Professor Maris MIHELSONS
Head of the Department of Surgery
Latvian Maritime Medicine Centre,
Faculty of Medicine, University of LatviaPatversmes
iela 23,
Riga, LV 1005
Phone: +371 7501242, +371 9540115
Fax: +371 9343508
E-mail: info@ljmc.lv |
Born : December 26,1936, Aizpute, Latvia
Interests :
- General Surgery
- Abdominal and Thoracal Traumatology
- Hepatobiliary Surgery
- Minimally Access Surgery
Languages : Latvian, Russian, English, German
- Medical Academy of Latvia ( Faculty of Medicine ) cum laude, 1962
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR system), Medical Academy of Latvia, 1972
- Dr.habil.med.(Doctor of Science in former USSR system), Medical Academy of Latvia, 1982
- Surgeon of Soviet Army, 1962 -1967
- Surgeon, P.Stradins Clinical Hospital, Riga, 1967-1970
- Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Lung Surgery, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1970
- Professor (in Surgery), 1983-1990
- Head of Department of Surgery, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1990-1997
- Professor (in Surgery), University of Latvia; Head of Department of Surgery of the
Latvian Meritime Medical Centre, 1998
Honours and Awards
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Vice-President, Baltic Association of Surgeons, 1995 -; President (1991-1995)
- President, Association of Latvian Thoracic Surgeons, 1995 -2001
- Member, Permanent Committee of Eurosurgery, 1993-
- Member of Advisory Board, European Journal of Emergency Surgery and Intensive Care,
1997 -
- National Delegate, European Society of Surgery (ESS), 1998 2001
- Surgical Diseases, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1970-1998
- Surgical Diseases, University of Latvia (Faculty of Medicine), 1998
- Principles of Surgery, University of Latvia (Faculty of Medicine), 1998
Recent/Representative Publications
- M.Mihelsons, K. Arklins. The blunt visceral polytrauma. Europ. J.
Emerg. Surg. and Intensive Care, 1996, vol. 19, N 3, pp. 162-164.
- M.Mihelsons, et al. Jejunal interposition for Peptic Stenosis of the Esophagus Following
Esophagoomyotomy for Achalasia. International Surgery, 1997, vol. 82, pp.
- M.Mihelsons, et al. Structural and ultrasonic changes in human bronchi in ageing. - Proc.
Latvian Acad. Sci., 2000, vol.54, N 1/2, pp. 32-35.
- M.Mihelsons. External flail chest stabilization vs. internal stabilization. - Abstr.
39thWorld Congr. of Surgery, 2001. p.217.
- A.Jezupovs, M.Mihelsons. Early inflammation reaction of patients to
polypropylene mesh after hernioplasty. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., 2005,
vol.59, N 1.
Research Projects
- M. Mihelsons (Head of Project). Investigations of Biomechanics of the Human
Hollow Organs and the Elaboration of New Treatment Methods. Latvian Council of Science
Last update 27.11.2001