Edvards Liepins, Dr.habil.chem.
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Aizkraukles iela 21
Riga, LV 1006
LatviaPhone: +371 67555985
Fax: +371 67550338
e-mail: edv@osi.lv |
Born: July 1, 1944, Tukums, Latvia
- Investigation of chemical reactivity of organic and elementoorganic compounds by NMR
- NMR spectroscopy of hipervalent organic componds of silicon and germanium
- NMR determination of DNA and protein structures, investigation of their dynamical and
solvational properties.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English.
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), 1971
- Dr. chem. ( Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Latvian
Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1975
- Dr. habil.chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Institute of Organic
Synthesis, 1988.
- Engineer, Sloka Paper mill factory, Latvia, 1964 -1968
- Leading Researcher, Latvian Institute of Organic
Synthesis, 1968 -
- Researcher, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zuerich, Switzerland, 1993
- Lecturer, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Royal Institute of
Sweden, 1993-
- Professor, Faculty of Material Science and Applied
Chemistry, Riga Technical University, 2004 -
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member , Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Gustavs Vanags Prize, 2005
- D. H. Grindel Medal (Company Grindex, Latvia), 2007
Professional Activities
- Member of Scientific Council, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis.
Recent/Representative Publications
More than 500 full papers, theses at conferences, author sertificates and patents.
- G.Otting, E. Liepinsh, K.Wuthrich. Protein hydration in aqueous solution. - Science,
1991, vol. 254, pp. 974-980.
- E.Liepinsh, K.D.Berndt, R.Sillard, V.Mutt, G.Otting. Solution structure and dynamics of
PEC-60, a protein of Kazal type inhibitor family, determined by nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy. - Journal Molecular Biology, 1994, vol. 239, pp. 137-153.
- E Liepinsh., G.Otting. Specificity of urea binding to proteins. - Journal of American
Chemical Society, 1994, vol. 116, pp. 9670-9674.
- G.Otting., E.Liepinsh. Protein hydration viewed by NMR spectroscopy. - Accounts
of Chemical Research, 1995, vol. 28, pp. 171-177.
- E.Liepinsh, G.Otting. Proton exchange rates from amino acid side chains - implications
for image contrast. - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1996, vol. 35, pp. 30-42.
- E.Liepinsh, G.Otting. Organic solvents identify ligand binding sites on protein
surfaces. - Nature Biotechnology, 1997, vol. 15, pp. 264-268.
- G.Otting, E.Liepinsh, B.Halle, U.Frey. Hydrophobic cavities with low water
occupancies in protein structures: NMR identification by use of small gas molecules. -
Nature Structural Biology, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 396-404.
- E.Liepinsh, M.Andersson, J.-M.Ruyschaert, G.Otting. Saposin fold revealed by the NMR
structure of NK-lysin. - Nature Structural Biology,1997, vol. 4, pp. 793-795.
- E.Liepinsh, M.Kitamura, T.Murakami, T.Nakaya, G.Otting. Pathway of chymotrypsin
evolution suggested by the structure of the FMN-binding protein from Desulfovibrio
vulgaris (Miyazaki F). - Nature Structural Biology, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 974-979.
- E.Liepinsh, L.L.Illag, G.Otting, C.F.Ibanez. NMR structure of the death domain of the
p75 neurotrophin receptor. - The Embo Journal ,1997, vol. 16, pp. 4999-5005.
- E.Liepinsh, M.Kitamura, T.Murakami, T.Nakaya, G.Otting. Common ancestor of serine
proteases and flavin-binding domains. - Nature Structural Biology, 1998, vol. 5,
pp. 102-103.
- E. Liepinsh, P. Sodano, S. Tassin, D. Marion, F. Vovelle, G. Otting. Solvation study of
the non-specific lipid transfer protein from wheat by intermolecular NOEs with water and
small organic molecules . -
J. Biomol. NMR , 1999, vol. 15, pp. 213-225.
- L. L. Ilag, C. Rottenberger, E. Liepinsh, G. Wellnhofer, F.
Rudert, G. Otting, L. L. Ilag. Selection of a peptide ligand to the p75 neurotrophin
receptor death domain and determination of its binding site by NMR. - Biochem. Biophys.
Res. Commun., 1999, vol. 255, pp. 104-109.
- Y. Yang, W. J. Griffiths, M. Nordling, J. Nygren, L. Möller, J. Bergman,
E. Liepinsh, G. Otting, J.-A. Gustafsson, J. Rafter, J. Sjövall Ring opening of
benzo[a]pyrene in the germfree rat is a novel pathway for formation of potentially
genotoxic metabolites. - Biochemistry, 2000, vol. 39, pp. 15585-15591.
- E. Liepinsh, M. Baryshev, A. Sharipo, M. Ingelman-Sundberg, G.Otting, S. Mkrtchian .
