Professor Dr.med. Aivars
LEJNIEKS Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Riga Stradins
Head specialist of Internal Medicine,
Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital
Hipokrata iela 2,
Riga, LV-1023
Phone: + 371 67042337
Fax: + 371 67042338
E-mail: lejnieks@latnet.lv
Born: May 26, 1957, Jurmala, Latvia
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
Main fields of interest and research:
- Risk factors of cardio-vascular diseases, their detection and possible prevention
- Metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, diabetes mellitus
- Arterial hypertension
- Calcium metabolism, vitamin D, osteoporosis, pathology of bone, muscles and connective
- The significance and impact of viruses in internal medicine.
- Clinical Traineeship in internal medicine, Department of Internal Diseases No.3, Medical
Academy of Latvia, 1983-1985
- MD, Riga Medical Institute – Faculty of General Medicine , Internship, Internal
Medicine, Riga Medical Institute, 1978-1983
- Jurmala Secondary School No. 4, 1964-1978
Scientific Degree and Academic Tittle
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR), Moscow Research Institute of
Transplantology and Artificial Organs, 1989
Thesis: "Effectiveness of pancreatic beta cell islet transplantation for diabetes
mellitus patients".
- Professor of Endocrinology, 2004
- Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Riga Stradins
University, 2001 - present
- Head specialist of Internal Medicine at Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital,
1992 - present
- Expert of the State Compulsory Health Insurance Agency in diabetology and endocrinology,
1999 – 2001
- Assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases , Medical Academy of Latvia,
- Research Secretary, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1990 – 1992
- Senior lab-assistant, part-time lecturer, Department of Internal Diseases No.3 , Medical
Academy of Latvia, 1987- 1992
Certificates in Medical Specialities:
- Endocrinology
- Internal Medicine
Honours and Awards:
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Chairman of Latvian Hypertension Association
- Board member of Latvian Association of Endocrinologists
- Head of the Certification Commission of Latvian Association of Endocrinologists
- Chairman of Latvian Association of Internists
- Member of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
- Member of American Association of Diabetes
- Member of American Association of Hypertension
- Member of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
- Member of the International Association of Thrombosis and Coagulopathy
- Member of Latvian Central Bioethics Commission
- Chief National specialist (Internal medicine) of the Ministry of Health
- Member of the Strategic Council of the Ministry of Health
- Member of the editorial board of medical scientific magazines :
DIABETO Panorama (Lithuania), Journal
Baltic Endocrinology ISSN 1822-2293
Member of organisational committees:
- 10th EFES Postgraduate Clinical Endocrinology Course in Riga in 2003 and
- EFES Postgraduate Clinical Endocrinology Course, Riga, 2005
- IV Baltic Hypertension Congress, Tallinn, 2010
Organisation of and lecturing at educational seminars
in Latvia and abroad. In the recent lectures the themes of the lectures related to:
cardio-vascular risk factors, arterial hypertension, disorders of lipid and carbohydrates
metabolism, metabolic syndrome, depressions, adiposity, calcium metabolism, osteoporosis,
diabetes mellitus and its late complications, problems of adrenal glands, thyroid and
other endocrine diseases.
Recent/Representative Publications:
- Zvaigzne A., Bumbure A., Tretjakovs P., Lejnieks A., Pirags V. Regulation
of synthesis and activity of protein kinase Cß1 in platelets of diabetic
patients after in vitro incubation. Protein Modules in Cellular Signalling. Edit by
Ludwig Heilmyer Peter Friedrich NATO Science Series Life Sciences – 2000,
Vol.318 81-88.
- Baryshev M., Sargsyan E., Wallin G., Lejnieks A., Furudate S., Hishinum
A., Mkrtchian S.. Unfolded protein response is involved in the pathology of human
congenital hypothyroid and rat non-goitrous congenital hypothyroidism.- J
Mol Endocrinol 2004 Jun; 32(3): P903-920.
- Murovska M., Kozireva S., Roce A., Danilane I., Mikazane H., Lejnieks A.
