Born: November 17, 1947, Riga, Latvia
- Mortality and Life Expectancy Analysis
- Health and Social Policy, Social Statistics
- Baltic Sea Region Studies and Baltic Studies
- Higher Education Management
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian, Serbo-Croatian
- University of Latvia Dr.habil.oec., Demography, 1993
- University of Latvia and University of Michigan (USA) PhD studies, 1988-1992
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics doctoral student, 1973-1976
- University of Latvia, Student Diplome of Economist-Mathematician, 1966-1971
University of Latvia:
- Vice-Rector, 1993 -
- Professor of Socio-Economic Demography, 1995 -
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, 1992-1995
- Vice-Dean and Dean, Faculty of Economics, 1982-1988
- Senior Lecturer and Researcher, 1976-1981
- Teaching and Research Assistant, 1971-1973
- Visiting Professor, Baltic and Easten European Graduate School, Södertörns University
College (Sweden), Aug. 2004 Jan. 2005
- Visiting Professor, Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences (Sweden), Oct.2002
Dec. 2002
- Visiting Professor, Demographic institute, Catholic University Louvain (Belgium), June
- Specialist in the Project PO-S-MT Mortality trends and differentials in
Europe,Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France), 1998-2000
- Visiting Scholar, National Institute of Demographic Research INED, Paris (France)
June-July 1998, Nov.1999
- Visiting Scholar, Dalhousie University, Department of Economics (Canada), March-May 1995
- Visiting Scholar, Center for International Research, U.S. Bureau of Census, Washington
DC and Population Studies Center, University of Michigan, AnnArbor MI. Oct. 1991 - April
- Senior Exchange Scholar, Population Research Centre, M.Lomonosow Moscow State
University, Febr.-April 1987
- Visiting Research Associate, University of Sarajevo (former Yugoslavia), 1981-1982
Honours, Awards, Fellowships
National Representative, European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit EHEMU
(Paris), since 2005
Karlis Balodis Prize, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004
Latvian National Defence Foundation Award
Lacplesis, 2004
Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
Scholarship awarded by the Nordic Council of Ministers for study visit to Helsinki
University, Kuopio University (Finland), Uppsala University and Stockholm School of
Economics (Sweden), 1993
Award issued by Latvian Ministry of Education and Science, No.668, 24.11.1997.
Professional Activities
- Head of the Board, University Professors Association of Latvia, since 1996
- Deputy Head of the Experts Committee in Social Sciences and Humanities, Latvian
Science Council, since 2007
- Member of the Board, Latvian Association of Statisticians, since 2001
- Member of the National Development Plan Experts Group Growth of
Welfare, Ministry of Regional Development and Self-Governments, since 2007
- Head of the External Evaluation Team, Research Evaluation in Demography and Population
Geography, Interuniversity Population Research Centre and Tartu University, Nov. 2001
- Ekspert, Evaluation of National research projects in demography, Sociology and
Population Geography (Estonia), 1997-2005
- Member of the Board, Latvian Museum of Occupation, since 1999
- Member of the International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP),
1989 -
- Member of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), since 1992 -
- Member of the Association for Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS), since 1993
- Member of the Professors Council in Economics, Management and Demography,
University of Latvia, 1997-2003
- Member of the Professors Council in Demography, Political Science and Sociology,
University of Latvia, since 2004
- Member of the Habilitation and Promotion Council in Economics, Demography and
Management, 1997-2006
- Head of the Promotion Council in Demography and Management Sciences, University of
Latvia, since 2006
- Member of the Senate, Head of Academic Council, University of Latvia, since 1993
Research Projects
- Head, Stearing Committee of the EU Structural Funds, University of Latvia, since 2004
- Team Leader, EU Structural Funds project Professional activities of graduates of
higher and vocational education institutions after graduation, 2005-2007
- National Representative, European Commission Project Tackling Health Inequalities
in Europe: An Integrated Approach EUROTHINE, 2005-2007
- National Coordinator and Team Leader, OECD IMHE project Funding systems and their
Effects on Higher Education Systems, 2004-2006
- National Coordinator and Team Leader, Project of the European University Association
Mapping of research in social sciences (MORESS), 2003-2005
- National Coordinator and Team Leader, Project Socio-economic shocks affecting
peoples health and mortality in the transitional economies, UN University,
WIDER (Helsinki), 1995-1998
- Specialist, Contract with the Latvian Ministry of Welfare on Life expectancy
trends, methodology and construction of life tables to be used in calculations of expected
retirement period, since 1998
- National Research Programme "Population of Latvia and Health" and Latvian
Science Council Grants, since 2000
- Team leader. UNDP Office in Riga. Human Development Report, Latvia, 1996- 1998
Head of Organizing Committee
- Head of Organizing Committee, Forum of Economic Science, Ministry of Economy, Ministry
of Education and Science, Latvian Science Council, Riga, 30 Aug.
