Born: September 29, 1954, Kuldiga, Latvia
- Environmental Assessment and Management
- Landscape Ecology and Planing
- Environmental Monitoring and its Methods
- Geochemical Indication of Pollution.
Languages: Latvian, German, English, Russian
- B.A. (Geography),University of Latvia (Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences), 1981
- M.Sc.(Environmental Sciences), University of Latvia (Faculty of Geography and Earth
Sciences), 1994
- Dr. geogr., University of Latvia, 1996
University of Latvia -
- Professor, Head of Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Geography and Earth
Sciences, 2002 -
- Associate Professor, Head of Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography and Earth
Sciences, 1996 - 2002
- Lecturer, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, 1987 - 1996
- Engineer, Department of Botany and Ecology, 1979 - 1987
Honours and Awards
Membership of professional bodies:
- Member, Latvian Soil Society
- Member, Latvian Geographers Society
- Member, Latvian Landscape Ecology Association
- Member, Latvian Landscape Architecture Society
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
University of Latvia -
- Geography of Soils, 1991-
- Geography of the USSR, 1987-1991
- Field Methods in Physical Geography, 1987 - 1997
- Circulation of Contaminants in the Environment, 1991 -
- Ecologic Issues of Latvia, 1991 - 1996
- Terrestrial Ecosystem Environmental Protection, 1994 - 1997
- Soil Science, 1987-
- Natural Geography of Latvia, 1997 -
- Physical Planing, 1998 -
Recent/ Representative Publicatons
- O. Nikodemus, G. Brumelis. Spatial dynamics of atmospheric pollution in Latvia and the
Baltic Republics, as measured in mosses, topsoil and precipitation. - GeoJournal,
1994. vol. 33, N 1, pp. 71-80.
- O. Nikodemus. Description of soils in the Skrunda area. - In: The Effect of
Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Organisms, 1994, Skrunda, pp. 46-49.
- G. Brumelis, O. Nikodemus. Biological monitoring in Latvia using moss and soil:
Problems in the portioning of anthropogenic and natural effects. -In: Bioindicators of
Environmental Health, 1995, Amsterdam: SPB Academic Publishing, pp. 123-132.
- V. Balodis, G. Brumelis, K. Kalvikis, O. Nikodemus, D. Tjarve, V. Znotina..
Does the Skrunda Radio Location Station diminish the radial growth of pine trees? - The
Science of the Total Environment, 1996, vol.180/1, pp. 57-64.
- O. Nikodemus, G. Brumelis. Monitoring of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Latvia. -
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences / Ecotoxicology and Enviromental
Safety, 1998. vol. 52, pp. 17 23.
- G.M. Brumelis , H. Dennis Brown, O. Nikodemus, D. Tjarve. The monitoring and risk
assesment of Zn deposition around a metal smelter in Latvia. - Environmental Monitoring
and Assesment, 1999, vol. 58, pp. 201 212.
- Brumelis G., Lapina L., Nikodemus O., Tabors G. Use of artificial model of
monitoring data to aid interpretation of principal component analysis. - Environmental
Modelling & Software, 2000, vol. 15, pp.755 763.
- Gutko Z., Brumelis G., Liepins I., Nikodemus O., Tabors G. Floristic
diversity, richness and evenness during secondary succession on abandoned agricultural
land in Latvia . - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001,
vol. 55, N 1, pp. 35 42.
- Brumelis G., Lapina L., Nikodemus O., Tabors G. Use of the O horizon
of forest soils in monitoring metal deposition in Latvia . - Water, Air, and
Soil Pollution, 2002, vol. 135 , pp. 291-309.
- Sepp K., Jagomagi J., Kaasik K., Nikodemus O., Kreilis M., Strazdina B., Busa V.
et all., 2002., Development of National Ecological Networks in the Baltic Countries in the
framework of the Pan European Ecological Networks. Edited by Sepp K., Kaasik K.
Warsaw, IUSN., 2002, pp. 165.
- Nikodemus O., 2003. Nature resource management in municipalities. Manual 1. Riga. P. 62.
- Nikodemus O., Brumelis G., Tabors G., Lapina L., Pope S., 2004. Monitoring of air
pollution in Latvia between 1990 and 2000 using moss. Journal of Atmospheric
Chemistry 49. pp. 521 -531.
- Tabors G., Brumelis G., Lapina l., Pospelova G., Nikodemus O., 2004. Changes in
element concentrations in moss segments after cross transplanting between a
polluted and non polluted site. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, vol. 49. pp. 191
- Nikodemus O., Bell S., Grine I., Liepin I. 2005. The impact of economic, social,
and political factors on the landscape structure of the Vidzeme uplands in Latvia.- Landscape
and Urban Planning, 2005, Vol. 70, Issues 1-2. pp. 57 67.
- Nikodemus O., Terauds A. Landscape ecological analysis of the landscape structure in
Northvidzeme Biosphere Reserve. - Implementation of Landscape Ecology in New and
Changing Conditions. Abstract Procedings. Stara Lesna, 2006, pp. 90-91.
- S.Bell, Z.Peneze, O.Nikodemus, A.Montarzino, I.Grine. The value of the Latvian rural
landscape. - European Landscapes and Lifestyles. The Mediterranean and Beyond,
2007, Lisbon, p. 347-362.
Research Projects
- O.Nikodemus (Head of Latvian Part of Project - Soil Subprogramme). ICP Integrated
Monitoring. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (1994-
- G. Brumelis (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Heavy Metals Mapping in Europe Using Moss
and Humus. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (1995,
- O.Nikodemus (Head of Project). Geograhical and Ecological Aspects of the Conversion of
Agricultural Lands to forested Areas. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000 ).
- O.Nikodemus (Head of Project). Land-use Structure Changes of Latvian
UplandsLandscape Ecology and Visual Aspects. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 - 2004).
- O.Nikodemus (Partners) European Platform for Demonstration of Efficient Soil and
Groundwater Remediation (EuroDemo) (6 framework programme, 2005 2007)
- O.Nikodemus (Head of Project). Factors Impacting Latvian Landscape
Structure and its Landscape Ecology Evaluation. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 -2007).
Last update 25.02.2008