Born: February 11, 1949, Talsi district, Latvia
- Crystal Growth
- Glass Structure
- Optometry and Vision Science
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1971
- Postgraduate, University of Latvia, 1980
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Sciences of Physics and Mathematics, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Thesis: "Optical Properties and Crystal Growth of Alkaline Earth Oxides"
- Dr.habil.phys., Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia, Riga, 1993
Thesis: "Composite Disorder and Optical Properties of Pseudobinary Wide Gap
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1996.
University of Latvia -
- Senior Laboratory Assistant, Head of Educational Laboratory, Assistant, Lecturer,
Associate Professor, Professor, Vice-Rector, 1969 - 2000, Rector 2000 - 2007
- Head of the Department of Optometry and Vision Science, 1995 - 2001, 2007 -
- Rector, 2000 -
Institute of Solid State Physics , University of
Latvia -
- Head of the Laboratory of Optical Materials, 1995 -
- Zurich Higher Technical School, 1983
- University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1989
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Advisor of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia, 1999
- Member, Senate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001 -
- Member of the Senate, University of Latvia, 1994 -
- Member, Latvian National Committee of UNESCO, 2001 2007
- Member of Promotion Council, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia,
1994 -
- Member of Promotion Council, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spektroscopy, University of
Latvia, 2001-
- President , The Conference of Baltic University Rectors
(CBUR) , 2001 - 2003
- Member , Latvian Association of Professors, 1996 -
- Member, Latvian Physical Society, 1994 -
- Member, Latvian Optometrics and Optics Association, 1997 -
- Member of Council, the European-Asian University Association, 2000 -2007
- Member of the Steering Committee of the Nippon Foundation at the University of Latvia,
2002 -
- Member of the Steering Committee, the University Association of Europen state capital
cities (UNICA), 2002 -2006
- Board Member of the Luxembourg Foundation Campus Europea , 2003 - 2007
- Member of the Steering Committee of the EIRATOM Latvia branch, 2003 -
- Founding and Consulting Member, the Virtual International Research Council of
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 2003- 2007
- Chairman of the Baltic German Collaboration Council in Higher Education, 2006 -
- Chairman of the Board of "Latvian University foundation", 2007-
University of Latvia -
- Semiconductor Microelectronics, 1980-1986
- Technology of Integrated Serquits, 1983-1989
- Solid State Chemistry, 1986 - 1996
- Experimental Physics, 1986-1993
- Introduction in Optometry, 1993 -
- Optics, 1994 -
- Physiological Optics, 1997 - 1998
- Eye Movements and Accommodation, 1997 -
- Visual perception, 2000 -
- Director of Bachelor, Master, and PhD Study Programs in Optometry and Vision
Research, 1992 -
Recent/Representative Publications
- A. Veispals, I.Lacis. Close spaced epitaxial growth of CaO by chemical transport
reactions. Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of USSR, Inorganic Materials, 1976,
vol. 12, N 7 , pp. 1318-1319 (in Russian).
- I.Lacis, J. Valbis. Vacuum-ultraviolet luminescence of Be-doped MgO epitaxial layers.
Phys. Stat. Sol. (B), 1979, vol. 95, N 1, pp. K21-K26.
- R. Bischof, I. Lacis, E. Kaldis. Yterbiumhydrid and the phase relations in the Yb-H
system. J. Less. Common Metals, 1983, vol. 94, pp. 537-542.
- I.Lacis, R. Bischof, E. Kaldis, P. Wachter. Crystal growth and optical absorption of
EuLiH3 .- Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, vol. 18, N 12, , pp.
- Schmidt, M. Kunz, I. Lacis, A. Daunois, C. Klingshirn. Photothermal and Electrooptic
Nonlinearities in ZnSe and ZnTe and their Application in Bistabile Devices. J.
Phys. B. Condensed Matter, 1992, vol. 86, pp. 337-344.
- I.Lacis, G. Kokins. The Structure of the Multicomponent Lead Phosphate Glasses. Latvian
J. Phys. and Techn. Sci., 1993, N 6, pp. 45-52.
- G. Kokins, I. Lacis. Valence states of cerium ion in the lead phosphate glasses. - Fizika
i Himija Stekla, 1994, vol. 20, N 4, , pp. 500-505 (in Russian)
- I.Lacis, M. Ozolinsh. PLZT Ceramics as Optical Phantom for Simulation of Light
Scattering in Eye Segments and Other Biological Tissues. - In: Optical and Imaging
Technicues for Biomonotoring IV, M.D. Fante et al., Editors, Proceedings of SPIE,
1999, vol. 3567, pp. 208-212.
- M.Ozolinsh, I.Lacis, R.Paeglis, A.Sternberg, S.Svanberg, S.Andersson-Engels,
J.Swartling. Electro optic PLZT ceramics devices for vision science applications. Ferroelectrics,
2002, vol.273, pp.131-139.
- Paeglis R., Gorshanova I., Bagucka K., Lacis I. Latvian and Russian textbooks: eye
movements in reading text formated in two columns, Proc.SPIE, Vol. 7142, Bio-optics and
Optical Sensing, 2008., pp.276-289.
- Paeglis R., Jokste I., Bagucka K., Lacis I. Eye movements during silent and oral reading
with stabilised versus free head movement and different eye-trackers, Proc.SPIE, Vol.
7142, Bio-optics and Optical Sensing, 2008., pp. 337-341.
Research Projects
- I.Lacis (Head of Project). Relaxation Mechanisms of the Oculomotoric System and
Binocular Vision Anomalies. Latvian Council of Science
- I.Lacis (Head of Project). Relaxation Mechanisms of the Oculo-Motory System and
Anomalies of Binocular Vision. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 -2003).
- I.Lacis (Head of Project). Stimulus and Eye Movement Impact on Visual
Perception . Latvian Council of Science (2004
- 2008).
Avocations: Skiing.