Professor Ervins LUKSEVICS Chairman
of Bedrock Geology
Department of Geology
University of Latvia
Rainis Boulevard 19
Riga, LV-1586
Phone: + 371 6733 1766
Fax: + 371 6733 2704
E-mail: ervins.luksevics@lu.lv
Home address:
Lucijas Street 4
Balozi, Riga District, LV-2112
Phone: + 371 2960 8514 |
Born: November 19, 1955, Riga, Latvia
- Vertebrate palaeontology: morphology, palaeoecology, palaeogeography, biostratigraphy of
the Devonian fishes and tetrapods
- Origin of tetrapods
- Stratigraphy of the Devonian
- Jurassic molluscs from the Baltic area
- Ichnology (Devonian trace fossils)
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Biology), 1979
- Dr.geol.,
University of Latvia (Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences), 1996
- Guide, Natural History Museum of Latvia, 1979-1980
- Head of Department of Taxidermy, Natural History Museum of Latvia, 1980-1982
- Head of Department of Collections, Natural History Museum of Latvia, 1982-1986
- Chief Curator, Natural History Museum of Latvia, 1986-1998
University of Latvia
- Researcher, Institute of Geology, 1996-1998
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Geology, 1998-2008
- Head of Department of Geology, Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, 1998-2005
- Director, Institute of Geology, 2002-2008
- Assistant Professor (Docent), Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, 1996-2001
- Chairman of Bedrock Geology, Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, 2005-
- Associated Professor, Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, 2001-2007
- Professor, Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, 2007-
Professional Activities and Membership
- Corresponding Member of the Subcommission on the Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS),
International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), 1993 -
- Vice-chairman of the Baltic Stratigraphical Association ex officio, 1999 -
- Member of the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO),
International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), 2006 -
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal "Geologija",
Luthuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers, 2006 -
- Member of Palaeontological Society, Russia, 1985 -
- Corresponding Member of the International Paleontological Association (IPA), 2008 -
- Member of Faculty Board, University of Latvia, 1998 -
- Chairman, Latvian Stratigraphical Commission, 1996 -
- Member, Tutorial Board of Study Programs in Geology, 2000 -
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Series in Earth and Environmental Sciences of Acta
Universitatis Latviensis, 2002 -
- Number of contributions (abstracts) to international scientific congresses, meetings and
symposia: 40
- Number of contributions (abstracts) to national scientific meetings: 26
- Origin and early evolution of tetrapods. - University of S.-Petersburg, Russia,
December, 2004.
- General aspects of studies of fossil vertebrates. - University of Tartu, Estonia,
October 13, 2007.
- Fossils fishes. - University of Tartu, Estonia, October 14, 2007.
- Origin and early evolution of tetrapods. - University of Tartu, Estonia, October 15,
- Origin and early evolution of tetrapods. - Vilnius University, Lithuania, April 16,
- Palaeontology and Stratigraphy
- Evolution of the Earth
- History of the Earth
- Phylogeny of Living Forms
- Micropalaeontology
- Stratigraphy
- Palaeogeographic Reconstructions
Recent/Representative Publications
Total number of publications - 134
Scientific publications:
- Lukevics E., Lebedev O.A., Zakharenko G.V.
2010. Palaeozoogeographic zonation of the Middle-Late Devonian vertebrate
communities of the Baltica Province. Part I. Emsian-Givetian. Palaeoworld 19: 94107.
- Lebedev O.A., Lukevics E., Zakharenko G.V. 2010.
Palaeozoogeographic connections of the Devonian vertebrate communities of the Baltica
Province. Part II. Late Devonian. Palaeoworld
19: 108128.
- Lukevics E., Lebedev O., Mark-Kurik E.,
Karatajute-Talimaa V. 2009. The earliest evidence of host-parasite
interactions in vertebrates. Acta Zoologica
(Stockholm), 90 (Supplement 1): 335-343.
- Lebedev O.A., Mark-Kurik E., Karatajute-Talimaa V.N.,
Lukevics E., Ivanov A. 2009. Bite marks as evidence of predation in
early vertebrates. Acta Zoologica
(Stockholm), 90 (Supplement 1): 344-356.
- Ahlberg P.E., Clack J.A., Lukevics E., Blom H. & Zupin I. 2008.
Ventastega curonica and the origin of tetrapod morphology. Nature
453: 1199-1204.
