Viesturs MELECIS
Dr.biol. Viesturs MELECIS
Director of Institute of Biology, University of Latvia,
Head of Laboratory of Bioindication
Associate Professor
Institute of Biology, University of Latvia,
Miera iela 3, Salaspils, LV-2169
LatviaTel.: + 371 7944988, +371 9191557
Fax.: +371 9345412
E-mail: vmelecis@email.lubi.edu.lv |
Born: November 10, 1950, Riga, Latvia
- Ecology
- Soil ecology
- Soil zoology
- Biomonitoring
Brief Description of Main Research -
Human impact assessment by using soil invertebrate community
Biomonitoring methods of soil invertebrate communities
Biomonitoring methods of insect communities of protected areas
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, cum laude, 1975
- Dr. biol. (Ph.D.), University of Latvia , 1992
University of Latvia -
- Director, Institute of Biology, 1998 -
- Head of Laboratory of Bioindication, Institute of Biology , 1991 -
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, 1995 -
Institute of Biology of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences -
- Leading Researcher, 1990-1991
- Junior Researcher, 1977-1989
- Laboratory Assistant, 1971-1975
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President, Entomological Society of Latvia, 1999-
- Editorial Board, journal Latvijas Entomologs, 1995-
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Biology, Ecology, Geography and Geology, 1993-
Invited Lectures
- Biomonitoring methods in environmental assessment . Workshop on Monitoring of
Contaminations with Organic Pollutants in the Baltic States, Lidingo, Sweden, 1998.
- Springtails as bioindicators of forest soil pollution by a cement factory.
(Methodological approaches). Biological Colloquium. Bremen University, 1995.
University of Latvia, Faculty of
Geography and Earth Sciences, Department of Environmental Sciences -
- General Ecology (Bachelor programme), 1994
- Bioindication and Monitoring (Bachelor programme), 1994 -
- Ecosystem Ecology (Master degree programme) 1994 -
- Soil Ecology (Master degree programme), 1997 -
Recent/Representative Publications
- E.Jucevica, V.Melecis. Global warming affect Collembola community: a long-term study. - Pedobiologia,
2006, 50, pp. 177-184.
- M.Laivins, V.Melecis. Bio-geographical interpretation of climate data in Latvia:
multidimensional analysis. - Acta Universitatis Latviensis, Earth and Environment
Sciences. Biogeography, 2003, vol. 654, , pp.7-22.
- E.Jucevica, V.Melecis. Long-term dynamicsof Collembola in pine forest ecosystem. - Pedobiologia,
2002, vol. 46, pp. 365-372.
- V. Melecis. Probleme des Boden-Biomonitorings. - In.: Koehler, H., K. Mathes &
B.Breckling (Hrs.). Bodenökologie interdisciplinär, 1999, Berlin: Springer, S.
- V.Melecis. Integrated research programme: renaissance of ecology in Latvia.- Proc.
Latv. Acad. Sci., 2000, vol. 54, N 5/6, pp. 221-225.
- V.Melecis, A.Karpa, V.Spungis. Assessment of the strategy used for insect population
monitoring in Nature park Lake Engure. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., 2000, vol. 54, N
5/6, pp. 197-202.
- V.Melecis, E.Jucevica, I.Salmane, F.Savics, V.Spungis, J.Ventins. Monitoring of soil
fasuna in pine forest ecosystems of Northern Vidzeme Biosphere reserve. - XII Int.
Colloquium on Soil Zoology, 14-18 August 2000, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic),
Abstracts, p.48.
- I.Salmane, V.Melecis, E.Paulina. Collembola and gamasin mites of the restricted area
Lake Engure. - Proc. XXIV Nordic Congress of Entomology, August 8-11, Tartu, Estonia,
1999, pp.157-162.
- V. Melecis, A. Karpa, I. Kabucis, F. Savics, L. Liepina. Influence of vegetation
structure on the distribution of grass-dwelling arthropods of salty coastal meadows. - Proc.