Thioredoxin-fold as a homodimerization module in the putative chaperone ERp29: NMR
structures of the domains and experimental model of the 51 kDa homodimer. - Structure,
2001, vol. 9, pp. 457-471
- E. Liepinsh, M. Trexler, A. Kaikkonen, J. Weigelt, L. Banyai, L.Patthy, G. Otting. NMR
structure of the LCCL domain and implications for DFNA9 deafness disorder. - EMBO J.,
2001, vol. 20, pp. 5347-5353.
- N. K. Williams, P. Prosselkov, E. Liepinsh, I. Line, A. Sharipo,
D. R. Littler, P. M. G. Curmi, G. Otting, N. E. Dixon.
In vivo protein cyclization promoted by a circularly-permuted Synechocystis sp. PCC6803
DnaB mini-intein. -
J. Biol. Chem. , 2002, vol. 277, pp. 7790-7798.
- E. Liepinsh, G. Otting, M. M. Harding, L. G. Ward, J. P. Mackay, A. D. J.
Haymet .Solution structure of a hydrophobic analogue of the winter flounder antifreeze
protein. - Eur. J. Biochem., 2002, vol. 269, pp. 1259-1266.
- Liepinsh E. Banyai L. Pintacuda G. Trexler M.
Patthy L. Otting G. NMR structure of the netrin-like domain (NTR) of human type I
procollagen C-proteinase enhancer defines structural consensus of NTR domains and assesses
potential proteinase inhibitory activity and ligand binding. - Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 2003, vol. 278, N 28, pp. 25982-25989
- Liepinsh E. Leonchiks A. Sharipo A. Guignard L.
Otting G. Solution structure of the R3H domain from human S mu bp-2. - Journal of
Molecular Biology, 2003, vol. 326, N 1, pp. 217-223..
- Liepinsh E. Genereux C. Dehareng D. Joris B.
Otting G. NMR structure of Citrobacter freundii AmpD, comparison with bacteriophage T7
lysozyme and homology with PGRP domains. - Journal of Molecular Biology, 2003,
vol. 327, N 4, pp. 833-842.
- Liepinsh E., Barbals R., Dahl E., Sharipo A.,
Staub E., Otting G. The death-domain fold of the ASC PYRIN domain, presenting a basis for
PYRIN/PYRIN recognition. - Journal of Molecular Biology,. 2003, vol. 332, N 5,
pp. 1155-1163.
- Modig K., Liepinsh E., Otting G., Halle B. Dynamics of protein and peptide
hydration. - J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, vol.126, N 1, pp.102-114.
- Liepinsh E., Rakonjac M., ;Boissonneault V., Provost P., Samuelsson B., Radmark O.,
Otting G. NMR structure of human coactosin-like protein. - Journal of Biomolecular NMR
, 2004, vol.30, N 12, pp. 353-356.
- Mutulis F., Yahorava S.; Mutule I., Yahorau A., Liepinsh E., Kopantschuk
S., Veiksina S., Tars K., Belyakov S., Mishnev A., Rinken
A., Wikberg J.E.S. New substituted piperazines as ligands for melanocortine
receptors. Correlations to the X-ray structure of THIQ. - Journal of
Medicinal Chemistry, 2004, vol. 47, pp. 4613-4626.
- Norberg A., Hoa N.K., Liepinsh E., Phan D.O., Thuan N.D., Jornvall H.,
Sillard R., Osteson C.-G. A. novel insulin-releasing substance, phanoside, from the plant Gynostemma
pentaphyllum. - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2004, vol. 279, N 40,
pp. 41361- 41367.
- Hosia W., Bark N., Liepinsh E., Tjernberg A., Persson B., Hallen D., Thyberg J.,
Johansson J., Tjernberg L. Folding into a ?-hairpin can prevent amyloid fibril formation.
- Biochemistry, 2004, vol. 43, N 16, pp. 4655-4661.
- Liepinsh E., Banyai L., Patthy L., Otting G. NMR structure of the WIF domain of the
human Wnt-inhibitory factor-1. - J.Mol.Biol., 2006, vol. 357, N 3, pp. 942-950.
- Li J., Liepinsh E., Almlen A., Thyberg J, et al. Structure and influence on stability
and activity of the N-terminal propeptide part of lung surfactant protein C. - FEBS
Journal, 2006, vol. 273, N 5, pp. 926-935.
- Liepinsh E., Nagy A., Trexler M., Patthy L., Otting G. Second Kunitz-type protease
inhibitor domain of the human WFIKKN1 protein. - J.Biomolecular NMR, 2006, vol.
35, N 1, pp. 73-78.
Resarch Projects
- E. Liepins (Head of Project). Structure determination of proteins, DNA
and their complexes with ligands by NMR. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - )
Last update 26.09.2007