Born: December 5, 1947, Lignica, Poland
- Computer-Aided Training System
- Information Technology Applications
- Modelling of Complex Systems
- Data Base Systems
- Artificial Intelligence Systems
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Riga Aviation University, 1997
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Ukraine,
Kiev Civil Aviation Institute, 1984
- Engineer, Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Faculty of Automatics and Computer
Engineering), 1971
- Rector, Professor of Computer Science Department, Transport
and Telecommunication Institute, 1999-
- Vice-Rector for Study Affairs, Riga Aviation University, 1999
- State Professor, Riga Aviation University, 1998 - 1999
- Head of Department of Computer Science, Riga Aviation University, 1992 - 1999
- Head of Department of Information and Programming, Riga Aviation University, 1986-1992
- Researcher, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of
Mathematical Methods and Programming, Riga Aviation University, 1971-1986
Honours and Awards
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint Stock Company "Latvijas Gaisa
Satiksme" and the Educational Foundation of Latvia, 2003
- Certificate Whos Who in the World Marquis Edition, 1999
- Outstanding Aeroflot Employee, Russia, 1987
- The USSR Exhibition of National Economy Achievements, Bronze Medal, 1982
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member (Academician), International Telecommunication Academy, 2001 -
- Member Academician), Baltic Informatization Academy, 1995 -
- Member, Research Board of Advisors of American Biographical Institute, 2001 -
- Member, Latvian National Society of Automatics, 1996 -
- Member, Latvian Professors Association, 2000 -
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Databases and Information Systems
- Database Management
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Information Technologies
- Information Technologies in Transport Systems
- Object-Oriented Databases
Recent /Representative Publications
Programming for Air Traffic Control and Air Navigation Tasks. Ed. by E.Kopytov. Moscow:
Transport Press, 1993, 262 p. (in Russian)
L. Gringlaz, E. Kopytov. Higher Mthematics for Economists with
Computer Examples. Study book, Riga: EKA, 2001, 448 p. (in Russian)
L. Gringlaz, E.Kopytov. Mathematics Statistics with Computer Examples.
2-d edition, Study book, Riga: EKA, 2002, 326 p. (in Russian)
E. Kopytov. Introduction to Relational Databases Design. Study book,
Riga: TTI, 2002, 52 p. (in Russian)
L.Gringlaz, E. Kopytov. Inventory Theory with Computer Examples,
Study book, Riga: EKA & TTI, 2002, 91 p. (in Russian)
L.Gringlaz, E. Kopytov. Inventory Theory with Computer Examples,
Study book, Riga: EKA & TTI, 2002, 91 p. (in Russian)
- E. Kopitov and E. Trapeznikova. Integrated computer-aided training system
for air traffic controllers. -Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol. 31 (3),
1997, Allerton Press, Inc., New York, pp.74-84
- E. Kopitov, N. Volkov. Algebraic method of data compression. - Proceedings
of International Conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks
(DCCN'97)", November 4-8, 1997, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp.112-114
- E. Kopytov. An information model of the flight ensuring ground system. - Scientific
Transactions of Radio Electronics and Computer Systems Faculty, Riga Aviation
University, Riga, 1997, pp.65-70 (in Russian)
- V. Andreev, E. Kopytov, F. Darwazeh. Application of Queueining System
Models for Increasing the Efficiency of Maintenance Service of Planes and Safety of
Flights. - Proceedings of 5th Intern. Conference "Aircraft and Helicopters
Diagnostics" AIRDIAG'97, December 11-12, 1997, Warsaw, Poland, pp.93-98
- V. Gredin, E. Kopytov, V. Shestakov. Design of the system of ecological
monitoring using modern data bases technologies. - Reports of Annual Scientific Readings. International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection
Sciences, June 2-4, 1998, St.-Petersburg, Russia, pp.77-79 (in Russian)
- V. Andreev, E. Kopytov. Reduction of aircraft service time using
principles of logistics. - Materials of International Scientific and Technical
Conference, Scientific Readings Devoted to P. Suhoy, vol. 2, July 1-3, 1998, Gomel,
Byelorussia, 1998, pp.170-171 (in Russian)
- V. Andreev, E. Kopytov, F. Darwazeh. Optimization of the process of
aircraft preparation to flights. - Proceedings of the IV Conference "BALTIC
TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY", May 27-28, 1999, Riga. pp. 49-52
- V. Andreev, E. Kopytov, F. Darwazeh. Optimization of the process of
aircraft preparation to flights. - Proceedings of the IV Conference "BALTIC
TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY", May 27-28, 1999, Riga. pp. 49-52
- E. Kopytov, N. Kabelev. Cluster Analysis and Artificial Neural Network
Applications in Time-Critical Aviation Tasks. - Proceedings of the Nordic-Baltic
Transport Research Conference, vol. 2 (5), April 13-14, 2000, Riga, Latvia, pp. 53-57
- E. Kopytov, N. Kabelev. A method of adaptive re-configuration of
multi-layer perceptron in real-time learning system. - Computer Modelling & New
Technologies, 2000, Volume 4(1), Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Institute, pp.
