Dr.hist. Aija JANSONE
Department of Ethnology,
Institute of History of Latvia,
University of LatviaAkademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV 1050
Phone: +371 7 226857
Fax: +371 7 225044
E-mail: lvi@lza.lv
Private phone: +371 7561285
Private e-mail: aija.jansone@ml.lv |
Born: January 30, 1958, Bauska, Latvia.
- Latvian traditional material culture, history of clothes
- History of textiles in the folk art of Middle and Eastern Europe
(embroidering and folk costumes being the main subjects of the research)
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian.
- Latvia State University (Faculty of History), 1984
- Dr.hist., University of Latvia, 1995
- University of Latvia, Project manages, 2002
- Teacher, Riga Secondary School No 75, 1977-1980
- Designer, Junior Researcher, Institute of History, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Assistant, Researcher, Institute of History of Latvia, University of Latvia, 1993 -
Honours and Awards
- Diploma of the LR Ministry of Culture, 1993, 1998
- Prize of the LR Ministry of Culture, 1999
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, International Commission on Traditional Clothing, International Organisation of
Folk Art (IOV), Austria, 1998
- Member, Applied Art Commission, LR Ministry of Culture Folk Art Centre, 1995
- The Responsible Person, Traditional Folk Costumes Commission, XXII Latvian Song and XII
Dance Festivals, 1998
- Scientific Secretary, Scientific Council of Latvia Institute of History, University of
Latvia, 1996-1999
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Commission for History, 1999 -
- Latvian Traditional Costume Shirts of the 19th century. - 1st Conference on
Baltic Studies, Riga, Latvia, 1995
- Traditions and Innovations in Latvian Embroidery in the 20th century. - Interaction of
Cultures in the Baltic region, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1995
- Using Raw Materials in Latvian Traditional Folk Costumes. - Conference of the
International Commission on traditional Clothing (IOV), Austria, 1998
- Experience of Latvian Folk Costume Preservation in Latvia. - 8th IOV European
Conference "The Meaning and the Chances of Folk Culture for the European
Integration", Rumania, 1999
- Latvian Material Culture and the History of Clothes in Latvia, LR Ministry of
Culture, State Folk Art Centre, 1999-2002
Recent/Representative Publications
A.Jansone. Decorated Home Textiles in Latvia. Late 19th-20th Century, 2004, Riga, 227
pp. (in Latvian).
A.Jansone. Traditions of Adorning Towels in Latvia ( 2nd half of the 19th century - 20th
century), 2001, Riga, 130 pp. (in Latvian and English).
A.Jansone. 19th Century Shirts of the Traditional Folk Costume in the Vidzeme Region,
1999, Riga: Zinatne Press, 144 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.Jansone. Development of the Tailor's Trade in Kurzeme and Vidzeme at the End of the
19th Century. - Journal of the Institute of History of Latvia, Riga, 1996, N 2, pp.
85-106 (in Latvian).
- A.Jansone. Insight into the History of Monograms Known in Latvia. - Journal of the
Institute of History of Latvia, Riga, 1997, N 4, pp.57-76 (in Latvian).
- A.Jansone. Cross-Stitches in Latvian Embroideries. - Journal of the Institute of
History of Latvia, Riga, 2000, N 1, pp.66-82 (in Latvian).
- A.Jansone. The History of Teaching Embroidering in Latvia. - Journal of the Institute
of History of Latvia, Riga, 2001, N 2, pp.61-86 (in Latvian).
- A.Jansone. The Use of Raw Materials in Latvian Traditional Folk Clothes. - International
Organization of Folk Art (IOV), Publication N 5 /1999, pp.13-19.
- A.Jansone. The most characteristic paralel features in traditional folk costumes of
Kurzeme and those of European nations. - Arheologija un Etnografija (Riga), 2000,
vol. 20, pp. 177-191 (in Latvian).
- A.Jansone. Women's headgear in Selija (Augszeme) Region of Latvia, according to written
sources. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., A, 2001, pp. 100-105.
- A.Jansone. Krustpils embrodered woolen shawls (beginning of the 19th century). -
Latvijas Vestures Inst. Zurnals (Riga), 2004, N 1, p. 45-78. (in Latvian).
Research Projects
- A.Jansone. (Head of Project). Development of Latvian Applied Art. Latvian Council of
Science (1995-1996).
- L. Dumpe (Head of Project). The Traditional Life Style and Culture of Latvia's
Inhabitants in the 18th - 20th Centuries. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- A.Jansone. (Head of Project). The History of Latvian Textiles on the
European Cultural and Historical Background . Latvian Council of Science
- A.Jansone. (Head of Project). Developmental Hstory of Latvian Textiles in
the Context of European Cultural History . Latvian Council of Science (2005-
Last update 10.12.2004