Professor Rita KUKAINE
August Kirchenstein Institute of Microbiology and Virology Ratsupites iela 1
Riga, LV 1067
Born: November 9, 1922, Leningrad, Russia
Departed: January 29, 2011, Riga, Latvia
- Oncovirology
- Immunology
- Virus Infections
Languages: English, Russian, Latvian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Medicine) cum laude, 1946
- Dr. med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), University
of Latvia, 1951
- Dr. habil. med. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Medical Academy of Latvia, 1961
- Senior Researcher, Latvian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics,
1950- 1952
- Vice-Director, Institute of Microbiology, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1952-1962
- Director, August Kirchenstein Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1962-1992
- Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Immunology and Viral Infections, August
Kirchenstein Institute of Microbiology and Virology, 1992 - 1996
- Academician-Secretary, Division of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1984-1990
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1968
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences,1971
- Honorary Doctoral Degree, Dr.h.c. (Biology), University of Latvia, 1989
- Latvian State Emeritus scientist, 1996
- Pasteur Medal, 1972
- S. Vavilov Medal (Nauka, USSR), 1975
- USSR State Prize, 1975
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences A. Kirchensteins Prize, 1973
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium First Award, 1981, 1984
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Presidium, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1981-1992
- Chair of Scientific Council, Institute of Microbiology, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1962- 1992
- Member of Scientific Council, Institute of Microbiology and Virology, 1992-
- Member, Latvian Council of Sciences Expert Committee for Molecular Biology,
Biotechnology, Microbiology and Virology, 1991-1996
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board for
Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1984 - 1989
USSR Academy of Medical Sciences journal Voprosi Virusologii, 1972
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences journal Experimental Oncology,
USSR Department of Health journal Molecular Genetics, Microbiology
and Virology, 1983 -1991
- Member, American Association of Microbiology, 1975
- Member, European Society for Veterinary Virology, 1993
- Member, International Union Against Cancer, 1996
Recent/ Representative Publications
- R. Kukaine, L. Nagayeva, A. Dyachenko, S. Chpenko, T. Ilyinskaya, O. Bratsslavskaya, G.
Koudeleva, V.Tsibinogin. L.Yakovleva, B. Lapin. BLV-LB Virus-specific sequences in cattle
with spontaneous and experimentally induced leukemia. - Archiv für Geshwulstforschung,
1979, Band 49, Heft 1. S. 1-5.
- R. Kukaine, L. Nagayeva, V. Lozha. Bovine Leukemia Virus, 1982, Riga: Zinatne Press,
173 pp.( in Russian ).
- A. Tsimanis, V. Bichko, D. Dreilina, J. Meldrais, R. Kukaine, E. Gren. The structure of
cloned 3'-terminal RNA regions of bovine leukemia virus (BLV), 1983, vol. 11., N 17, pp.
- R. Kukaine, L. Nagayeva, I. Millere, M. Murovska, V. Konicheva, Z. Karklina. Serological
examination of hemoblasic patients for the presence of antibodies to HTLV-I in the
north-western region of the USSR. - Experimental Oncology (Ukrainian Academy of
Science), 1991, vol. 13, N 3, pp. 26-28 (in Russian).
- H.Taguchi, Y. Iwahara, T. Sawada, M. Murovska, R. Kukaine, I. Miyoshi. Antibodies to
HTLV-I among blood donors in Latvia. - Int. J. Cancer, 1991, N 1, pp. 158-159.
- R. Kukaine, S. Chapenko, T. Ilynskaya, L. Vitolina, O. Bratsslavskaya. Specific immuno
profilaxis of bovine leukemia. - International Conference of Medical Biotechnology,
Immunization and AIDS, June 12-18, 1991, Leningrad pp. 5-7.
- R. Kukaine, L. Nagayeva, S.
Chapenko, T. Iljinskaya, et al. Protection against bovine leukemia virus infection
in two breeds of cattle. - Comp. Immun. Microbiol. Infect. Dis., 1993. vol. 16, N
1, pp. 63-79.
- R.Kukaine, A.Dremucheva, M.Augstkalne, O.Bratsslavskaja. Immune response to BLV
infection by immunization with anti-idiotypic antibodies to BLV gp51. Proc. 14th
International Symposium Vaccines and Control of Infectious Diseases: the Way
Forward, July 3-5, 1996, p. 103.
- R.Kukaine, A.Dremucheva, M.Augstkalne, O.Bratsslavskaja. Immune response to BLV by
anti-idiotypic antibodies. Proc. 10th International Congress of Virology, Jerusalem,
August 11-16, 1996, p. 258.
- A.Millers, M.Metra, L.Licitis, R.Kukaine. Lymphocyte subsets and their lymphokine
secreting potentials in multiple sclerosis patients under corticosteroid treatment.
J. Neurological Sciences. Abstracts of the 16th World Congress of Neurology,
Buenos-Aires Argentina, September 14-19, 1997, p. 251.
- R.Kukaine, A.Millers, M.Metra, M.Mastina, l.Engele, M.Augstkalne, V.Tomsone, S.Chapenko.
Th-1/Th-2 cytokine-producing phenotype subsets response and HHV-7 infection in multiple
sclerosis. Abstracts of International Meeting Blood Borne Virus
Infections, honouring the 40th anniversary of virology in Latvia,
Riga (Latvia), May 26-27, 1998, pp. 13-14.
- A.Millers, M.Metra, M.Mastina, A.Platkajis, R.Kukaine. Correlation of soluble adhesion
molecules with magnetic resonance imaging findings and clinical activity in multiple
sclerosis. - Seminars in Neurology, 2001, N 1-2, pp. 85-88 (ISSN1392-3064).
- A.Millers, M.Metra, M.Mastina, A.Platkajis, R.Kukaine. Serum levels of tumour necrosis
factor-alpha and soluble adhesion molecules in relation to magnetic resonance imaging
results and clinical activity in multiple sclerosis. - Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., 2001,
vol. 55, N 4, pp. 160-163.
- S.Chapenko, A.Millers, Z.Nora, I.Logina, R.Kukaine, M.Murovska. Correlation between
HHV-6 reactivation and multiple sclerosis disease activity. - J. Med. Virology,
2003, vol. 69, pp. 111-117.
Research Projects
- R. Kukaine (Head of Project) . Anti - BLV Vaccine and Preventive Measures in
Cattle Leukemia in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1990 - 1993).
- R. Kukaine (Head of Project) . BLV Infection. The Role of Antiidiotypic Antibodies in
the Development of Immunity to BLV Infection. Latvian Council of Science ( 1993 -
- R. Kukaine (Head of Project) . Etiopathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis. Latvian
Council of Science ( 1996 -1999)
Last update 10.11.2011