Implication of HHV-6 in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. - Proc. II
European Congress of Virology, 2004, 51-54.
- Mackevics V., Heid I., Wagner S., Cip P., Doppelmayr H, Lejnieks A.,
Gohlke H., Ladurner G. The adiponectin gene is associated with adiponectin levels but not
with characteristics of the insulin- resistance syndrome in healthy Caucasians. - European
Journal of Human Genetics (2006) 1-8.
- Leiter L, Betterige J, Chcra A, Chait A, Ferranini E, Haffner S, Kadowaki T,
Tuomilehto J, Zimmet, Newman C, Hadavi J, Walkinshaw C, AUDIT Study Steering Committe (Lejnieks
A. et al.)AUDIT study. Evidence of global undertreatmentof dyslipidemia inpatients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus. - The British Journal of Diabetes and vascular
Disease, 2006 Jan/Febr;Vol.6;Issue 1: pp.31-40
- Konrade I., Ðkapare E., Liepinð E., Kuka J., Petersone, Lejnieks A.,
Bierhaus A., Dambrova M. Microplate Assay of Glyoxalase I Activity in Blood Samples.
- Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B. Vol. 61(2007), pp.20-30.
- Kuzema V., Petersons A., Lejnieks A., Anaemia Management in Chronic
Kidney Disease: three Years Survey. - RSU Collection of Scientific Papers, 2007;
- Kozireva SV, Zestkova JV, Mikazane HJ, KadisaAL, Lejnieks AA, Danilane
JN, Murovska MF. Incidence and Clinical Significance of Parvovirus B19 infection in
patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. - J Rheumatol. 2008 Jul;
- Adamsone I., Daukste I., Dzivite I., Lejnieks A., Platkajis A., Rasa I.
Recommendation for Osteodensitometry Testing in Latvia. - Baltic Endocrinology,
2008, Vol4, No1; pp25-37.
- Kalejs O, Jubele K, Vikmane M, Sipacevs P, Nesterevics N, Lejnieks A.
Intrahospital Arrhytmias – Who Are We Now and What We Can Do? - Proc. Latvian
Acad. Sci., 2008, Vol.62, No4/5, Suppl.S71-S76.
- Davies M,
F, Storms
F, Gomis
R; Collaborators (1026): Lejnieks A. et al. AT.LANTUS
Study Group. Initiation of insulin glargine therapy in type 2 diabetes
subjects suboptimally controlled on oral antidiabetic agents: results from the AT.LANTUS
trial. - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2008 May; 10(5):387-99.
- Kalejs O., Nesterovics N., Blumbergs M., Ansabergs J., Sakne S., Stabulniece M.,
Vikmane M., Lejnieks A. Effectiveness of radiofrequency catheter ablation on
Atrioventricular Junction in Patients with Permanent Atrial Fibrillation: Results of
follow-up 72 months. - RSU; SP, 2008: pp 5-16.
- Stukena A., Bahs G., Lejnieks A., Kalvelis A., Teiba U., Zvaigzne L. The
Correlation between Various Indicators of Obesity and Gender, Age, Indicators of Lipids,
Carbohydrate Metabolism and Inflammation. - RSU; SP, 2008: pp17-22.
- Kozireva S., Sultanova A., Kakurina N., Mikazane H., Lejnieks A.,
Murovska M. Serum IL-6, TNF- a, IL-1 b and IFN- g Levels in rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
with Herpes Virus Type 6 (HHV-6) Infection. - RSU; SP, 2008:
- Tretjakovs P, Jurka A, Bormane I, Mekelsone I, Reihmane D, Balode L, Jaualksne
I, Mackevics V, Stukena I, Bahs G, Lejnieks A, Aivars J.I., Pirags V. Relation of
Endothelial Dysfunction and Adipokine Levels to Insulin Resistance in Metabolic Syndrome
Patients. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol.63 (2009), No
4/5 (663/664), pp.222-227.