- E. Kopytov, N. Petoukhova, V. Demidov. Methodology of Huge Data Volume
Processing System Development for Analysis of Latvian Railway Passengers Transportation. -
Proceedings of VI International Conference TransBaltica 2001, June 7-8,
2001, Riga, Latvia. pp. 201-208
- E. Kopytov, V. Labendik, N. Kabelev. Peculiarities of Diagnostics Systems
with Artificial Intelligence Elements. - Computer Modelling & New Technologies,
2001, Vol. 5(1), Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Institute, pp. 119-123 (in Russian)
- E. Kopytov, V. Labendik, N. Kabelev. Neural Network Applications in
Aircraft Engine Diagnostics.- Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-technical Union
of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2 (57). Third International Congress Mechanical
Engineering Technologies01, June 24-26, 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 558-560
- N. Kabelev, E. Kopytov, V. Labendik, N. Kuznecov. Neural Network
Applications for Aircraft Diagnostics. -Proceedings of 7th International Conference Aircraft and Helicopter
Diagnostics AIRDIAG2001. October 16-19, 2001, Warsaw: Air Force Institute
of Technology, Poland, pp.71-76
- Konstantin N. Nechval, Nicholas A. Nechval, Eugene A. Kopytov &
Edgars K. Vasermanis. Optimal Inspection Policies Based on the Statistical Data for
Detection of System Failures. - Proceedings of the International Conference. Marseille,
France, SCS Europe Bvba, October 15-17, 2001, pp. 102-111
- Greenglaz Leonid, Kopytov Eugene. Application of Multidimensional
Statistical Analysis Methods in Classification of Airports. - Transport and
Telecommunication, Vol. 3 (2), Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Institute, pp.
- E. Kopytov. The Complex Analysis of Commercial Object-Oriented Database
Management Systems. -Programme and Abstracts of the Conference Science and
Technology step to Future, Riga: Transport and Telecommunication
Institute, 2-3 May 2002, pp. 32-33
- E. Kopytov, N. Kabelev, V. Labendik. Principles of Neural Network
Application in Aircraft Diagnostics. - Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical
University Transport and Engineering, Issue # 8, Riga: RTU, 2002, pp.
- E. Kopytov, V. Demidov, N. Petoukhova. Applications of Temporal Databases
Principles in Latvian Railway Information System. - Proceedings of VII International
Conference TransBaltica 2002, June 13-14, 2002, Riga, Latvia. pp. 183-190
(in Russian)
- Konstantin N. Nechval, Nicholas A. Nechval, Eugene A. Kopytov, Edgars K.
Vasermanis & Uldis Rozevskis. Shortest-length Confidence Intervals and Hypotheses
Testing for System Availability. - Proceedings of the International Workshops on
Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics (HMS & MAS 2002) (Ed. Agostino G.
Bruzzone, Yuri Merkuryev, Roberto Mosca), October 3-5, 2002, Bergeggi, Italian Riviera,
ITALY: University of Genoe, pp. 112-121
- L.Gringlaz, E. Kopytov. Inventory Theory with Computer Examples, Study
book, Riga: EKA & TTI, 2002, 91 p. (in Russian)
- Kopytov E., Labendik V., Osis A., Tarasov A. Method
of Aviation Engine Diagnostics in the Case of Partial Loss of Information. - In: Abstracts
of II International Scientific and Technical Conference Aero Engines of XXI
Century, December 6-9, 2005. Moscow, Russia: CIAM, pp. 266-267 (in
- E. Kopytov, V.Labendik, A.Osis, A. Tarasov. Neural networks application
for analysis of flight information in aircraft engine diagnostic system. Transport
and Telecommunication, 2006, vol.7, No 2, pp.287-294
- E.Kopytov, L.Greenglaz,
A.Muravyov, E.Puzinkevich. Modelling of two strategies in inventory control system with
random lead time and demand. Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2007,
Vol.11, No.1, pp.21-30
Research Projects
E. Kopytov, V. Labendik, N. Kuznecov. Transport Aids State Control
Principles in Critical Conditions. - Programme and Abstracts of the International
Conference RELIABILITY and Statistics in Transportation and Communication
(RelStat'02), 17-18 October 2002, Riga, Latvia, pp. 28-29
E.Kopytov. (Head of Project). The Complete Personnel Assessment Computer-aided System
for Transport Operators Selection and Training. Air Navigation Service Training Centre,
Riga (1997-1998)
E.Kopytov. (Head of Project). Development of Concepts of Database Management System and
Tools for Automation of Scientific Research Institute VEF, Riga, (1989-1990)
E.Kopytov. (Head of Project). Optimization of Training Tools Using in Civil Aviation
High Schools with Allowance for Developments of Computer Facilities. Ministry of Civil
Aviation, Moscow (1988-1991)
Last update 12.10.2007