Peteris LAKIS*
Professor Peteris LAKIS*
Latvian Academy of Culture Ludzas iela 24
Riga, LV 1003
Phone: +371 7140175
Fax: + 371 7141012
E-mail: admin@lka.edu.lv |
Born: November 1, 1952, Riga, Latvia
Departed: November 14 , 2003, Riga,
- Metaphysics
- Social Philosophy
- General Theory of Sociology
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia, 1976
- Dr.phil.,
(Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, PhD. in Western countries),
Leningrad State University, 1982
- Dr.habil.art.,
- Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology, University of
Latvia, 1976-1990
- Chairman of the Commission of Education, Science and Culture at the Supreme Council
(Parliament) of Latvia, 1990-1993
- Rector, Latvian Academy of Culture, 1991 - 2003
- Professor, 1992 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- The Three Star Order, 1995
- S.Ulow Order, 1998
- General Theory of Sociology
- Theory of Culture
- History of Philosophy
- Logic
- Cultural Policy in Latvia
- Psychoanalytic Theories and Culture
Recent/ Representative Publications
5 monographs, about 70 research papers, 35 essays, more than 30 reports at the
international conferences
- Methodological and Logical Aspects of Prediction, 1985, Riga:University of Latvia
Press, 215 pp. (in Russian).
- Man and Social Utopia, 1993, Riga: Izglitiba , 48 pp.(in Latvian).
- Authority and Society, 1997, Riga: Zvaigzne ABC , 153 pp. (in Latvian).
- Time and Man's World, 1999, Riga: Minerva (in Latvian).
- Psychological aspect of relationship between nature and society. - In: Nature, Man,
Society, Riga: Zinatne, pp. 169-188 (in Latvian).
- The concept of time in Kant's theory of cognition. - In: Kant's Critique of Pure
Reason, 1984, Riga: Zinatne, pp. 100-106 (in Russian).
- Methodological problems of forecasting in natural sciences. - In: The Problems of
Integration of Scientific Knowledge, 1988, Riga: Zinatne, pp. 118-134 (in Russian).
- The totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union. - In: Fragmentary Visions on Social
Change - Poland, Latvia and Finland, 1992, Tampere:Tampereen Iliopisto, pp. 70-72.
- The main features of the relationship between Latvians and non-Latvians in Latvia
(1988-1994). - In: Intercultural Communication and Contact, 1995, Stavanger:
Misjonshogsolens Forlag, pp. 216-220.
- Mechanisms for establishment of a political elite in post-communist societies. - Humanities
and Social Sciences. Latvia, 1997, vol.14, pp. 148-166.
- The Touch (Essays). - Kentaurs (Riga), 1997, vol. 21, N 13, pp. 4-7 (in Latvian).
- Man's world in the interpretation by J.W. Goethe. - Cultural Heritage (Riga:
Latvian Cultural Foundation), 1997, vol. 2, pp. 9-16. (in Latvian).
The peace of Soul I need from my academic work and research is secured by my family: my
mother, my wife and two daughters. I am pacifist, I can't stand violance, while I
recognize that I need an equilibrium and physical activities for intensive mental work. I
like sports and reading of detective novels, however I relax best by the sea iun summer or
picking up mushrooms in autumn.
Last update 15.11.2003