XXIV Nordic Congress of Entomology, 1999, August 8-11, Tartu, Estonia, pp. 101-110.
- V. Melecis, A. Karpa, L. Kalvina, I. Timofejeva.. Recovery of pine stands as a result of
decreasing of background pollution. - Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1998, vol. 52, suppl. 38-42.
- V. Melecis, A. Karpa, V.Spungis. The grass-dwelling arthropod communities of the coastal
reserve Randu plavas in Latvia. - Latvijas Entomologs, 1998, N 36, pp.
- V. Melecis, A. Karpa, I. Kabucis, F. Savics, L. Liepina. Distribution of grassland
arthropods along a coenocline of seashore meadow vegetation. - Proceedings of Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1997, vol. 51, N 5/6, pp. 222-233.
- Yu. B. Byzova, M. S. Ghilarov, W. Dunger, A.A. Zacharov, L.S. Kozlovskaya, G. A.
Korganova, G. P. Mazantseva, V. P. Melecis, J. Prasse, F. G. Puzachenko, L. B.
Rybalov, B. R. Striganova. Quantitative methods in soil zoology, 1987, Moscow:Nauka,
288 pp. (in Russian).
- V. Melecis. The problem of bioindication at an ecosystem level. - In: J. Bohac (ed.).
In: Bioindicatores deteriorisationis regionis. Proc. VI Int. Conf. Ceske
Budejovice (Chechoslovakia), 1992, pp. 35-43.
- A. Karps, I. Lapina, V. Melecis, V. Spungis, M. Sternbergs. Environmental
Pollution by Slurry from Pig-breeding Farm, 1990, Riga:Zinatne, 237 pp. (in
- D. Berina, I. Lapina, V. Melecis, V. Spungis. Investigation of the impact of
highway transport emission on soil microarthropods by the method of principal components.
-In: The Impact of Highway Transport Emissions on Natural Environment, 1989,
Riga:Zinatne, pp. 48-73 (in Russian with English summary).
- A. Karps, V. Melecis, V. Spungis, P. Sarkovskis. The impact of automobile
transport exhausts on grassland arthropods. - In: The Impact of Highway Transport
Emissions on Natural Environment, 1989, Riga:Zinatne, pp. 74-101 (in Russian with
English summary).
- V. Melecis. Mathematical model for relationship between number of species and number of
samples. - In: Faunistical, Ecological and Ethological Investigations of Animals, 1984,
Riga: Latvian State University, pp. 5-24 (in Russian with English summary).
- V. Melecis. Bioindicational significance of springtails (Collembola) concerning
calciferous dust pollution in the Betuletum oxalidosum. - In: Pollution of Natural
Environment by Calciferous Dusts, 1985, Riga: Zinatne, pp. 149-209 (in Russian with
English summary).
- V. Melecis. The method of investigation of dependence of soil invertebrates from
ecological factors with alternatively distributed data. - In: Ecotoxicology and Nature
Protection., 1988, Moscow: Nauka, pp. 236-255 (in Russian).
Recent Research Projects
- V.Melecis (Programme Director).Biodiversity and Rational Development of
Ecosystems of Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2002 - 2005).
- V.Melecis (Head of Project).Changes in Species Diversity on the
Background of Fluctuations of Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors. Latvian
Council of Science (2001 - 2004, 2005 - ).
- V.Melecis (Programme Coordinator). Biotic Resources of Ecosystems of Latvia and its
Sustainable Use. Latvian Council of Science
- V.Melecis (Head of Project). Biocoenotic Parameters as Indicators of Long Term Changes
of Ecosystem State. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- V. Melecis (Head of Project). Elaboration of Biomonitoring Methods for Coastal and
Forest Ecosystems of Nature Protection Complex of Northern Vidzeme. Latvian Council of
Science (1994-1997).
- V.Melecis (Head of Project). Elaboration of Biomonitoring System in Forest Ecosystems of
Nature Protection Complex of Northern Vidzeme. Latvian Council of Science
Last update 25.09.2007