(8.01.1951 - 15.02.2012)
Born: January 8, 1951, Valmiera, Latvia
Family status: married
- Organic Solid State Physics
- Organic Electronics
- Organic Molecular Materials Science
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian (fluently), German (working level)
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics), Riga, 1974
- Postgraduate, Institute of Physical Energetics, 1979-1982
- Dr.Phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of
Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1983
- Dr.habil.phys., University of Latvia, 1998
Junior Researcher, Researcher, Leading Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Organic
Solid State Physics and Molecular Electronics, Institute of Physical Energetics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1982 -
Head of the Laboratory of Organic Materials, Institute of Solid State Physics,
University of Latvia, 2002 -2012
Researcher and Visiting Scientist:
- Potsdam University, Germany, 1992- 1993; 1998; 1999, 2000
- Zentrum für Makromolekulare Chemie, Berlin-Adlershof,Germany, 1993
- South Bank University London, United Kingdom, 1996; 1997
- Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chemie Industrielles, Paris, France, 1996, 1998
- University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 1997
- Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academica Sinica, Taipei, 2002
- University P.M.Curie, Paris, France, 2003-2004
- University Angers, France, 2003-2004
Professional Activities
- Member, Latvian Society of Physics
- Expert for the evaluation of proposals in connection with specific research programmes
of European Commission, 1998
- Guest Editor of Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals A, vol.355,
2001; of Ferroelectrics, vol.25, vol.258, 2001; of Proceedings SPIE,
vol.5122, 2003
Honors and Awards
Author of ~150 scientific publications.
Recent/Representative Publications (1995-2006)
I.Muzikante, E.A.Silinsh. Investigation of Local Trapping States in
Organic Molecular Crystals by Method of Thermally Modulated Space-Charge Limited Current.
- Acta Physica Polonica A, 1995, vol.88, No.2, pp.389-399.
I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, E.Silinsh. Charge Carrier Trapping States in Thin
Evaporated and Langmuir-Blodgett Organic Films.
- Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics, 1996, vol. 6, No 5/6, pp. 283-287.
G.Matisova, E.Markava, I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, M.Gerca. Photosensitivity
and Electrical properties of some Azobenzene Derivatives in Langmuir-Blodgett Films. - Advanced
Materials for Optics and Electronics, 1996, vol. 6, No.5/6, pp. 279-282.
E.Markava, D.Gustina, G.Matisova, I.Kaula, I.Muzikante, M.Rutkis,
L.Gerca. Reversible Trans/cis Photoisomerization in Langmuir-Blodgett Multilayers from
Polyfunctional Azobenzenes. - Supramolecular Science, 1997, vol.4, No3/4,
I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, E.A.Silinsh, B.Yang, F.Ciuchi, B.Dubini, D.Hönig.
Structural and Electrical Characterization of Betaine-type, Organic, Molecular, Thin
Evaporated Films and LB Multilayers. - Supramolecular Science, 1997, vol.4, No.3/4,
M.Vélez, S.Mukhopadhyay, I.Muzikante, G.Matisova, S.Vieira. Atomic Force
Microscopy Studies of Photoisomerization of Azobenzene Derivative on Langmuir-Bodgett
Monolayers. - Langmuir, 1997, vol.13, no.4, pp.870-873.
O.Neilands, V.Tglika, I.Sudmale, I.Grigorjeva, A.Edzina, E.Fonavs,
I.Muzikante. Dioxo- and Aminooxopyrimidotetrathiafulvalenes: p -Electron Donors for Design
of Conducting Materials Containing Intermolecular Hydrogenes Bonds of Nucleic Acid Base
Pair Type. - Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics, 1997, vol.7, No.1,
I.Muzikante, E.A.Silinsh, L.Taure, O.Neilands. Physical Properties of
Thin Evaporated Films of N-(Indan-1,3-dion-2-yl) Pyridinium Betaine and its Derivatives. -
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1998, No.4, pp.10-27.
I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, E.Silinsh, C.Fretigny, M.Bouvet, J.Simon,
S.Spirkovitch. Charge Carrier Transport Properties of Thin Films of an Intrinsic Molecular
Semiconductor: Lutetium Bisphthalocyanine. - Mol. Materials, 1998, vol.9, No.4,
B.Stiller, Th.Köpnick, I.Muzikante, O.Neilands, M.Utinans, O.Dubrovich,
P.Karageorgiev, L.Brehmer. Optically Induced Switching Effect of Polymer Containing
Indandione-1,3 Pyridinium Betaine Side Chains. - Europhysics Conference Abstracts,
vol.23H, pp.59-60.
B.Stiller, G.Knochenhauer, E.Markava, D.Gustina, I.Muzikante,
P.Karageorgiev, L.Brehmer. Self-Assembled Monolayers of Novel Azobenzenes for Optical
Induced Switching. -Materials Science and Engineering C, 1999, vol.C8/C9,
D.Gustina, E.Markava, I.Muzikante, B.Stiller, L.Brehmer.
