Professor Jazeps LOCMELIS
Grivas iela 11/22 - 51
Riga, LV 1055
LatviaPhone: (+371) 7466166, 29254511
E-mail: jazeps.locmelis@apollo.lv
Born: September 12, 1928, Riga distr., Latvia
- Telecommunication Network
- Communication Engineering
- History of Communication Engineering in Latvia
Languages: German, Russian, Latvian
- Riga Industrial Polytechnic, 1945
- Northwest Extra-Mural Polytechnical Institute (Faculty of Radio Engineering),
St.Petersburg, Russia, 1960
- Postgraduate, Institute of Electrical Engineering, , St.Petersburg, Russia, 1966.
- Dr.sc.ing.
(Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Institute of Electrical Engineering, St.Petersburg, Russia, 1968
- Dr.habil.sc.ing.,
Riga Technical University, 1998
- Technician, Engineer, Head of Laboratory, Senior Engineer - advisor, Communication
Office, Riga district, 1945-1973
- Riga Technical University, 1960-2000:
- Assistant Lecturer , 1960-1965
- Associate Professor, 1965-1985
- Head of Chair, 1971-1980; 1990-1992
- Dean of Faculty of Radio Engineering and Communication, 1980-1990
- Professor, 1985 - 2000
- Director, Lattelekom Museum, 1995-2000
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2000
Honours and Awards
- Honorary Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Full Member (Academician), International Telecommunication Academy, 1996
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint-Stock
Company Lattelekom and the Educational Foundation of Latvia, 2002
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2000
- The Three Star Order (Republic of Latvia), 1997
- The Engineer J.Linter's Prize, Latvia, 1992
- The Merited Scientist of Latvia, 1987
- The Latvian SSR State Prize, 1985
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President, Latvian Association of Radioelectronics and Communication Engineers,
- Philistine, fraternity Fraternitas Metropolitanis, 1992 -
- Chairman, Fund of J.Linters, 1993 - 2004
- Member, Latvian Telecommunication Club, 1992 -1998
Riga Technical University:
- Communication Engineering, 1987 - 1991
- Basics of Automatic Switching, 1965 - 1995
- Digital Switching Systems, 1992 - 2000
- Theory of Telecommunication Systems, 1980 - 2000
- Marketing of Telecommunications, 1995 - 2000
- Management of Telecommunications, 1995 - 2000
Recent/Representative Publications
Published more than 350 scientific, methodical and popular papers, including 12 books.
- J.Locmelis. Viss mans múzs /All My Life/, 2005, Riga, 94 p. (in Latvian)
- J.Locmelis. VEF - mans liktenis / VEF - My Destiny/, 2005, Riga, 107 pp. (in Latvian).
- J.Locmelis. Telecommunication History, III, 2005, Riga, 450 p. (in Latvian)
- J.Krauklis, J.Locmelis. Komunikaciju leksikons/ Communication Lexicon/, 2004, Riga:
Jumava, 208 pp. (in Latvian).
- J.Locmelis (Editor). Telekomunikaciju specialisti II / Telecommunication Specialists
II/, 2003, Riga, 267 pp. (in Latvian).
- J.Locmelis. Telecommunication History, II, 2002, Riga, 472 pp. (in Latvian)
- J.Locmelis. Telecommunication History, 2000, Riga, 406 pp. (in Latvian)
- J.Locmelis. Digital Switching Systems, 1998, Riga: Riga Technical University, 72 pp.
- J.Locmelis. The technical and economical aspects of the modernisation of the
Telecommunication network in Latvia. - Riga, 1998, pp.172-173.
- J.Locmelis. Theory of Telecommunication Network, 1997, Riga: Riga Technical University,
188 pp. (in Latvian)
- J.Locmelis. Development of telecommunication in Latvia. - In: Proceedings of
Conference "Latvian Mobile Telecommunications in the Global Information Society",
Riga, 1997, pp. 5-6.
Last update 23.02.2007