(23.06.1939 - 26.04.2017)
Head of the Centre for Science and Technology Studies
Adviser to the President of the Academy
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1524
LatviaPhone: + 371 6722 3567
Fax: + 371 6782 1153
E-mail: jtk@lza.lv |
Born: June 23, 1939, Riga, Latvia
- Science and Technology Indicators
- Scientometrics
- Science and Technology Studies
- Science and Technology Policy
- Innovation Policy
- Innovation Indicators
- Radiation Physics of Crystals
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1962
- Postgraduate, Institute of Physics, 1970
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries), Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1971
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences:
Researcher, Nuclear Reactor, 1962-1971
Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Science Information, Scientific Secretary,
Deputy Scientific Secretary, 1982-1992
Head, Scientometrics Research Group, 1991- 2002
Head, Centre for Science and Technology
Studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2002
Adviser to the President of the Academy, 1992-
Senior Lecturer (part-time), 1977-1992, 1997-
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Deputy Chairman, Science Information Council (Latvian Academy of Sciences),
- Member, Habilitation Council, Institute of Physics, 1976-1981
- Member, Scientific Council, Institute of Physics, 1980-1982
- Member, Editorial Board for Proceedings of
the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1986-
- Member, Commissions on the Latvia's Research System Reforms, 1989-1992
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Committee for
Science Policy, 1993-1997
- Member, Latvian Union of Scientists, 1988-
- Deputy Chairman, Board of the Latvian Union of Scientists, 2002-
- Co-ordinator of the Latvian Academy of Sciences WWW System, 1996-
- Member, International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, 1993-
- Member, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, 1994-
- Member, Society for the Social Study of Science (International Society "4S"),
Honors and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1995
- Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Awards, 1974, 1978
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company
"Grindex" Prize for significant contribution to investigation and promotion of
Latvias scientific and technological potential , 2002
- Medal of the Baltic Academies of Sciences (for the contribution to studies of
science transformation in Latvia and organization of co-operation of the Baltic Academies
of Sciences), 2003
Science Information, 1977-1992
Patent Systems, 1977-1992
Science and Technology Studies, 1997-
Recent/Representative Publications
- K.Shvarts, V.Gotlib, J.Kristapsons. Optical Registration Materials, 1976, Riga:
Zinatne Press, 184 pp. (in Russian)
- J.Kristapsons, E.Tjunina. Quantitative indicators of Latvian scientific production,
1986-1992. - Science and Science of Science, 1994, vol.3, pp.31-39.
- J.Kristapsons, E. Tjunina. Changes in the Latvian Research System. - Science and
Public Policy, 1995, vol. 22, pp.305-312.
- J.Kristapsons, E.Tjunina. Changes of the Latvia's Science Indicators in the
Transformation Period. - Research Evaluation, 1995, vol 5, pp.151-160.
- J.Kristapsons, E.Tjunina, G.Kalinina. Transformation des Wissenschaftssystems
Lettlands (1989-1993), In:R.Mayntz, U.Schimank and P.Weingart (editors), Transformation
Mittel- und Osteuropaischer Wissenschaftssysteme (Leske+Budrich, Opladen, 1995), S.
88-174 (in German).
- E.Tjunina, J.Kristapsons. Data Banks for Assessment of Latvian Science and Technology.- Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996, vol.50, part B, pp.90-95.
- J.Kristapsons. Bibliometric Analysis of Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian Science. - Proceedings
of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990, No 3, pp.90-93 (in Russian).
- J.Kristapsons, B.Adamsone, E. Tjunina. Scientometric Description of Latvias
Medical Science. - Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, part B, No 5,
1993, pp.86-94 (in Latvian).
- J.Kristapsons, E. Tjunina, J.Krikis, D.Grisle. Scientometric Description of
Latvias Science: Mathematics and Computer Science. - Proceedings of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences, part B, No 6, 1993, pp.74-77 (in Latvian).
- J.Kristapsons, K.Gedina, H.Martinson. International R&D Co-operation in the
Transformation Process. Case of the Post-Soviet Countries. In: Transforming Science and
Technology Systems - the Endless Transition? (Eds. W.Meske, J.Mosoni-Fried, H.Etzkowich,
G.Nesvetailov), NATO Science Series, Ser.4: Science and Technology Policy, vol.23, 1998,
IOS Press, pp.295-305.
- J.Kristapsons. Latvian System of Indicators and Data Bases for Assessment of
S&T Centres and Researchers. - Proc.of Fifth International Conf. on Science and
Technology Indicators. Use of S&T Indicators for Science Policy and Decision-Making,
Hinxton, Cambridge, England, 4-8 June 1998, p.65.
- Janis Kristapsons. Quantitative Research Evaluation: Experience of a Small
Country. In: Science Evaluation and Its Management (Eds. V.Paces et al.), NATO Science
Series, Ser.4: Science and Technology Policy, 1999, IOS Press, pp.246-255.
- Janis Kristapsons and Kristine Gedina. International R&D Co-operation in
Eastern Europe after 1990: Bibliometric Analysis. Paper to the NATO Advanced Research
Workshop Strategies of International Scientific Co-operation in South East
Europe, October 28-31, 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria. 14 pp.
- J.Kristapsons, A.Adamsone, A.Edzina, K.Kalviskis, E.Tjunina. Inventions and
Inventors of Latvia. Riga: Latvian Academy of Sciences and Patent Office of Latvia, 1999
- I.Dagyte, J.Kristapsons, H.Martinson. Baltic R&D System in Transition, 2000,
Stockholm: Sodertorns Hoghskola, 190 pp.
- J. Kristapsons, M. Behmane, A. Adamsone and E. Tjunina. Science of Latvia, http://science.lza.lv The Website was presented on the
25th of October, 2001.
- J.Kristapsons, J.Ekmanis. Science of Latvia: an overview of 1990-2000.
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 2002, vol.56, No 4/5, pp.20-30.
- J.Kristapsons,
H.Martinson, I.Dagyte. Baltic R&D Sistems in Transition, 2003, Riga: Zinatne Academic
Publishers, 204 pp.
- Janis Kristapsons. Latvia: Transformation of the S&T system. In: From
System Transformation to European Integration (Ed. Werner Meske), Münster: LIT
Verlag, 2004, pp.151-164.
- Kristapsons, J., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Ulnicane, I. (2006) European Trend
Chart on Innovation: Annual Policy Trends and Appraisal Report for Latvia. European
Commission, Enterprise Directorate-General. http://trendchart.cordis.lu/reports/documents/Country_Report_Latvia_2006.pdf
- Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Kristapsons, J., Tjunina, E., Ulnicane, I. (2007) Third
mission in the making: academic institutions in Latvia (in press)
- Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Kristapsons, J., Tjunina, E., Ulnicane, I. (2007) The
evolving role of academic institutions in the knowledge economy: the case of Latvia. (in
Research Projects
- J.Kristapsons (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Transformation of the
Science Systems of Central and East European Countries. International Project, BMFT
(Germany) (1993-1996).
- J.Kristapsons (Head of Project). Efficiency of Latvias Science. Latvian
Council of Science (1991-1996).
- J.Kristapsons (Head of Project). Development of Science and Technology in Small
Post-Soviet Country. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- J.Kristapsons (Head of Project). Tendencies and Problems of Innovative
Development in a Small Country (Latvia). Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2003)
- J.Kristapsons (Head of Project). Problems of Innovative Development and Creation
of New Technologies in Latvia . Latvian Council of Science (2004 - )
Last update: 11-02-2008 16:44:30