Born: August 14, 1942, Riga, Latvia
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
- Object Modelling and UML
- Business Process Modelling and Simulation
- Languages and Techniques for Modelling Tool Design
- General Principles of Modelling Languages
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Applied Mathematics), 1965
- Dr.math. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Computing
Center (Novosibirsk), USSR Academy of Sciences, 1972
- Dr.habil.sc.comp., University of Latvia, 1997
University of Latvia:
- Professor, Computer Science Department, 1998 -
- Associate Professor, 1995 -1998
- Leading Researcher, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1990 -
- Senior Researcher, Computer Center, 1972-1990
- Researcher, Computer Center, 1965-1972
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Membership
- Member, Program Committee of the International Baltic Workshop on Databases and
Information Systems, 2000
- Member, Program Committee of SDL Forum, 1991 (Glasgow), 1993 (Darmstadt), 1995 (Oslo)
- Member, Expert Commission in Informatics, Latvian Council
of Science, 2003 -
Graduate program in Computer Science, University of Latvia:
- Business Process modelling in GRADE
- Business Process Reengineering (languages and tools)
- UML and its use
- Software Engineering, 1992-1996
- UML Unified Modelling Language
Recent/Representative Publications
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, J.Bicevskis. Automatic construction of complete sample system for
program testing.- Proc. IFIP Congress '77, North Holland, 1977, pp. 57-62
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, J.Bicevskis. Construction of complete sample system for
correctness testing.- Proc. MFCS 1975, LNCS, v.32, Springer Verlag 1975, pp.1-12
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, J.Strods, V.Sitsko. Specification language SDL/PLUS and its
applications.- University of Latvia, 1-st ed. - 1986, 2-nd ed. -1988, 312 p.
- A.Kalnins, M.Augustons, J.Barzdins. SDL tools for rapid prototyping and testing. SDL'89.
The Language at Work.- Proc. 4-th SDL Forum, North Holland, 1989, pp.127-134.
- A.Kalnins. SDL support environment for prototyping and testing.- Proc. NWPER'90,
NTH, Trondheim, 1990, 15 p.
- A.Kalnins, A.Auzins, J.Barzdins, J.Bicevskis, K.Cerans. Automatic Construction of test
sets: theoretical approach.- Baltic Computer Science, LNCS v.502, Springer Verlag,
1991, pp. 286-359
- A.Kalnins, J.Borzovs, I.Medvedis. Automatic construction of test sets: Practical
approach.- Baltic Computer Science, LNCS v.502, Springer Verlag, 1991, pp. 360-432
- A.Kalnins. Global state based automatic test generation for SDL. SDL'91. Evolving
Methods.- Proc. 5-th SDL Forum, North Holland, 1991, pp. 303-312.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, K.Podnieks. GRADE V1.0: Modelling and development environment for
GRAPES-86 and GRAPES/4GL: Language description.- Siemens Nixdorf, 1993, 246 p.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, K.Podnieks, I.Etmane et al. Unified specification language and
Integrated CASE tools for information system development.- Proceedings of Baltic DB'94,
vol.2, Mokslo Aidai, Vilnius 1994, pp. 24-34
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, K.Podnieks, I.Etmane et al. GRADE Windows: an integrated CASE
tool for information system development. -Proc. SEKE'94, Knowledge Systems
Institute, 1994, pp. 54-61
- A.Kalnins. Extensions of GRAPES/4GL for Windows style input/output.- Proc. SEKE'94,
Knowledge Systems Institute, 1994, pp. 201-208.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, K.Podnieks, I.Etmane . Towards Integrated Computer Aided Systems
and Software Engineering Tool.- Proc. of ADBIS '95, Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter,
1995, pp. 10-14.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, K.Podnieks. GRADE V2.0 (MS-Windows). Modelling and development
environment for GRAPES-86 and GRAPES/4GL: Language description. Part 1.- Siemens Nixdorf,
1995, 314 p.,
- J.Barzdins, G.Barzdins, A.Kalnins. Rule-based approach to business modeling.- Proc.