- Blieck, A., Clément, G., Blom, H., Leličvre, H., Lukevics, E., Streel, M.,
Thorez, J. & Young, G.C. 2007. The biostratigraphical and
palaeogeographical framework of the earliest diversification of tetrapods (Late Devonian).
In : Becker, R.T. & Kirchgasser, W.T. (eds.), Devonian Events and
Correlations. Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 278 : 219-235.
- Ukkonen, P., Lőugas, L., Zagorska, I., Lukevica, L., Lukevics, E.,
Daugnora, L. & Jungner, H. 2006. History of the reindeer (Rangifer
tarandus) in eastern Baltic region and its implications for the origin and immigration
routes of the recent northern European wild reindeer populations. Boreas 35:
- Ivanov A., Lukevics E., Stinkulis G., Tovmasjan K., Zupin I., Beznosov P. 2006.
Stratigrafiya devonskih otlozheniy Andomskoy gory. - Problemy Geologii i Mineralogii.
Syktyvkar. 385-396.
- Lukevics E., Zupin I. 2004. Sedimentology, fauna, and
taphonomy of the Pavari site, Late Devonian of Latvia. Latvijas Universitates
Raksti, ser. Zemes un Vides zinatnes, 679: 99-119.
- Lukevics E. 2001. The orbito-nasal area of Asterolepis ornata,
a Middle Devonian placoderm fish. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21
(4): 687-692.
- Lukevics E. 2001. Bothriolepid antiarchs (Vertebrata, Placodermi)
from the Devonian of the north-western part of the East European Platform. Geodiversitas,
23 (4): 489-609.
- Esin D., Ginter M., Ivanov A., Lebedev O., Luksevics E., Avkhimovich V., Golubtsov V.
& Petukhova L. 2000. Vertebrate correlation of the Upper Devonian and
Lower Carboniferous on the East European Platform. Courier Forschungsinstitut
Senckenberg, 223: 341-359.
- Forey, P. L., Ahlberg, P. E., Lukevics, E. & Zupin, I. 2000.
A new coelacanth from the Middle Devonian of Latvia. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology, 20 (2): 243-252.
- Ahlberg P. E., Lukevics E., Mark-Kurik E. 2000. A near-tetrapod
from the Baltic Middle Devonian. Palaeontology, 43 (3): 533-548.
- Luksevics E., Sorokin V. 1999. A new species of Bothriolepis
(Placodermi, Antiarcha) from the Upper Devonian of North Timan. Paleontologicheskiy
Zhurnal, 4: 77-82.
- Lukevics E. 1999. Stratigraphic occurrence of vertebrate remains
in the Upper Devonian of Severnaya Zemlya (Russia). Acta Geologica Polonica,
49 (2): 125-131.
- Ahlberg P.E., Clack J.A., Lukevics E. 1996. Rapid braincase
evolution between Panderichthys and the earliest tetrapods. - Nature, 381 (6577):
- Ivanov A., Lukevics E., Upeniece I. 1996. The squamous part of an
Asterolepid body. Modern Geology, 20: 399-410.
- Ahlberg P.E., Lukevics E., Lebedev O. 1994. The first tetrapod
finds from the Devonian (Upper Famennian) of Latvia. Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society of London B, 343: 303-328.
Some abstracts of international conferences:
- Ahlberg, P.E., Beznosov, P., Luksevics, E. &
Clack, J.A. 2010. A primitive Devonian tetrapod from the lower Famennian
of South Timan, Russia. In: 3rd International
Palaeontological Congress, London, June 28 July 3 2010: 66.
- Lukevics E., Beznosov P.A.,
Majdl T.V., Ahlberg P.E. and Stinkulis G. 2010. Taphonomy of a Late
Devonian vertebrate assemblage from Izhma River site, Sosnogorsk Formation, South Timan,
Russia. In: 3rd International Palaeontological Congress, London, June 28 July 3
2010: 255.
- Lukevics E., Ivanov A. 2009. Devonian
vertebrate assemblages and elpistostegid-tetrapod diversity in the Baltic
palaeozoogeographic province. Pipik R.K., Sotak J., Stanova S. (eds) 10th
Anniversary Conference of the Czech, Polish and Slovak Paleontologists Fossils. Darwin.
Evolution., October 13-15, 2009, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic. Pp. 31-32.
- Lukevics E., Mikulád R., Ivanov A., Zupin I. 2008.
