council of Science, 2005 -
Last update 26.11.2004