Phtoisomerization Process of Self-assembled Monolayers of Some Novel Azobenzenes. - Advanced
Materials Optics and Electronics, 1999, vol.9, pp.245-251
M.Utinans, O.Dubrovich, O.Neilands, V.Zauls, I.Muzikante. NLO
Polymers Containing as Active Chromophore Indandionylpyridinium Betaine Units: Synthesis,
Modelling and Characterization. In: Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron
Processes in Organics: New Phenomena, Materials, Applications (eds. F.Kazjar,
M.V.Agranovich), NATO ASI Science Series, 3. High Technology, 2000, vol. 79,
V.Capek, I.Muzikante. Electronic States in
Organic Molecular Crystals. In: Molecular Electronic Materials (eds.
R.Farchioni, G.Grosso), Springer Series in Materials Science, Springer-Verlag, 2001,
vol.41, pp.241-282.
E.Markava, D.Gustina, I.Muzikante, L.Gerca, M.Rutkis, E.Fonavs.
Photochromism of Some Azobenzene Derivatives in Thin Films as a Function of the Chemical
Properties of the Molecule. - Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst, 2001, vol. 355.
S.Jursenas, V.Kovalevskij, V.Gulbinas, A.Gruodis, G.Kodis, I.Muzikante,
T.Gustavsson, J.-C. Mialocq, L.Valkunas. Excitation Dynamics in Solutions,
Films and Crystal of Indandione-1,3 Pyridinium Betaine. - Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.,
2001, vol. 355.
I.Muzikante, L.Gerca, E.Fonavs, M.Rutkis, D.Gustina, E.Markava,
B.Stiller, L.Brehmer, G.Knochenhauer. Self-assembled monolayers of
Azobenzene-functionalized 1,3,5-Triazine-4,6-Dithiols. Material Science and
Engineering C, 2002, vol.22, No.2, pp.339-341.
I.Muzikante, O.Neilands, E.Markava. Optically induced electrical
properties of new advanced organic materials. SPIE Proceedings, Advanced Optical
Materials, 2003, vol.5122, pp.182-191.
O.Neilands, I.Kirichenko, I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, L.Gerca, S.Jursenas,
R.Valiokas, R.Karpicz, L.Valkunas. Detection of blue light by self-assembled monolayer of
dipolar molecules. In: UV Solid-State Light Emitters and Detectors. Proceedings of
the NATO Advanced Workshop, NATO Science Series II, vol.144, Kluwer Acad. Publish., 2004,
R.Dobulans, D.Cepite, E.Fonavs, I.Muzikante, A.Tokmakov, D.Erts,
B.Plakov. Studies of host-quest thin films of corona poled betaine type polar molecules by
Kelvin probe technique and atomic force microscopy. Macromolecular Symposia,
2004, vol.212, pp.421-426.
I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, A.Tokmakov, D.Cepite, B.Stiller, L.Brehmer,
O.Neilands. Optical and electrical properties of oriented thin films of oligomer
containing betaine type moiety in side chain. -Physica Status Solidi (b), 2005,
Vol. 242, N 4, pp. 815-818.
I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, L.Gerca, B.Stiller, L.Brehmer, E.Markava,
D.Gustina. Optically induced switching of dicyclohexylamino substituted azobenzene
derivatives in thin ordered films. - SPIE Proceedings, 2005, vol. 5946, pp.
I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, B.Stiller, L.Brehmer. Photoinduced phenomena in
organised polar organic films. - Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2005,
vol. 116, N 1/3, pp. 133-141.
I.Muzikante, E.Fonavs, L.Brehmer, B.Stiller. Photoinduced switching
of electrical properties in films of polar indandione type organic molecules. - SPIE
Proceedings, 2006, vol. 6192, 6192W
Research Projects
- I.Muzikante (Head of Project) Design and Research of the Electro- and
Photophysical Properties of Photoactive and Highly Polar Organic Molecular Electrets. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004)
- I.Muzikante (Head of Project). Investigation of Physical Properties of
Polar and Photoactive Supramolecular Systems for Photonics. Latvian Council of Science (2005- ).
- I.Muzikante (Co-ordinator of the Joint Scientific Project) Intelligent
Materials and Structures for Microelectronics and Photonics; Photoactive Molecular
Crystals and Polymers for Microelectronics and Photonics. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004)
- I.Muzikante (Co-ordinator of the Joint Latvian-German Scientific Project
LVA 02/001) Nanostrukturierte organische Schlichten: Design und Anwendungen fur
- I.Muzikante (Co-ordinator of the Joint Latvia-Lithuania-Taiwan Project).
Charge Separation and Transfer in Molecular Systems: Comparative Study of Solutions,
Aggregates and Solid States (2001-2004)
- I.Muzikante (Co-ordinator of the Joint France-Latvian Project).
Electrical Properties of Molecular Materials based Devices and their Use as
Pollutant Gas Sensors. 2003, 2004
- I.Muzikante (Co-ordinator of the Joint France-Latvian Project).
Polarisation induite optiquement de molecules organiques dans les films minces de polymers
pour doublage de frequence, 2003, 2004
Last update 15.08.2012