Devonian trace fossils from the Andoma Hill (Onega Lake, Russia). In: Hints,
O., Ainsaar, L., Männik, P. and Meidla, T. (eds). -The Seventh Baltic Stratigraphical
Conference. Abstract and Field Guide. Geological Society of Estonia, Tallinn, p. 43.
- Lukevics E., Stinkulis G. 2008. Sea-level changes, events and
stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian of Latvia. In: Hints, O., Ainsaar, L.,
Männik, P. and Meidla, T. (eds). - The Seventh Baltic Stratigraphical Conference.
Abstract and Field Guide. Geological Society of Estonia, Tallinn, p. 44.
- Lukevics E., Ivanov A. 2006. Juveniles of the Late Devonian
placoderm fishes from the Andoma Hill (Onega Lake, Russia). In: Ancient Life and
Modern Approaches. Abstracts of the Second International Palaeontological Congress.
University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei. 336-337 pp.
- Lukevics E. 2005. Preliminary report on antiarchan fishes from
the Andoma Hill (Russia). In: Hairapetyan V., Ginter M. Devonian Vertebrates
of the Continental Margins. Ichthyolith Issues Special Publication 8: 20. (Yerevan,
Armenia, May 22-27, 2005).
- Ahlberg P. E., Luksevics E. 2004. New light on the Devonian tetrapod Ventastega
curonica. Abstracts of the 9th Symposium on early
vertebrates/lower vertebrates, Gramado, Brazilia. 10.
- Lukevics E., Zupin I. 2003. Taphonomic studies of the
Devonian fish and tetrapod fossils from the Pavari site (Latvia). - Ichthyolith Issues
Spec. Publ. 7. The Gross Symposium 2: Advances in Palaeoichthyology. 37-38.
- Lukevics E. 2000. The orbito-nasal area of antiarchs. In:
Elliott D., Johnson H. (eds) Early Vertebrates/ Lower Vertebrates, Flagstaff,
Arizona, May 16th-19th, 2000. Abstracts. Flagstaff. 14 p.
- Lukevics E. 1999. Placoderm fish Bothriolepis: too many
species? Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution: Palaeontology, Phylogeny
and Development. A joint Systematics Association/Natural History Museum meeting, 8-9 April
1999. Abstracts. London. P. 47-48.
Research Projects:
- CNRS (France) and Palaeontological Institute of RAS
(Moscow) project Origin, ecology, and environments of the earliest tetrapods from
the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) and palaeogeography in the eastern Old Red Sandstone
continent (2010, participant)
- IUGS IGCP Project 491 Project Middle Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biogeography,
Palaeogeography, and Climate (2003-2006, national co-ordinator)
- EU 5th FTP Project BioCASE: Biological Collections Access Service for
Europe (2001-2004, national co-ordinator)
- NATO Scientific Council project LG 961235 "Correlation of the Middle-Upper Devonian
of Great Britain and Baltic region by vertebrates" (1997-1999, participant)
- IUGS IGCP Project 406 Circum-Arctic Lower-Middle Palaeozoic Vertebrate
Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy (1996-2000, national co-ordinator)
- IUGS IGCP Project 328 Palaeozoic Microvertebrate Biochronology and Marine -
Non-Marine Global Correlation (1991-1996)
- Reconstruction of the Late Givetian Early Frasnian biota of the Main Devonian
Field. Project No. 01.0089 of the Latvian Council of Sciences (1999-2001)
- Studies of the Devonian vertebrates from Baltic in palaeogeographical and
palaeoecological aspects of evolution of early tetrapods. Project No. 02.0871 of the
Latvian Council of Sciences (2002-2004)
- Palaeogeography and evolution of environment of the Baltic paleobasin in the Middle
Palaeozoic. Project No. 05.1506 of the Latvian Council of Sciences (2005-2008)
Organization of International Meetings
- The Ninth International Marine Geological Conference The Baltic Sea Geology,
Jurmala, August 27 September 3, 2006, Chairman of the Organising Committee.
- IUGS INHIGEO Conference History of Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology,
July 29 August 4, 2006, Member of the Organising Committee
- The Second International Gross Symposium: Advances in Palaeoichthyology, Riga, September
7-14, 2003, Chairman of the Organising Committee.
- The Fourth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference Problems and Methods of Modern
Regional Stratigraphy, Jurmala, September 27 October 1, 1999, Chairman of the
Organising Committee.
Last update 25.01.2011