Tatjana KOKE
Dr.habil. paed. Tatjana KOKE
Associate Professor
Institute of Education and Psychology,
University of Latvia Kronvalda bulvaris 4,
Riga, LV-1010
Tel./Fax: + 371 7 322918
e-mail: tatjana@lanet.lv |
Born: May 9, 1955, Riga, Latvia
Research interests:
- Adult/Lifelong Education
- Teacher Education
- Pedagogy
- Comparative Education
- Educational Policy
- Philosophy of Education
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian, German
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Foreign Languages) , 1978
- Dr.paed.(Candidate of Science in former USSR system, PhD in Western countries),
- Dr.habil.paed., University of Latvia, 1999
- Teacher of English language, Riga Technical College, 1978 - 1983
- Doctoral student, University of Latvia, Department of Education and Psychology, 1983 -
- Senior Lecturer, University of Latvia, Department of Education and Psychology, 1986 -
- Associate Professor, University of Latvia, Department of Education and Psychology, 1989
- 1999
- Deputy Head, Associate Professor, Institute of Education and Psychology, University of
Latvia, 1999
- State Minister of Higher Education and Science, Republic of Latvia, May-July 1999.
- Adviser to the Minister of Education and Science, Republic of Latvia, July-November 1999
- Director, Institute of Education and Psychology, University of Latvia, 2000 -
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Coordinator of Network Educational Science Amsterdam ( NESA) in Latvia, 1992 -
- Coordinator within TEMPUS of mutual educational activities among Lund University
(Sweden), Tartu University (Estonia), Vilnius University (Lithuania) and University of
Latvia, 1993 -1998
- Head of the National Agency of European Documentation and Information System for
Education ( EUDISED) in Latvia, 1992 -
- Member of Study Council, University of Latvia, 1995-
- Board Member of SOROS Foundation Latvia on Education,1996 -1998
- Head of Educational Committee, SOROS Foundation Latvia, 1998 - 2000
- Member of European Network for Improving Research and Development in Educational
Management, 1996
- Board Member of Youth and Women Educational programme centre, Latvia, 1998
- Member of the University of Latvia Self-Evaluation Commission for Self-Evaluation Report
within PHARE Multi-Country programme in Higher Education, 1998
- Editorial Advisory Board, Liepaja Pedagogical University College,1999-
- Advisory Council, Vidzeme University College,2000-
- Member of Promotion Board in Pedagogy, 2000-
- Adult Education in Latvia. Bochum University, Germany, June 1995.
- Decision Making in Higher Education. OECD Conference, Riga, June 1998
- Youth in a Changing Society Comparisons between Germany, Estonia and Latvia.
Neubrandenburg University, Germany, Dec.1998
- Equality of opportunities. International Conference Ability to Meet Future
Challenges through Continuing Education, Mainz, Germany, 16.-18.May, 1999
- The Role of Higher Education within the Context of Lifelong Learning. Invited lecture.
International Conference Education in Latvia on the Eve of Millennium: Problems and
Decisions, Liepaja, LPA, 3.-4.Nov.,1999
- Globalization and Education. Invited lecture. International Workshop for Young
Researchers from Eastern and Central Europe, Jurmala, March 4.2000
- Criteria of Teacher Education Quality. University of Latvia, May 2000
- Pedagogy
- Theories of Personality in Pedagogical Context
- Educational Philosophy
- Educational Systems in European Union
- Adult Education in Latvia
Recent/Representative Publications
- T.Koke The Development of Adult Education: Most Characteristic Features. 1999,
Riga: Macibu Aapgads, 102 pp. (in Latvian)
- T.Koke , D.Grasmane Pedagogical Ideas in USA and Great Britain -1991, Riga: Zvaigzne, 96
pp. (in Latvian)
- T.Koke Adult Education in Latvia.- In: International Yearbook of Adult Education (ed.J.
H.Knoll), 1995, Böhlau Verlag, pp. 220-229.
- T.Koke. Democratization of Educational System in Latvia. - In: Education in Europe,
An Intercultural Task (ed. Ch. Wulf), 1995, Waxmann Münster/New York, pp.159-163.
- T.Koke. Education and Continuing Teacher Education. Human Development Report. Latvia.-
Riga, UNDP,1997, pp.78-81. (in Latvian and English)
- T.Koke. The importance of in-service teacher education in Latvia during the period of
transition // Education for the 21st century: Diversities and commonalities in Europe.
(ed.Ch.Wulf). Waxmann Verlag,1996. - 351- 362.pp
- T.Koke. The Role of Adult Education in Postmodern Society in Latvia. -In: Adult
Education in the Baltic Sea Region, 1998, Stockholm: The Swedish Institute,.pp. 85-94.
- T.Koke. Social and Educational Foundations of Adult Learning/ Syllabus of Research
Paper, 1999, Riga, 130 pp. (in Latvian and English).
- T.Koke. The Role of Higher Education Within the Period of Change. - In: The
Development of Personality at Family, School and University, 1999, Riga:Macibu Apgads
NT, pp. 64-70.
- T.Koke Globalization and Education. - Proceedings of the International Conference
'Cooperation and Competence in Education', Jelgava, 2000, pp. 60-64.
- T.Koke The Role of Higher Education within the Context of Lifelong Learning. -Proceedings
of International Conference, Liepaja: LiePA, 2000, pp. 154-167.
- T.Koke, A.Carlsen. Adult Education in Latvia . In: Perspectives on Adult Education
and Training in Europe (ed. P.Jarvis)., London, ( planned to be published in 2000)
- Dictionary of Educational Terms (eds.I.Belickis,D.Bluma,T.Koke,
D.Markus,V.Skujina,A.Shalme), 2000, Riga:Zvaigzne ABC, 248 pp.
- T.Koke .Cooperation, not Competition. -In: Cooperative Learning (eds.L.Grigule,
I.Silova), 1998, Riga: Macibu Gramata, pp. 62.-65.
Research Projects
- T.Koke (Member). Institute of International Education, University of Stockholm research
on Educational Reforms in a Comparative Perspective (1991)
- T.Koke (Head). Educational Technologies in Pedagogy. Latvian
Council of Science (1991-1993).
- T.Koke (Member). Collaborative Research Project with German and Swiss Researchers on
Innovations in Didactics (1994-1999).
- T.Koke (Member). International Research Project on Criteria for International
Compatibility of Higher Education Level in Latvia Within European Dimension at the
Service of Experimental Pedagogy, Liege University (1996-1997).
- T.Koke (Deputy Head). Innovations in Education at University Level. Latvian Council
of Science (1997-2000).
- T.Koke (Head). Social and Eucational Foundations of Lifelong Learning in the Context of
Globalisation. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- T.Koke (Criteria group Leader). Module based Teacher Training Project. Nordic Council
of Ministers, (2000-2002).
- T.Koke (Member). International project Vidzeme Project Teacher Education
VXU/ViA (1999-2001).
- T.Koke (Head). Development of Upper Secondary School Teachers Professional
Competence in University Study Process. Latvian Council of Science (2005 -).