Dr.habil.sc.pol., Dr.iur. Talavs JUNDZIS
Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies,
Latvian Academy of Sciences Director of Law College
Akademijas laukums 1-604
Riga LV 1050
Phone: +371 7227555, +371 9489249
Fax : +371 7227555
E-mail: bspceva@lza.lv |
Born: October, 1951, Gulbene, Latvia
- Security of Small States
- History of Law
- International Law
- International Relations
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Law Faculty) , 1974
- Dr. iur. (Candidate of sciences in former USSR system, Ph.D. in Western
countries), USSR Institute of Crime Prevention, Moscow, 1986
- Dr.habil.sc.pol., University of Latvia, 1999
- Senior Fellow, NATO Defence College, Rome, 1966
- Senior Fellow, War Studies Department, Kings College, London, 1995
- NATO Research Fellow, 1994-1996
- Chair of the Division of Social sciences and Humanities, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
2000 -
- Director, Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1993-1997; 1999-
- Director of Law College, 2000 -
- Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia , 1991-1993; 1997-1998
- Chairman, Defence and Interior Committee, Supreme Council of Latvia, 1990-1991
- Deputy, Supreme Council of Latvia, 1990-1993
- Senior Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Latvia,
- Head of Criminology Department, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1988-1990
- Public Prosecutors Office, Riga, 1976-1988
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- The Three Star Order (Republic of Latvia), 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Editorial Board for journal Military Review (Riga)
- Chairperson, Editorial Board for journal Latvijas Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis
(Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences)
- Member of Council, Lawyers Association of Latvia
Law College; University of Latvia, Institute of International Relations
- International Law
- Political Science
- International Security and Disarmament
Recent / Representative Publications
- Latvias security and relations with Russia. How to Reduce Threats to Peace
and Security. VII International Amaldi Conference of Academies of Sciences and National
Scientific Societies, Report and Documentation. Jablonna, Accademia Nacionale dei
Lincei, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1994, pp. 313 321
- The U.S. Future Role in Central and East European Security. Panel presentation. Dimensions
of European Security. Final Report. Washington: Science Applications International
Corporation, 1994, pp. 1-2
- Risk Factors in Post-Socialism States. Overcoming the Obstacles to Peace in the
Post-Cold War Era. VII International Amaldi Conference of Academies of Sciences and
National Scientific Societies, Report and Documentation. Piacenza, Accademia Nazionale
dei Lincei, 1995, pp. 315 321
- Defence Models and Strategies in the Baltic States. The National Spectator,
1996, N 1, pp. 25 37
- Security of Small States in International Context and Defence Strategy of Baltic States.
Rome, NATO Defence College, 1996, 51 p.
- The Strategy of Defence of Small States and Military Systems (theoretical aspects) (in
Latvian). Militarais Apskats (Military Review), 1997, N 1, pp. 7
- Democratization of the Judicial System in the Baltic States. - The Baltic States at
Historical Crossroads. Riga, Academy of Sciences of Latvia, 1998, pp. 272
- Latvia and Military Co-operation within the Baltic States. 21st
Century Challenges for the Baltic Sea Region and European Security. Helsinki: Nordic
Forum for Security Policy, 1998, pp.39-47
- The Military Power of Small States and its Role in the International Relations:
Theory and Experience Latvijas Vesture (History of Latvia), 1999, N 1, pp. 76
87 (in Latvian).
- Security Policy of Small States in the International Context: Theory and Experience of
Baltic States (in Latvian, French, and English). - Summary of publications presented
for habilitation., Riga: LAS Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies, 1999, 72 p.
- Contemporary Foundation of Military System and Some Lessons of History (in Latvian).
Militarais Apskats, 1999, No.2, pp. 11-15
- Management of Crises and Emergencies: Weaknesses of Legal Regulations. - Likums un
Tiesibas (Law and Rights), 2000, N 2, pp. 34-38 (in Latvian).
- National Security Interests of the Baltic States and the Strategy of Foreign Security
Policy. The Main Directions of Research in Economics and Law Sciences 1999 by
the Latvian Science Council. R.: The Economics and Law Sciences Experts
Commission of the Latvian Council of Science, 2000, pp. 152-157 (in Latvian).
- T.Jundzis. Politics and law in the context of European security. - In: Politics and
Law in the Context of European Integration, Riga: LZA BSPC, 2003, pp. 94-113.
- T.Jundzis. Security treats and risks in the future. - In: Latvia in Europe: Visions
of the Future, 2004, Riga: Baltic Center for Strategic Studies, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, pp.9-32.
Research Projects
- T. Jundzis. Security of Small States in International Context and Defence Strategy of
the Baltic States. NATO Defence College, Rome (1996).
- T. Jundzis (Head of Project). The Baltic States International Security. Latvian Council of Science (1994-2000)
- T. Jundzis (Head of Project). New Security Policy of the European Union and the Baltic
States. Latvian Council of Science (2001- )
- T.Jundzis (National Coordinator). Democratic Security Building in the Baltic States.
EU PHARE project (Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, UK) (1996-1998).
Married, daughter Inese (21), Law Faculty student; my wife
Jautrite is a lawyer, too.
Last update 12.02.2008