7-th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1995,
pp. 161-165.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, K.Podnieks, I.Etmane . Towards Integrated Computer Aided Systems
and Software Engineering Tool for Information System Design. Advances in Databases and
Information Systems.- Springer,1996, pp. 3-11
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins et al. Business Modelling Language GRAPES-BM and Related CASE
Tools .- Proceedings of Baltic DB&IS'96, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn,
1996, pp. 3-16
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, A.Kalis. GRADE -BM:. Modelling and Simulation Facilities, Proceedings
of NWPER'96, Aalborg University, 1996, pp. 71-86.
- A.Kalnins. GRADE Version 3.0 Business Modeling Language Reference
Manual. Infologistik GmbH, Munich, 1996, 98 p.
- A.Kalnins. GRADE-BM V.3.0 Simulation Tutorial. Infologistik GmbH, Munich, 1996, 111 p.
- M.Alberts, A.Kalnins, D.Kalnina. Automated Testing of Telecommunication Systems , Automatic
Control and Computer Science, N5, 1997, pp.29-39
- J. Barzdins, A. Kalnins. Business System Reengineering: Tool Support .- In: Intern.
Conf. & Exhib. Informatics Technologies and Telecommunacations in the Baltic
States, 1997, pp.69-73
- A.Kalnins. GRADE-BM V.4.0 Simulation Tutorial. Infologistik GmbH, Munich, 1998, 148 p.
- A.Kalnins, D.Kalnina,A.Kalis. Comparison of Tools and Languages for Business Process
Reengineering.- Proceedings of the Third International Baltic Workshop on Databases and
Information Systems, Riga, 1998, pp. 24-38
- U.Sarkans, J.Barzdins, A.Kalnins, K.Podnieks. Towards a Metamodel-Based Universal
Graphical Editor. - Proceedings of the Third International Baltic Workshop on Databases
and Information Systems, Riga, 1998, pp. 187-197
- A.Kalnins. GRADE Version 4.0 Business Modeling Language Reference Manual Infologistik
GmbH, Munich, 1998, 122 p.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, K.Podnieks. Modelling languages and tools: state of the art.
Proceedings of 2nd Intern.conference on Simulation, Gaming, Training
and Business Process Reengineering, Riga, 2000, pp.211-214.
- A.Kalnins, K.Podnieks, A.Zarins, E.Celms, J.Barzdins. Towards axiomatic basis of
inductive inference. Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci., 2001, vol.2244, pp.530-537.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, E.Celms et al. The first step towards generic modelling tool.
Proceedings of 5th Intern. Baltic Conference on Databases and
Information Systems, Tallinn, 2002, vol.2, pp.167-180.
- J.Barzdins, A.Kalnins. How to comprehend large and complicated systems. - Proceedings
of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Development,
Riga, Latvia, Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components, and
Management, 2003, Kluwer Academic Pub, Apr 1, pp.215-226
- A.Kalnins. Business modelling. Languages and tools. - Progress in Industrial
Mathematics at ECMI 2002 (Eds. A.Buikis, R.Ciegis, A.D.
Fitt), Springer: Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, pp.41-52.
- A.Kalnins, J.Barzdins, E.Celms. Model Transformation Language MOLA: Extended Patterns. -
In: Databases and Information Systems (Selected papers from 6th Intern.
Baltic Conference DB&IS2004, IOS Press, FAIA (Frontiers in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications) 2005, vol.118, pp.169-184.
Research projects
- A.Kalnins (Chief Performer) Software Engineering. Latvian Council of Science
(since 1997)
- A.Kalnins (Chief Designer) GRADE project, IMCS. Infologistik (Germany) (since 1991)
- A.Kalnins (Head of Project for IMCS share) EU ESPRIT project No23287 ADDE (1997-1999)
- A.Kalnins (Head of Project) Specification languages and analysis tools for real time
systems. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996)
Last update 27.01.2006