Professor Arturs MEDVIDS
(Artur Medvid)
Head of the Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics
Institute of Technical Physics
Riga Technical UniversityAzenes iela 14
Riga, LV 1068
Phone: +371 708 9445; +371 708 9376
Fax: +371 761 5765
E-mail: medvids@latnet.lv |
Born: March 10, 1942, Velsk, Krievija
Languages: Ukrainian, Latvian, English, Russian.
Scientific interests
- Investigation of the semiconductors (Si, Ge, InSb, Te, CdHgTe) properties under
nonequilibrium conditions in nonhomogeneous electric, magnetic and temperature fields.
- Transport process in semiconductors, metal (CoSi2) and dielectrics (SiO2,
- Interaction of laser beam with solid materials.
- Formation of nanostructures on a surface of semiconductors.
- Kiev State University, specialisation Optics and Spectroscopy, 1968
- Dr. phys., (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in western countries),
specialisation Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics, Vilnius State University,
Lithuania, 1979.
- Dr.habil.phys., University of Latvia, 1994.
Riga Technical University:
Professor, 1994 -
Associated Professor, Physics Department, 1983-1995
Head of Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics, 1989 -
Lecturer, Physics Department, 1975-1983
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences:
Senior Engineer, Institute of Semiconductors, 1969-1975
Engineer, Institute of Physics, 1967-1969
Laboratory Assistant, Institute of Electric Welding, 1959-1967
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Invited speaker at the 12th International Conference on solid Films
and Surfaces, Hamamatsu, Japan, 2004.
- Chairman of section at the 12th Annual International Conference on
Composites/nanoEngineering, 2005.
- Invited professor in Research Institute for Electronics of Shizuoka University,
Hamamatsu, Japan, 2001.
- Member of the Advisory Committee, 9th, 10th Symposium on Ultrafast phenomena in
Semiconductors, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1995, 1998, 2004.
- Member of the Advisory and Program Committee:
- SPIE Conf. on Optical Storage, Imaging, and Transmission of Information, Kiev,
Ukraine, 1996, 1998;
- SPIE Conf. Material Science and Material Properties of IR Optoelectronics,
Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 1996.
- Member of the Organising Committee and Chair / Editor at the SPIE Conf. Optical
Materials and Devices, Riga, Latvia, 1996.
- Member of Editorial Board of journal Material Science, Kaunas University of
Technology, Lithuania (ISSN1392-1320).
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, USA
- Member, Union of Latvian Scientists.
- Member, SPIE, Latvian Physics Society
- Member, Association of Latvian Physicists (member of the European Physical
- Consultant, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev
- Expert, Journal of Applied Physics.
On Photoconductivity of a Semiconductor in Nonhomogeneous Electric and Magnetic
Intern. School-Conference Solid State Physics: Fundamental and Application, 1989
(Alushta), 1997 (Katsyaveli), Ukraine.
Kiev State University, Ukraine, 1994
Nordic- Baltic School Conference Semiconductors Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania,
Riga Technical University:
General Physics
Physics of Semiconductors
Optoelectronics devices
Surface Science
Laser Technology in Microelectronics
Recent/ Main Publications
- A. Medvid, Y. Fukuda, A. Michko, P. Onufrievs , and Y. Anma. 2D lattice
formation on a surface of Ge single crystal by YAG:Nd laser. Applied
Surface Science, 2005, vol. 244/1-4, pp. 120-123.
- A. Medvid, A. Mychko, A. Krivich, and P. Onufrijevs. Formation of pores in Ge
single crystal by laser radiation. Applied Surface Science, 2005, vol.
244/1-4, pp.203-208.
- A. Medvid, B. Berzina, L. Trinkler, L. Fedorenko, P. Lytvyn, N.Yusupov, T.
Yamaguchi, L. Sirghi, and M. Aoyama. Formation of nanostructure on surface of SiC by laser
radiation. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 2003, vol.195, No.1, pp. 199-203.
- A. Medvid( Invited paper). Redistribution of the Point Defects in Crystalline
Lattice of Semiconductor in Nonhomogeneous Temperature Field. - In: Defect and
Diffusion Forum, Vols. 2002, 210-212 (Defects and Diffusion in Semiconductors - an
Annual Retrospective) , pp.89-101.
- A. Medvid, Y. Hatanaka, D. Korbutjak, L. Fedorenko, S. Krilyuk, and V.Snitka.
Generation of the A-centres at the surface of CdTe(Cl) by YAG:Nd laser radiation.
Applied Surface Science, 2002, vol.197-198, pp.124-129.
- A. Medvid and L. Fedorenko. Thermogradient mechanism of p-n junction formation
by laser radiation in semiconductors. - Applied Surface Science, 2002, vol.197-198,
pp. 877-882.
Research Projects
- A.Medvid (Head of Project). Influence of the Laser Radiation on Silicide Layer,
Metal-Semiconductor Contacts and Buried Layer Formation. Latvian Council of Science
- A.Medvid (Head of Project). The Investigation of the Mechanism of Laser Annealing of
Silicon on Isolator (SOI) Structures. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- A.Medvid (Head of Project). Dynamics of Formation of Buried Layer and Investigation
of the Centres Generated by Laser Radiation. Latvian Council of Science (1997-1999).
- A.Medvid (Head of Project). Diffusion of Atoms in Crystalline Lattice in
Nonhomogeneuos Temperature in Electric Field. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -
- A.Medvid (Head of Project). Nanostructures formation on a surface of semiconductors
by laser radiation. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - 2008).
Last update 02.10.2005