Associate Professor Valdis KALKIS
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Interuniversity Laboratory on Operating of Irradiation
University of LatviaRaina bulv. 19
Riga, LV 1586
Phone: + 371 7 377436
Fax: + 371 7 289548
E-mail: kalkisv@mail.navigators.lv |
Born: November 28, 1937, Riga, Latvia
- Radiation Chemistry of Polymers, Theory and Practice
- Applied Radiation Chemistry
- Radiation-modified Polymers, Thermosetting Materials
- Heterogeneous Polymer Composites, Liquid-crystalline Polymers
- Physics and Mechanics of Polymeric Materials
- Polymer Testing
Brief Description of Main results:
Physical-chemical aspects to ensure the formation of adhesive and
thermally stable thermosetting polymer materials. Nondestructive testing methods of
radiation modified and thermosetting polymers.
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), cum laude, 1961
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russsia, 1972
- Dr.habil.chem., University of Latvia, Latvia, 1998
- Chief Engineer of Department of Radiochemistry, Latvian Nuclear Reactor, 1961-1967
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Science, 1967-1973
- Senior Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia, 1973-1980
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Latvia, 1980-
- Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Latvia 1989-1997
Honours and Awards
- Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy of USSR, Silver Medal, 1974
Professional Activities and Memberships
University of Latvia
- Polymer Chemistry, 1980-
- Household and Practice Chemistry, 1990-
- Work Safety and Environment Protection, 1973-
- Basic of the Radiation Chemistry of Polymers, 1998-
- Physics and Mechanics of Polymers, 1999-
Recent/Representative Publications
- V.Kalkis, J.Zicans, M.Kalnins, T.Bocoka, A.Bledzki. Studies of Morphology, Rheological,
Mechanical and Thermorelaxation Properties of Chemically and Radiation modified
Polyethylene/Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Copolymer Blends. - J. Macromol. Sci., 1998,
A 35(&8), pp.1217-1237.
- V.Kalkis, R.D.Maksimov, J.Zicans. Thermomechanical Properties of Radiation-Modified
Blends of Polyethylene with Liquid Crystalline Copolyester. - Polymer Eng. and Science,
1999, vol.
, pp.1375-1382.
- V.Kalkis, M.Kalnins, J.Zicans. Application of Ultrasonic Method for the Control of
Thermosetting Polymer Materials. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1997, vol.33,
N 3, pp.394-407.
- V.Kalkis, A.Viksne, J.Zicans, A.K.Bledzki. Heat shrincable Film on the base of
Polyolefin Wastes. - Die Angew. Makromol. Chemie, 1997, vol. 249, N 4351,
- V.Kalkis, R.D.Maksimov, J.Zicans. Features of Thermomechanical Properties of
Radiation-Modified Blends of high-density Polyethylene with Liquid-Crystalline
Copolyester. -Mechanics of Composite Materials,. 1998, vol.34, N 1, pp.94-105.
- V.Kalkis, J.Zicans, M.Kalnins, A.Bledzki. Use of Acoustic Methods for the determination
of the Absorbed Dose and Thermosetting Qualities of Oriented Polymers modified by Ionizing
Radiation. - Die Angew. Makromolec. Chemie, 1998, Bd. 259, Nr.4542, pp.55-60.
- O.Revjakin, J.Zicans, M.Kalnins, V.Kalkis, R.D.Maksimov. Thermomechanical
properties of Radiation-Modified Polyethylene/Ethylene-Propylene-Diene
Copolymer/Liguid-Crystalline copolymer Blends.- Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.,
1999, vol. 64, pp.1180-1192.
- T.Ivanova, J.Zicans, V.Kalkis, A.Bledzki. Features of Properties of
Radiation-Modified Binary Blends of Polyethylene with Hlorinated Polyethylene.- Journal
of State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine (in Russian), 1999, vol.1, pp.145-148.
- O.Revjakin, J.Zicans, M.Kalnins, V.Kalkis. Properties of composites based on
post-consumer poly(ethylene terephtalate) and polypropylene. - Polymer Recycling, 1999,
vol.4, N1, pp.33-39.
- V.Kalkis, R.D.Maksimov, M.Kalnins, J.Zicans, T.Bocoka, O.Revjakin. Thermomechanical and
adhesive properties of radiation-modified polymer composites foe thermosetting materials.
- Mechanics of Composite Materials (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers), 2000,
vol. 36, N 3, pp. 223-232.
- T.Ivanova, T.Bocoka, J.Zicans, V.Kalkis, M.Kalnins. Properties of
radiation-modified blends of polyethylene with elastomers and liquid crystalline
copolyester. - Macromolecular Symposia, 2001, vol. 170, pp. 105-113.
- D.Pizele, T.Ivanova, R.Merijs Meri, J.Zicans, V.Kalkis. Physical properties ofthe
low density polyethylene (LDPE)/ethylene-alpha-octene copolymer (EOC) blends. - Proc.
Baltic Polymer Symposium 2003, Riga: RTU, 2003, pp. 194-198.
Research Projects
- V.Kalkis (Head of Project). The New Radiation-Modified Polymeric Thermosetting
Materials, Adhesive and Thermally stable, and Resistant in Aggressive Environments. Latvian
Council of Science (1992-1996).
- V.Kalkis (Head of Project). Investigation of the Deformation and Chemical Features of
the Radiation-Modified Polymercomposite for Creation of Thermosetting Materials from the
Economically Convenient Materials with Prognostic Exploitation Properties. Latvian
Council of Science (1996-2000).
- V.Kalkis (Head of Project). Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of
the Radiation- Modified Polymeric Thermosetting Materials and Determination its Long-Term
Exploitation Resources. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- V.Kalkis (Head of Project). New Thermosetting Materials of the Radiation-Modified
Polymeric Blends and Waste , Its Safety Perfection. Latvian Council of Science (2001
- V.Kalkis (Head of Project). Application of High Energy Chemistry and Its Process for
Development of Multiphase Polymer Composite Materials and Qualities Modification. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
- V.Kalkis (Head of Project). Radiation and Chemical Modification of
Multiphase Polymer Structure Using Functional Monomers as Crosslinking Promoters. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
- V.Kalkis (Head of Project). Investigation of the physical and
mechanical properties of radiation-modified multicomponent polymer materials. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 08.09.2004