- Stukena I., Kalvelis A., Bahs G., Teibe U., Tratjakovs P., Lejnieks A.
Association between inflammatory markers and clinical and metabolic risk factors for
cardiovascular diseases. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol.63
(2009), No 4/5 (663/664), pp.211-216.
- Stukena I., Kalvelis A., Bahs G., Teibe U., Tratjakovs P., Lejnieks A.
Characteristics of cardiovascular risk factors and their correlation with the sex and age
of patients in the Latvian population.- Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci.,
Section B, Vol.63 (2009), No 4/5 (663/664), pp.147-152.
- Cummings SR,
Martin J, McClung MR,
Siris ES,
Eastell R,
Reid IR,
Delmas P,
Zoog HB,
Austin M,
Wang A, Kutilek S,
Adami S,
J, Libanati
C, Siddhanti
S, Christiansen
C; Collaborators (239): Lejnieks A. et al. FREEDOM
Trial.- N Eng J Med 2009 Aug 20; 361(8):756-65.
Research Projects:
- A.Lejnieks (Head of the Project) . The mechanisms involving latent/ persistent
viral infections in the etiopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis . -
Latvian Council of Science (LCS) Project No.09.1112 (2009 - )
- A.Lejnieks (co-reasercher). Persistence of human parvovirus B 19. - LCS Project No.
04.1155 (Head of the project M.Murovska) (2005-2008).
- A.Lejnieks (co-reasercher) The role of persistent ß-herpes virus infections in the
etiopathogenesis of rheumatic and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system. - LCS
Project No. 04.1157 ( Head of the project M. Murovska) (2005-2008).
- A.Lejnieks (co-reasercher). Dynamic assessment of erosive destructive changes in joints
and bone density using MR method. - LCS Project No. 03.0991 ( Head of the project
A.Platkajs) (2003-2005).
- A.Lejnieks (Head of the Project). The significance of protein kinase C in thrombogenesis
in diabetes mellitus patients and the possibilities of pharmacological assessment.- LCS
Project No. 01.0351 (2001-2003).
- A.Lejnieks (Head of the sub-Project). Viral infections in patients with neutropenia of
unclear origin and possibilities of chemo-therapy . - Project of the Ministry of Education
and Science “For the development of research activities at universities”, (2007-2008)
- A.Lejnieks (Head of the sub-Project). Study of the quantitative and qualitative changes
in the maxilla. LCS co-operation project 06.0036 The study of medical and socio
demographic regularities in the process of aging among Latvian population (Head of the
project I.Ozolanta), (2006-2009).
- European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes New Horizons Collaborative Research
Initiative: Metabolic analysis of diabetes: elucidating the metabolic correlates of
diabetic complications (Head M. Dambrova).
National Research Programs:
- NRP 2010 - 2013 . The development of new means and methods of prevention,
treatment and diagnosis, biomedical technologies for improving public health (Head of the
program V.Pirags). Sub-project “Optimisation of medication use in the treatment of
patients with Type II diabetes mellitus, on the basis of patients’ genetic and
phonotypical profiles” (OPTIMED) (participant).
Project 9 “ Interaction between the genetic background of infection agents and host
organisms”, sub-project No.9.2. “Clinical and immunogenetic study of autoimmune
diseases facilitated by viral infections, the development of new diagnostic and
therapeutic approaches (leading researcher).
- NRP No.8 “Scientific study of the main pathologies threatening the survival and the
life quality of Latvian inhabitants with the help of a multidisciplinary study
consortium” (Head of the consortium V.Pirags):
Project 8 (Leading
researcher). “The development of modern measures for early diagnostics,
prevention and therapy of obesity caused diseases and diabetes mellitus.”
Project 9 (Head of the project,
leading researcher). “Monitoring program of the long-term perspective of the risk
factors and clinical forms of cardio-metabolic syndrome (register)”.
Participation in 22 clinical trials as principal investigator.
Supervised theses and completed theses – 7.
Last update 07.05.2011