- Head of Organizing Committee, International Conference Research in Statistics
Basis of Social Sciences and Education. Riga (Latvia), 2-4 Oct. 2003
- Head of Organizing Committee, The 6th Nordic-Baltic Sea Conference in
Regional Science Nordic-Baltic sea region on the eve of the 21st
century, Riga, 4-7 Oct., 2000
Academic Courses, University of Latvia and Stockholm University
- Population and Society in the Baltic Sea Region Countries (Graduate)
- Health and Mortality (graduate)
- Statistics (undergraduate and graduate)
- Demography (undergraduate and graduate, seminar for doctoral students)
Supervision of Doctoral Students
- Sandra Eglite (defended in 2005)
- Inta Jaunzeme, Zane Leduskrasta, Juris Puce, Ieva Pranka, Kitija Freija-Karlsone
doctoral students
Selected Publications
- Professional activity of the graduates from higher and vocational education institutions
after completion of education. Research findings (Project leader J.Krumins). EU SF
National Programme Labour market research. Riga: University of Latvia, 2007.
XiV+241 p. (In Latvian).
- Role of Education in the Demographic and Human Development in Latvia. - In: Demographic
Situation: Present and Future. Commission of Strategic Analysis. Research Papers 2 (8).
Riga: Zinatne, 2006. Pp. 13-32 (Co-author Zane Leduskrasta).
- Health, mortality and life expectancy of population in Latvia: trends, determinants,
perspectives. In: Demographic development in Latvia on the eve of 21st century. Commission
of Strategic Analysis. Research Papers 2 (8). Riga: Zinatne, 2006. Pp. 9-31 (In Latvian).
- Latvia. Human Development Report 2004/2005: Human Capability in the Regions. Editor Aija Zobena. Riga: UNDP, University of Latvia,
2005. Chapter 1. People and Places (Co-authors Baiba Bela Krumina, Janina Kursite-Pakule,
Aija priedite-Kleinhofa, Aivita Putnina, Peteris kinkis). Pp. 21-47.
- Increase in Life Expectancy: Pension Reform in Latvia. - In: The Challenge of the
Baltic Sea Region. Culture, Ecosystems, Democracy. Edited by Göran Bolin, Monica
Hammer, Fran-Michael Kirsch and Wojciech Szrubka. Södertörn Academic Studies 29.
Huddinge (Sweden): Södertörn University College, 2005. Pp. 323-337.
- National interests, population, national economy and development. In: National
interests: searching formulation. Commission of Strategic Analysis. Research Papers 1 (1).
Riga: Zinatne, 2004. Pp. 62-73 (In Latvian).
- Mortality and health during the transition to a market economy in Latvia.- In: Population
of Central and Eastern Europe. Challenges and Opportunities. Edited by I.Kotowska and
J.Jozwiak. Warsaw, Statistical Publishing Establishment, 2003. Pp.369-387.
- Mortality and life expectancy trends during the 1990s and calculations of projected life
expectancy at retirement: case of Latvia. - In: Development problems of economics and
management, II. University of Latvia Scientific papers. Vol. 636. Editor E.Dubra.
Riga: UL Faculty of Economics and Management, 2001. Pp. 182-187. Co-authors: I.Krumina,
K.Lomanovska, G.Pettere.
- The Mortality Consequences of the Transition to Market Economy in Latvia, 1991-1995. -
In: The Mortality Crisis in Transitional Economies. Edited by Giovanni Andrea
Cornia and Renato Paniccia. Oxford University press, 2000. Pp. 280-302. Co-author U.
