Professor Dr.habil.med. Aris LACIS
Head of the Latvian State Cardiology Centre for Children
Head of the Clinic for Children Cardiology, Riga P.Stradins UniversityJuglas iela 20
Riga, LV-1079,
Phone: +371 7536187, +371 7536833
Fax: +371 7536515 |
Born: August 1, 1936, Jelgava, Latvia
- Children's Cardiology
- Surgery for congenital heart defects
- Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis and treatment
- New surgical instruments and devices
- Morphology of congenital heart defects
- Epidemiology of congenital heart diseases
- Pathophysiology of congenital heart defects
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German
Education & Experience
1961 MD; Riga Medical Institute,
1961-1962 Residency in general surgery, Jelgava General Hospital, Jelgava, Latvia
1962-1964 Residency in thoracic surgery, P.Stradins Republican Clinical Hospital, Riga
1964-1969 Chief resident in thoracic surgery, Latvian Centre for Pulmonary Surgery, Riga
1969 Dr. med. (Candidate of Science in the former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Riga
Medical Institute
1983 Dr. habil. med. (Doctor of Science in the former USSR system), Riga Medical Institute
1983 Professor of Surgery, Riga Medical Institute
1989 20th Annual course in cardiac surgery National Heart and Lung Institute,
1990 40th Annual Scientific Session , American College of Cardiology, New
Orleans, Louisiana
1991, 1994 Extra Mural Program "Congenital Heart Disease", American College of
Cardiology, Charleston, South Carolina
1969-1974 Senior Surgeon, Medical Academy of Latvia
1974-1994 Head of Department for Congenital Heart Disease
1994 - Head of the Latvian State Cardiology Centre for Children
1969-1983 Assistant Professor of Surgery, Riga Medical Institute
1983-1994 Professor of Surgery, Latvian Cardiovascular Centre, P.Stradins Republican
Clinical Hospital, Riga, Latvia
1994 - Head of the Latvian State Cardiology Centre for Children
Honours and Awards:
- Bronze Medal in science and technology, Central Exhibition for Scientific Achievements
of USSR, 1977
- Commemorative Medal in recognition of selection as the "Man of the Year" for
outstanding community, The American Biographic Institute, 1995
- Decree of Merit, the International Biographic Centre, Cambridge, England, 1995
- Officer of the Three Stars Order, Latvia, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Latvian Society of Surgery, 1962 -
- USSR Society of Surgery, 1969-1989
- Latvian Society of Cardiology, 1970 -
- The World Medical Association, 1974 -
- Latvian Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1989 -
- Baltic Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1989 -
- Latvian Medical Association, 1989 -
- Latvian Association of Surgery, 1991 -
- The European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1991
- Association of European Paediatric Cardiologists (national delegate), 1997 -
- Association of Latvian Paediatric Cardiologists, 1998 -
Offices (National and International)
- Co-chairman of the Scientific Council, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1991-1994
- Executive Secretary, Baltic Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons, 1989-1991
- President, Latvian Association of Paediatric Cardiologists, 1998
Invited Lectures
- Paediatric cardiology development in Latvia. - Stanford University Grand Rounds, April
7, 2001
About 320 publications, including 3 monographs.
Articles in medical journals: in Latvia - 24, abroad - 51.
13 inventions.
- J.Volkolakovs, A.Lacis. Deep Hypothermia in Open Heart Surgery in Children, 1977,
Leningrad:Medicina, 52 pp.(in Russian).
- J.Volkolakovs, A.Lacis. Surgical Treatment of Ventricular Septal Defect, 1979,
Riga: Zinatne, 156 pp.(in Russian).
- Hypothermia for Cardiovascular Surgery (co-authors - H.Mohri, D.Dillard), 1981, Tokyo:
Igaku Shoin.
- V.Zidere, I.Lubaua, A.Lacis. Giant fibroma of the right ventricle. -
J.Cardiology in the Young, 2002, vol. 12, pp. 584-586.
- A.Lacis, I.Lubaua, V.Zidere. The role of transesophageal echoocardiography
during repair of multiple congenital coronary artery fistulas. - Acta Medica
Lithuanica, 2003, vol. 10, N 4, pp. 189-192.
- V.Zidere, U.Teibe, A.Lacis. Initial five-years experioence in prenatal
cardiology in Latvia. - Seminars in Cardiology, 2004, vol. 10, N 2, pp. 109-115.
- A.Lacis, V.Zidere, I.Lubaua, Z.Straume, J.Auzins, L.Smits, I.Lace. Cor
triatriatum associated with complex heart defects. - Acta Medica Lithuanica, 2004,
vol. 11, N 4, pp. 52-56.
International Research Projects:
- A.Lacis (co-investigator). Comparative Changes of Cardioplegia in Childhood (Principal
investigator - J.Volkolakovs). -National Science Foundation of USSR (1981-1982).
- A.Lacis (co-investigator). Surgical Treatment of Severe Congenital Heart Diseases in
Early Age (Principal investigator - J.Volkolakovs). -National Science Foundation of
USSR (1983-1985).
- A.Lacis (co-investigator). Comparative Methods for Implantation Bioprothesis in Heart
Diseases (Principal investigator - J.Volkolakovs). -National Science Foundation of USSR
- A.Lacis (Principal investigator). Surgical Management of Severe Coarctaton of Aorta in
the First Month of Life. Private funding (1991-1994).
- A.Lacis (Principal investigator). Surgical Approach to Critical Pulmonary Valve Stenosis
in Infants. Private funding (1991-1994)
- A.Lacis (Principal investigator). Surgical Management of double Outlet Right Ventricle. Private
funding (1991-1994).
- A.Lacis (Principal investigator). Surgical Approach to Critical Aortic Stenosis in
Infants. Private funding (1991-1994).
- A.Lacis (Head of the Project together with Prof. L.Allan, Babies Hospital, Columbia
Presbyterian, New York, USA; principal investigator - Dr.V.Zidere). Detection of
Congenital Heart Diseases by Routine Obstetric Screening at the Present Time in Latvia. The
Association of European Paediatric Cardiologists (AEPC), 1997 - 2001.
- A.Lacis (Head of the Project together with Prof. Chr.Wien, Freeman Hospital, Dept. of
Paediatric Cardiology, High Heaton, New Castle upon Tyne, UK; principal investigator
- Dr. Liepa). The Prevalence of Congenital Heart Diseases in Latvia and Northern England. The
Association of European Paediatric Cardiologists (AEPC),
1998 - 2001.
Last update 29.08.2005