- The New Managerial Generation in Latvia: The Nature and Role of Values. - Journal
of Baltic Studies. Vol. XXXI, No.2, Summer 2000. Pp. 148-171. Co-authors: Gundar
J.King, Thad Barnowe, Diana Pauna.
- Latvia Entering the XXIst Century. Economics, Integration,
Finance. Riga, Nacionalais Medicinas Apgads, Ltd. 2000. - 189 p. Co-authors: R.Zile,
I.teinbuka (editor-in-chief), R.Pocs, H.Ancans, U.Cerps, J.Viksnins (editor).
- Social differences in mortality, morbidity, and health-related behaviour during
transition: research findings in the three Baltic countries. - Revue Baltique.
Vilnius, 1999, No.14. Pp. 9-36. Co-authors D.Jasilionis, V.Stankuniene.
- Geographical variations in mortality and causes of death in the Baltic countrie. -
Revue Baltique. Vilnius, 1999, No.14. Pp. 68-102. Co-authors D.Jasilionis,
V.Stankuniene, F.Mesle, J.Vallin.
- Life expectancy trends and projections in Latvia . - Humanities and Social
Sciences. Latvia. Population development in Latvia on the eve of 21st century. Riga: University of Latvia, 1999, No.3 (24). Pp.
69-82, Co-author I.Krumina.
- Health and mortality during a transition to a market economy: case of Latvia. -
Revue Baltique. Vilnius, 1997. No.10. Pp. 114-129.
- Autonomy and Interdependence at the University of Latvia . - Autonomy and
External Control. The University in search of the Golden Mean. Erfurter Beitrage zur
Hochschulforschung und Wissenschaftspolitik. Vol.2. K.D.Wolf (ed.). Muenchen:
iudicium Verlag, 1997. Pp. 101-108 (co-author T.Miljan)
- Socio-Economic Differentiation of Infant and Adult Mortality: Experience of Soviet
Registration System and Problems of Comparability. - Collecte et comparabilite des
donnees demographiques et sociales en Europe, Chaire Quetelet 1991. Institut de
Demographie, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve. Academia, 1995. Pp.433-449.
- Changes of the length of working life in Latvia . - Humanities and Social Sciences.
Latvia. Demographic situation in Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia, 1995, No.2 (7),
Pp. 71-81. Co-author I.Krumina.
- Changing Mortality Patterns in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.- Demographic Trends
and Patterns in the Soviet Union Before 1991. Ed. By W.Lutz,S.Scherbov,A.Volkov.
IIASA Laxenburg (Austria). Routledge, London and NY, 1994. Pp. 403-419.
- Length of life - tendencies and problems of increase. Riga: University of Latvia, 1993.
167 p. (In Latvian, English Summary).
- Life expectancy and mortality by causes of death in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania:
socioeconomic and environmental factors and health policy issues. - In: Europe without
frontiers: the implications for health. London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, Second Annual Public Health Forum: ed. by Charles E.M.Norman and Patrick
Vaughan. John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1993. Pp. 234-239.
- Suicide mortality in Latvia: current trends and differentiatio. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. A. 1993, No 1 (546). Pp. 9-12.
- Morbidity and Mortality in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the 1980's . - Scandinavian
Journal of Social Medicine. Vol. 21. 1993, No 3. Pp. 150-158. Co-author P.Zvidrins.
- Recent Mortality Trends in the Three Baltic Republics . - Population Studies
(London), Vol.46, 1992. Pp. 259.-273. Co-author P.Zvidrins.
- Mortality Trends in Finland and Latvia since the 1920s. - Yearbook of
Population Research in Finland 1991. XXIX 1991, 61.-72. lpp. Co-authors T.Valkonen un
- Mortality trends in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia in the
19th and the 20th centuries . - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1991, No 11 (532), p. 53 - 63. Co-authors
P.Zvidrins, K.Katus, V.Stankuniene.
- Ugolniajace wskaniki wykorzystania potencjalu
ludnoci (na przykladzie Lotewskiej SSR).- Universytet Szcecinski, Zeszyty
naukowe No 57. Szczecin,1990. Pp. 59.-65. Co-author I.Krumina.
Last update 20.11.2007